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Chapter 24 Section Four

Chapter 24 Section Four. Latin Americans Win Independence. I. Life in Colonial Latin America. Colonial Economy Spain and Portugal controlled much of Latin America Both ruled on the economic principles MERCANTILISM (Great for Spain and Portugal)

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Chapter 24 Section Four

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  1. Chapter 24 Section Four Latin Americans Win Independence

  2. I. Life in Colonial Latin America • Colonial Economy • Spain and Portugal controlled much of Latin America • Both ruled on the economic principles MERCANTILISM (Great for Spain and Portugal) • Believed nations gained wealth by obtaining gold and silver • Colonies could not trade freely with other nations • Conquistadors were given haciendas a. American Indians used as slave labor- overworked mistreated

  3. I. Life in Colonial Latin America cont. B. Colonial Society 1. Higher- royal officials, owners of large estates and mines Lower- workers, peasants, and slave 2. Racial discrimination was a fact of life. a. Peninsulares, creoles, mestizos, mulattoes 3. Catholic Church a. great power and influence 4. Women a. Spanish women were granted some freedom

  4. II. Discontent and the First Rebellion • Causes of discontent • Charles III tried to restore authority • Intendancy system- peninsulares as governors • Policies to benefit Spain at colonies expense • Heavy taxes to support Spain’s European Wars • Colonists call for Independence • Haiti’s slave revolution • French colony revolts in 1791 • Slaves and mulattoes join under the leadership of Toussaint-Loverture • Defeat Napoleons army in 1804 • First independent country in Latin America

  5. III. The Spanish and Portuguese Colonies Rebel • Mexico and Central America • 1810-A priest, Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla led an army against peninsulares and creoles (captured and executed) • Jose Maria Morelos y Pavon continued the fight • Spanish South America • Leaders of the rebellion- Simon Bolivar, Jose Francisco de San Martin, and Bernardo O’higgins • 1824 Independence for all of South America after a long bloody civil war • Brazil 1. 1822 Dom Pedro declared independence

  6. IV. Latin America after Independence • Monroe Doctrine 1. Issued by Pres. Monroe to protect independence of Latin American colonies • Latin American Unity • Difficult to unite because of vast distances, geographical barriers, and regional rivalries a. Broke into many countries • Internal problems • Conflict between liberals and conservatives kept many states in turmoil • Many rebellions and leaders.

  7. 1830 Latin America

  8. Latin America

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