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Welcome to Class 5. Mrs Cameron. Finding out about Oakridge. Visit our school website: http://www.oakridgejuniorschool.co.uk/. Oakridge Staff Senior Leadership Team. Diane Charman (Head Teacher) Katy Thompson (Deputy Head) Claire Cameron (Upper School Manager/Inclusion Manager/ Yr 5)
Welcome to Class 5 Mrs Cameron
Finding out about Oakridge Visit our school website: http://www.oakridgejuniorschool.co.uk/
Oakridge StaffSenior Leadership Team Diane Charman (Head Teacher) Katy Thompson (Deputy Head) Claire Cameron (Upper School Manager/Inclusion Manager/Yr 5) Nicola Wright (Lower School Manager/Yr 3) Steph Thorpe (SLT/Yr6) Kerry Killick (Senior Admin Officer)
Teaching Staff Year 3 Nicola Wright & CeriChipperfield Year 4 Laura Matthews & Peter Marsh Year 5 Claire Cameron & Josh Gonet Year 6 Steph Thorpe (Mon-Wed), Emma Morrison (Thurs-Fri) & Meghan Tamsett Upper School PPA/Management cover Emma Morrison
Support Staff HLTA – Julie Mancey LSAs x 7 who work within each year group Kerry Killick – Senior Admin Officer Alison Dickson – Admin Assistant (Reception)
Housekeeping Uniform Jewellery Nail Varnish Hair PE Kit – both indoor and outdoor, hair must be tied back, both kits in school on a Monday and home on a Friday
Open Door Policy We endeavour to see parents as soon as possible please feel free to approach us at any time. If it is not a convenient as sometimes we have previous engagements e.g. staff meeting; then we will see you as soon as possible. Please don’t hesitate to leave a message with the office.
Progress All children are expected to make 2 levels progress from Yr 3 to Yr 6. E.g. If a child came into Yr 3 as a 2b in writing then they would be expected to leave at the end of Yr6 as a 4b. This year we are continuing to share levels with children so they are embedded into their learning and children have an understanding of expectations and what they are working towards!
English This term we are looking at a variety of genres e.g. Myths and Legends, Poetry, Non Fiction. Our target this term for writing is AF5 which includes working on the use of connectives to improve the overall quality of our sentences. For reading our target this term is AF3 inference and deduction (reading between the lines)
Reading • New reading scheme this term – Bug Club http://www.bugclub.co.uk/ Children have received their logins already and have had an opportunity to log on at school.
Maths The maths curriculum is delivered through 5 different blocks. The areas covered within these blocks include: Block A: Counting, partitioning and calculating Block B: Securing number facts and understanding shape Block C Handling Data Block D Calculating, measuring and understanding shape Block E: Securing number facts, relationships and calculating
Creative Curriculum Castles: Why were they built? – Through this topic we will be learning about different castles, Knights of the Round Table, geographical terms such as longitude and latitude and medieval dance. A trip to Winchester Great Hall has been booked for 22nd November; more details will follow soon.
Science This half term we are looking at reversible and irreversible changes and next half term we are learning about electricity. A key focus in science this year is developing the children’s Sc1 skills (planning and carrying out experiments).
How will children work? Children will access the curriculum in a rage of ways through various activities as a group, working independent or with a partner using ICT, written and oral tasks. Throughout year 5 we will be focusing on developing our writing under timed constraints in preparation for SATs style writing.
Wizkid Activities will be placed on Wizkid regularly for children to enhance their learning in Maths, English, Science and Creative Curriculum. Children will be able to access Wizkid for their year group by the end of September as the system is being updated externally.
Spellings and Timestables All children in Year 5 must know their tables up to x12 and their corresponding division facts – it is imperative that your children are practising these on a weekly basis. Children will have spellings to learn and will be tested – prizes given to those children who get top marks.
Homework Monday – 2 pieces of maths set which must be returned to school by Friday Wednesday – 2 pieces of English set which must be returned to school by following Tuesday. Homework is monitored and children are expected to complete it to a high standard. Homework Drop In on Thursdays until 4.15pm run by Mrs Cameron
Behaviour Children are expected to behave appropriately in and around school – they can earn behaviour points, certificates and Miss T thumbs up awards. Behaviour Points are new this year.
Attendance Children are rewarded for 100% attendance at the end of each term by attending a tea party with Miss Charman. The class with the highest attendance each week earns an extra playtime.
Other Rewards Lunchtime tokens – Children can earn tokens at lunchtime for behaving nicely, helping tidy up, being nice to others etc. Each class has a pot where the tokens are placed. They are counted every half term and the winning class receives a nice treat!
White Cards If children have a problem at lunchtime then they can request a white card which will allow them to come back into school to find an adult they can talk to if they have a problem.
Incidents in class or on the playground Miss Thompson monitors behaviour across the whole school and keeps a record of all incidents which occur. Pit Stop will be run by Miss Thompson at break times. Most behaviour issues will be dealt with by the class teacher. However there are occasions when behaviour issues need to be referred to Miss Thompson to deal with.
Drop In • Tuesday 3.30 – 4.30pm Parent drop in if you have any worries, concerns or thoughts which you would like to bring to Miss Charman or Miss Thompson.
Swearing We are a no swearing site and expect all children not to swear. If a child is heard swearing by an adult this results in a consequence (Pit Stop – missing break time).
School Polices All school polices can be found on our website including our Anti Bullying Policy.
Other Useful Information Tuck Shop – daily at break time. Current prices: 15p for bread, 15p for fruit juice, 10p for dried fruit box and 10p for a scone. Please don’t block other cars when picking up and dropping off. Children will come out of the door to the right of reception in the evening (as you look on). Children are now coming straight into class in the mornings from 8.40a.m.
Any questions? Thank you for coming and listening tonight. If you any concerns or thoughts then please don’t hesitate to get in touch.