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Welcome to Utah Standards Academy 2014 - Day 4

Welcome to Utah Standards Academy 2014 - Day 4. Agenda. Schedule for Day 8:30-8:45: Address Questions 8:45-10:30: Mathematical Progressions 10:30-10:45: Break 10:45-12:00: The What, Why, and How of Assessment 12:00-12:45: Lunch 12:45-2:00: Creating Formative Assessments 2:00-2:15: Break

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Welcome to Utah Standards Academy 2014 - Day 4

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  1. Welcome to Utah Standards Academy 2014 - Day 4

  2. Agenda • Schedule for Day • 8:30-8:45: Address Questions • 8:45-10:30: Mathematical Progressions • 10:30-10:45: Break • 10:45-12:00: The What, Why, and How of Assessment • 12:00-12:45: Lunch • 12:45-2:00: Creating Formative Assessments • 2:00-2:15: Break • 2:15-3:15: Analyzing Assessment Data/SAGE Information • 3:15-3:30: Wrap up the day

  3. Questions From Yesterday

  4. Today’s learning Objectives • Participants will… • Understand why conceptual mastery of the core at each grade level is critical to student progress. • Understand vertical mathematical progressions in the core. • Understand a variety of types and purposes of assessment. • Create formative assessments. • Learn strategies for analyzing assessment data. • Understand key ideas around SAGE.

  5. Why Progressions

  6. Just Where do my students fit vertically in math?

  7. BREAK

  8. When I was ineffectively assessed… • Think about a time in your life when you were evaluated or assessed on a task or assignment and felt like you did NOT receive useful or accurate information back relating to your mastery of the project or skill. • Share your experience with your group. • Chart- What are key characteristics in the experiences with INEFFECTIVE evaluation and feedback?

  9. When I was effectively assessed… • In contrast, think about a time in your life when you were evaluated or assessed on a task or assignment and felt like you DID receive useful or accurate information back relating to your mastery of the project or skill. • Share your experience with your group. • Chart- What are key characteristics in the experiences with EFFECTIVE evaluation and feedback?

  10. Assessment Practices • Ineffective • Effective • Discussion: • What characteristics made our experiences with assessments, evaluations, and feedback effective or ineffective? • What makes math assessment practices in our classrooms effective or ineffective?

  11. Create a poster with your group • 1. What is the definition of assessment? • 2. What do we assess in mathematics? • 3. What are the purposes of assessment? • 4. How is assessment useful for teachers? • 5. How is assessment useful for students? • 6. What methods are used for assessment? • 7. When do we assess?

  12. gallery WALK • Spend 1 minute with each poster • Ask questions • Add your ideas • Highlight • Check, star • Etc.

  13. Discussion: • What are some key ideas we should think of when assessing? • How do we make assessments fit in with the three shifts in the core standards? • How do the purposes of assessment change with the shifts?

  14. Assessment Vocabulary Sort

  15. Questions about these types of Assessment? • Interim Assessment • Common Assessment • Checking for Understanding • Exit Ticket • Quiz • Unit Test • SAGE Summative • Performance Assessment • Rubric • Self- Assessment • Assessment Data • Constructed Response • Multiple-Choice • Tracking and Reflecting • Non-Traditional Item Types • Adaptive Testing

  16. Yearly assessment overview

  17. Discussion on types and purposes of assessment: • How do you use each of these types of assessment in your classroom, school, and district? • What are the benefits and challenges of assessing in a variety of ways in an ongoing way?

  18. Let's watch a video clip on using Exit Tickets in the classroom.

  19. Self-assessment tools

  20. Exit Ticket with Stop Sign Self-Assessment

  21. Exit Ticketwith Picture and equations

  22. Exit TicketKindergarten example

  23. Exit Ticket4 per page

  24. Formative Assessments in textbooks • Math Expressions- First Grade Lesson on Understanding Tens and Ones • GO Math Standards Practice- • Second Grade Subtraction

  25. Formative Assessments in textbooks • GO Math Standards Practice- • Third Grade Multiplication • Math Expressions- Fourth Grade Lesson on Decimals Greater Than One

  26. Formative Assessments in textbooks • GO Math Standards Practice- • Fifth Grade Evaluating Expressions • Math Expressions- Sixth Grade Lesson on Volume

  27. Other ideas FOR QUICK FORMATIVE ASSESSMENTS • Index Cards • Sticky Notes • Smart Response Clickers • Journal Reflections • What have you used in your classrooms? • Discussion: What information could you gain about your students’ understanding by having them complete exit tickets or quick formative assessments during or after lessons?

  28. Creating formative assessments:checking for understanding within a lesson • EXAMPLE: • Math Standard: 3.OA.1: Interpret products of whole numbers (e.g., interpret 5 x 7 as the total number of objects in 5 groups of 7 objects each). For example, describe a context (story situation) in which a total number of objects can be expressed as 5 x 7. • Lesson Objective: Today we are learning to describe products in multiplication as the total number of objects in equal groups.

  29. Creating formative assessments:checking for understanding within a lesson • EXAMPLE: • Quick Checks for Understanding during the Lesson • 1) There are 4 cookies on 3 plates. Show me a picture on your white boards of the total number of cookies in the equal groups. • 2) Draw a model of 5 equal groups with 6 objects in each group. Explain what the product is to your neighbor. I’m going to call on a few students to share with the class.

  30. Creating formative assessments:checking for understanding within a lesson • EXAMPLE: • Quick Checks for Understanding during the Lesson • 3) Hold up 1, 2, or 3 fingers in front of your chest. Show me 3 if you feel very confident that you understand how products are found from equal groups of objects and you could explain this to the class or another student. Show me 2 if you feel like you understand how products are found from equal groups of objects, but you need some more practice. Show me 1 if you feel confused or still need a lot of practice to understand products and equal groups.

  31. Creating formative assessments:checking for understanding within a lesson • EXAMPLE: • EXIT TICKET

  32. LUNCH

  33. Creating formative assessments:checking for understanding within a lesson • Think of the task you created yesterday. • Use this form to create a plan to check for understanding during the lesson.

  34. Discussion on Creating Formative Assessments • What was challenging as you thought through checking for understanding during your task or lesson? • How could thinking through how you will check for understanding benefit the quality of the task’s or lesson’s administration? • What resources are in your basal to support you with this?

  35. Performance Assessments and Rubrics • Performance Assessment: A test in which the test taker actually demonstrates the skills the test is intended to measure by doing real-world tasks that require those skills, rather than by answering questions asking how to do them. Typically, those tasks involve actions other than marking a space on an answer sheet or clicking a button on a computer screen. A pencil-and-paper test can be a performance assessment, but only if the skills to be measured can be exhibited, in a real-world context, with a pencil and paper.  • Rubric: • A set of rules for scoring the responses on a constructed-response item (or performance assessment). Sometimes called a "scoring guide." • Definitions retrieved from: https://www.ets.org/understanding_testing/glossary/

  36. Discussion: • What information can a performance assessment give teachers and students that multiple-choice or constructed response assessments cannot give? • What makes a performance assessment high-quality?

  37. Looking at Student work from performance assessments • Look at the performance assessment student work samples. • Analyze the task and student work. • What information about student understanding of the learning target can be gained from students completing the task?

  38. Where do we find performance assessments? • Some basal programs come with performance assessments built into units. • USOE Curriculum Guides http://schools.utah.gov/CURR/mathelem/Core.aspx • Illustrative Mathematics http://www.illustrativemathematics.org/standards/k8 • Inside Mathematics http://www.insidemathematics.org/index.php/mathematical-content-standards • NYC Dept. of Ed http://schools.nyc.gov/Academics/CommonCoreLibrary/TasksUnitsStudentWork/default.htm • See the sheet “Resources for Mathematical Tasks” • Are there any other sources you use?

  39. BREAK

  40. analyzing data to guide instruction • So… we’ve looked at a variety of ways to give assessments, how do we look at the data and use it in meaningful ways?

  41. Discussion: • What do you do with results when your students take assessments? • In what formats do you compile or receive data?

  42. Quiz Data Template

  43. Unit test Data Template

  44. Performance Assessment Data Template

  45. 2nd Grade Sample Quiz DAta • In this sample data, what do we know about the class overall? • Which concepts did the class do well on? • Which concepts did the class struggle with? • Which individual students should the teacher be concerned about? • What should the teacher do to intervene?

  46. 3rd Grade Sample Quiz DAta • In this sample data, what do we know about the class overall? • Which concepts did the class do well on? • Which concepts did the class struggle with? • Which individual students should the teacher be concerned about? • What should the teacher do to intervene?

  47. 6th Grade Sample Quiz DAta • In this sample data, what do we know about the class overall? • Which concepts did the class do well on? • Which concepts did the class struggle with? • Which individual students should the teacher be concerned about? • What should the teacher do to intervene?

  48. Sample Kindergarten Performance Assessment DAta • In this sample data, what do we know about the class overall? • Which concepts did the class do well on? • Which concepts did the class struggle with? • Which individual students should the teacher be concerned about? • What should the teacher do to intervene?

  49. Sample Fourth GradePerformance Assessment DAta • In this sample data, what do we know about the class overall? • Which concepts did the class do well on? • Which concepts did the class struggle with? • Which individual students should the teacher be concerned about? • What should the teacher do to intervene?

  50. Sample fifth grade Performance Assessment DAta • In this sample data, what do we know about the class overall? • Which concepts did the class do well on? • Which concepts did the class struggle with? • Which individual students should the teacher be concerned about? • What should the teacher do to intervene?

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