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Animal Taxonomy

Animal Taxonomy. Kingdom : Animalia. Systematic Position Kingdom: Animalia Subkingdom: Eumetazoa Division: Triploblastica Sbdivision : coelomates Phylum: Arthropods 1-Class: Arachnida 2-Class: Insecta. Phy lum: Arthropods.

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Animal Taxonomy

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  1. Animal Taxonomy

  2. Kingdom: Animalia Systematic Position Kingdom: Animalia Subkingdom: Eumetazoa Division: Triploblastica Sbdivision: coelomates Phylum: Arthropods 1-Class: Arachnida 2-Class:Insecta

  3. Phylum: Arthropods • Arthropods are segmented coelomates with exoskeletons and jointed appendages • This phylum is represented in nearly all habitats in the biosphere. • Arthropods are regarded as the most successful animal phylum. • The diversity and success of arthropods is largely due to three features: - body segmentation - a hard exoskeleton - and jointed appendages

  4. Phylum: Arthropods • The body of an arthropod is completely covered by the cuticle, an exoskeleton constructed from layers of protein and chitin. • The exoskeleton of arthropods is strong and relatively impermeable to water. • Arthropods have well-developed sense organs, including eyes for vision, olfactory receptors for smell, and antennae for touch and smell. • Arthropods have an open circulatory system in which hemolymph fluid is propelled by a heart through short arteries into sinuses (the hemocoel) surrounding tissues and organs. • Arthropods have evolved a variety of specialized organs for gas exchange.

  5. Phylum: Arthropods • They have clawlike feeding appendages, chelicerae, crustaceans have jawlike mandibles. • Have sensory antennae and usually a pair of compoundeyes in addition to simple eyes. • Arthropods have been grouped into the phylum Arthropoda.

  6. 1-Class Arachnida • These include scorpionsالعقارب , spiders, ticks, and mites • Nearly all ticks are blood-suckingparasites on the body surfaces of most animals. • In most spiders, respiration is carried out by book lungs.

  7. 2-class: Insecta • They live in almost every terrestrial habitat and in fresh water, and flying insects fill the air. • The study of insect, (Entomology) is a vast field with many subspecialties, including physiology, ecology, and taxonomy….etc. • Class Insecta is divided into about 26 orders. • Many insects have one or two pairs of wings that emerge from the dorsal side of the thorax.

  8. The internal anatomy of an insect includes several complex organ systems. • In the complete digestive system, there are regionally specialized organs with discrete functions. • Metabolic wastes are removed from the hemolymph by Malpighiantubules, outpockets of the digestive tract. • Respiration is accomplished by a branched, chitin-lined tracheal system that carries O2 from the spiracles directly to the cells. • The insect nervous system consists of a pair of ventral nerve cordswith several segmental ganglia. • Insect are carriers to many diseases like tsetse flies spread African sleeping sickness and malaria that spread by Mosquitoes. • Some of them pollinate our crops like bees

  9. بطن صدر رأس قرون استشعار عين مركبة Fig. 33.33

  10. Systematic Position Kingdom: Animalia Subkingdom: Eumetazoa Division: Triploblastica Sbdivision: coelomates Phylum: Chordata Subphylum: 1-Vertebrata 2- Urochordataا 3- Cephalochordata 4- Hemichordata Phylum: Chordata Subphylum: Vertebrata Class: Amphibia Example: frogs(amphibian)

  11. Phylum: Chordata • The phylum to which we belong consists of the subphylum Vertebrata, the animals with backbones. • Humans and their closest relatives are vertebrates. • This group includes other mammals, birds, lizards, snakes, turtles, amphibians, and the various classes of fishes. • They share several unique features including a backbone, a series of vertebrae. • The phylum Chordata includes four subphyla, • Subphylum :1-VertebrataSubphylum : 2- Urochordata • Subphylum : 3- CephalochordataSubphylum : 4- Hemichordata • All vertebrates belong to Subphylum Vertebrata within the chordates.

  12. Systematic Position Kingdom: Animalia Subkingdom: Eumetazoa Division: Triploblastica Sbdivision: coelomates Phylum: Chordata Subphylum: Vertebrata Class: Amphibia Example: frogs(amphibian) • Amphibian means “two lives,” a reference to the metamorphosis of many frogs from an aquatic stage, the tadpole, to the terrestrial adult. • Tadpoles are usually aquatic herbivores with gills, a lateral line system, and swim by undulating its tail. • During metamorphosis, the tadpole develops legs, and gills are replaced by lungs. • Adult frogs are carnivorous hunters. • Most amphibians retain close ties with water and are most abundant in damp habitats.

  13. The Summry Subdivision: coelomates Phylum: Chordata Phylum: Arthropoda Phylum: Annelida Phylum: Mollusca Subphylum: Vertebrata Subphylum Cephalochordata Subphylum Urochordata Subphylum Hemichordata Class : Insecta Class : Arachnida Class : Amphibia frog

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