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AUTONOMOUS PROVINCE OF TRENTO. Area 6.212 kmq Population 531.510 (2011) Density 85,6 in/kmq Municipalities 217. 1.
AUTONOMOUSPROVINCE OFTRENTO Area 6.212 kmq Population 531.510 (2011) Density 85,6 in/kmq Municipalities 217 1
THE SPECIAL AUTONOMY OF TRENTINOWhat does it mean.The Trentino special autonomy (and of neighbouring Alto Adige-Südtirol, which together form the Autonomous Region of Trentino- Alto Adige) was born from an agreement between Italy and Austria, signed in Paris on 5th September, 1946 by the Italian Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Alcide Degasperi, and the Austrian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Karl Gruber. The Statute text was approved by the Italian Constituent Assembly (in charge of drafting the Constitution of Italian Republic) and subsequently became Constitutional Law No. 5, passed on 26th Feb. 1948). The origin of this autonomy goes back many centuries, and is made up of complex events, traditions and rules which the communities have developed over time and jealously guarded throughout many political and social riots. This explains the attitude of Trentino’s people in acting with their own self-rule: far from the selfish isolation, they have always maintained a dialogue with the world beyond their frontiers, from the remote border regions to the Government in Rome up to European Union countries. 2
The Autonomy of Trento Province has primaryor exclusive competences and secondary competences. In the first case, the legislator has the exclusive power to act in derogation but always respecting principles of the Italian Constitution, Italian legal system and international obligations taken by Italy.In the second case, the legislator has to respect the limits set by the Government laws.Exclusive competences are for example: the historical and cultural heritage protection, urban planning, environment protection, handcrafts, tourism, agriculture and forest, hunting and fishing, and nursery.Secondary competences are: primary and high schools, hygiene and health, sport, entertainment business, public water. 3
GDP PER HEAD (euro) Istat 2011year Italy PAT 2000 24.021 30.026 2011 23.470 27.608 PAT = Autonomous Province of Trento 6
Age Males Females 65-69 13.049 14.344 70-74 10.733 12.700 75-79 8.152 11.454 80-84 5.622 10.099 85-89 3.254 7.896 90-94 556 1.961 over 95 288 1.267 41.694 59.721 AUTONOMOUS PROVINCE OF TRENTOISTAT 2009 ELDERLY POPULATION by gender and age 7
AUTONOMOUS PROVINCE OF TRENTO ISTAT 2011AGEING INDEX (popul. over 65/popul. under 14) * 100years Trento Italy 2009 126,0 144,0 2010 125,8 144,5 2011 128,3 ---- 9
The ItalianLabourUnion or UIL Unione Italiana del Lavoro, is a nationaltradeunionorganization. Itwasfounded in 1950 bysocialists, social democratics, republicans and laicssplit off ItalianGeneralConfederationofLabour (CGIL, Confederazione Generale Italiana del Lavoro). Itrepresentsalmost 2.2 millionworkersdividedintodifferent production categories. In the programmatic declaration the delegates approved theUILfive founding pilasters: - independence from parties, from government and from religions. - developing sectorial trade unions autonomy. - adoption of democratic method for the active participation of workers in UIL decisions. - strict coordination with the other two trade union confederation: CGIL and CISL. - intervention on all the social, economic and political questions concerning workers’ interests. 11
UILP is the UIL categorythatgathersretiredworkers. Ithasabout600 thousandmemberswith a slightpredominanceof women (54%).In additiontonationalheadquarter, there are 18regionalcentres and 112provincialseats. UILP iscommittedtodefend the elderly and retiredrightsbyconstantlyinterfacing the Social Security Authorities and the National, Regional and ProvincialGovernments.UILP is part of FERPA (FédérationEuropéennedesRetraitésetdesPersonnesAgées) 12
In addition to priorities such as rights, health, welfare and elderly social inclusion, UILP of Trento also deals with age related problems:- recognition of the elderly as a resource- spreading of informatic technology for the elderly- fostering positive attitudes towards elderly and disabled peopleIn order to achieve the above targets UILP makes use of working groups such as ADA (Association for the Elderly Rights of the) and H Office (H for Handicap), and writes the dedicated website www.uilpensionatitn.org 13
A lot of importance is given to the meetings and cultural exchanges with different european realities through the partecipation in the Grundtvig programme or the organisation of travels. Places already visited: Avignon, Berlin, Strasbourg and Lisbon, in programme for this summer. 14
The ANCeSCAO Association gathers 1328 Elderly and Retirees Centres throughout Italy with approximately390,000 members (2011)The Coordination Centre in Trentino gathers 100 Centres counting about 25,000 members 15
Analysis of the ‘Excursion project’ followed in 2011 by 74 Retired and Elders Centres destination Centres trips members within Prov. 74246 3.275 outside Prov. 64164 3.132410 excursions/year with average of46 members/excursion 16