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Welcome to Hillary House. Macleans College. Macleans Motto – “Virtue Mine Honour” (It is good to do what is right) M anners A rticulate C ourage L oyalty E ffort 100% A uthority Respected No Lies S ympathy and Service. Relationships summed up by….. STEPS
Macleans College Macleans Motto – “Virtue Mine Honour” • (It is good to do what is right) • Manners • Articulate • Courage • Loyalty • Effort 100% • Authority Respected • No Lies • Sympathy and Service
Relationships summed up by….. • STEPS • S = Sir • T = Thank you • E = Excuse me • P = Please • S = Sorry
Macleans Motto is..... • “Virtue Mine Honour” • (It is good to do what is right)
Whanau House Philosophy summed up by SCHOOL • S = Varying size and shape of classrooms • C = Commons area for recreation, assemblies and team teaching • H = House System – students are in one of eight houses • O = Ours – the school is the concern of students, teachers, parents and community • O = Original - in design in that educationalists in 1974 told education architects what they wanted with rooms and the Ministry of Works translated this into plans which contractors built • L = Luxury – the buildings and equipment are luxurious by previous standards and are to be protected
School Rules Students are under the school’s authority from the time they leave home until they return home, or at any function held under the control of the College. Transistors, tape players, discmen, ipods, cell phones, matches and lighters, or any dangerousimplement must not be brought onto the school grounds. All clothing, books and sports gear must be clearly named. No responsibility will be taken for lost property, but considerable effort will be made to find it if clothing and equipment are named. Students are not allowed to chew gum. No school age or personal friends of students may be on the school grounds during school time.
Students crossing Macleans Road to and from school must use the pedestrian crossing opposite the school. The school provides supervision of the crossing at busy times. This also applies to bicycle riders. Bicycles may not be ridden in the school grounds and there will be no doubling. Damage (eg broken windows) must be reported to the Associate Principal and students must be prepared to pay for damage caused. If parents wish to locate their children during the day or after school, we request that they enquire at the school office. If parents wish to discuss a problem with their teachers, we ask that an appointment be made. Students are not to drive motorcycles or cars to or from school, or be a passenger on a motorcycle or in a car driven by students to or from school. Because of the range of activities outside school hours, the Board of Trustees has allowed certaindispensations. The conditions of these dispensations are: ` - The activities are outside normal school hours. - The student holds a current driver’s licence. - Permission has been sought of the Associate Principal in writing in advance. A card indicating approval will be issued to the student for the year.
Don’t walk on grass, other than in front of Hillary House and on the big playing fields. Jumper sleeves are not to be pushed or rolled up. Hair colour must be a natural colour. Girls should wear hair tied back and off the face. Hair –bands and ribbons should be in school colours of red or blue. Boys must have hair that is cut so that it does not sit below the collar. Make-up and nail polish are not to be worn at all. Jewellery is to be limited to a plain wristwatch. Girls may wear a pair of plain gold or silver studs in lowest hole only Shoes must be clean and the correct style. The Top Office has shoes that can be borrowed if necessary. Boys must wear garters with socks. Absence notes are to be brought to school the first day back. Parents should ring in and leave a message or email Mrs Wong (X834) or wo@macleans.school.nz Students must sign in or out using the Exeat book if arriving or leaving outside normal hours. Notes must be presented to form teacher at form time. Students must not consume items of food or drink in public places. Uniform is to be worn correctly at all times.
House Captains The House Captains for Hillary are Jacob Dowden and Elaine Cavanagh They sit at the front in house assemblies and help run the assemblies. They organise a lot of things around the house and are in charge of the House Prefects. They are a good source of help if you ever need any help in any matter.
House Prefects This group of Year 13 students supervises around the house before school, at interval, at lunch and after school. They take the house detentions and they also give out house detentions. You can find them by looking for a senior with a badge and they are to be given the same respect that the staff is shown.
Sports Prefects This team is led by Harry Davis-Young and Allie Smith They will be involved in organising house sporting competitions and teams. They also carry out some house duties.
Cultural and Service Prefects This team is led by Steph Tabaillou and Lisa Huang. They are involved in organising charity collections, cultural events and teams, and seeing to the beautification of the house. They also carry out some house duties.
Academic Prefects Headed by Safa Al-Shafi. She will help in arranging tutors for students who would like help in a specific subject area.
Hillary House Rules Behave sensibly and respectfully in the House. Always walk in the House. Sit on the chairs or the floor, not on the tables. Greasy foods and drinks are not to be consumed on the blue carpet. Eat sitting down, keep the floor clean and clean up any spills. Keep the area around the café bar clear. The study room is SILENT and there should be NO EATING in there. Stereo operated by staff and prefects only. Classrooms are out of bounds between periods. Bags go into racks during lessons. Fire exit doors only used in emergencies. Lockers must be kept tidy, clean and shut. You may only go to your locker before and after school, interval and lunchtime.
H = Helpfulness I = Initiative L = Leadership • HILLARY HOUSE stands for… L = Love A = Achievement R = Respect Y = Yes We Can!
Logbook The logbook is used by Year 9and 10 classes. It is taken into all core subjects and in it is recorded: homework, absences, class behaviour and individual behaviour. The logbook monitor must take the logbook to the teacher at the start of each period. Positives and negatives are given to students for good or bad behaviour, a negative will mean the student may have to do a detention or write an essay. Positives are rewarded. Your teacher will keep a record of negatives and positives. If you get five negatives above positives then a letter will be sent home to your parents and they will be asked to contact your teacher.
Log Book Points are given to the whole class for behaviour 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest A record of weekly averages is kept by the house leader and the class with the highest average at the end of the term will be rewarded.
Homework Diaries All students should have a homework diary on them at all times. Your teachers will check that homework is being recorded in these on a daily basis.
House Duty Each of the Year 9 and 10 classes will do house duty about once a term. You will get rostered on and in pairs you will need to report to help with house clean up at the interval, lunchtime and at end of the day. There is a list of duties that you will work through under the guidance of a House Prefect and a House Staff member. Failure to turn up will result in two House Detentions. Vacuuming is done at the end of interval and lunchtime. You should begin this about 10 minutes before the bell is due to go. You may get asked to do other jobs by the House Prefect or a House Staff member and you are expected to oblige.
House Detention Generally House Detentions are given for misdemeanors such as - • - Dirty Shoes • - Dropping food/ drink on carpet • - Jacket on inside • - Running in the House • - Throwing things • - General inappropriate behaviour in the house • - Going to locker in-between classes A House Detention can be given by a Staff member or a House Prefect. Your name will be recorded on the House Detention sheet which is near the white board in the commons. You are then to turn up on the specified day after-school ready to do house clean-up. Failure to turn-up will result in a doubling of House Detentions. Continued failure will result in an additional punishment, such as a School Detention for defiance
House Essays House Essays are generally given for • Lateness to subject class • Uniform • Walking on the grass • Swearing • Hair down, make-up, jewellery. • Walking on the grass around the buildings. When you are given an essay your name will be entered into the essay book and an essay appropriate to the misdemeanour will be given. It is expected that the essay will be placed in the green essay box within 24 hours of receiving the punishment. You will need to presume that an essay on the merits of punctuality is required to be completed whenever you are late. Essays should be written on A4 refill and one page means that every line is filled!
School Detentions Thesetake place on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday after school in H5 for the duration of one hour. You are required to wait on the outside of Hillary at the fire exit door of H5 and should make your way there straight after school. Failure to turn up for a detention will result in two detentions. You are likely to get a detention for • – Graffiti (Clean Surfaces as well) • – Walkman/cell phone (item will be confiscated) • – Not crossing at crossings • – Swearing in front of a teacher • – Repeated uniform infringement • – Chewing gum • – Harassment • – Eating Lunch in another House • – Truancy (One period missed = one detention) • – Failure to do essay(s) • – Homework not done for a second time • – Not complying with administrative requirements (Photo money, notes) • – Failure to turn up to a practice for a co-curricular activity
Principal’s Detention These happen on Fridays in H5 and are given for major discipline discrepancies They last for one and a half hours. You are likely to be given a Principal’s detentionfor serious mistakes like: Failure to turn up to detentions, Late to school assembly, Eating and drinking or uniform infringements on way home from school, Defiance, Part of the punishment that may be given as the result of a stand down. Etc
Stand Downs and Suspension These will apply should you be involved in a major discipline breach. These involve the Senior Management of the school and in some cases the School Board of Trustees. You will get stood down if you are caught with cigarettes and other drugs, caught stealing, are involvedin the harassment of another student or staff member, caught accessingbanned material on the internet such as pornography, continued defiance, driving a motor vehicle to school and so on.
Lateness To Form class • 1st offence -House detention • 2nd offence -School detention • 3rd offence -School detention • 4th offence - letter home and Principal’s detention • 5th offence- stand-down If you are so late that period 1 (or later period) has started you need to report to the Main Administration office. Your name will be recorded by the Receptionist and the House Leader will be informed. They will give you a note to give to your subject teacher To subject class– essay to subject teacher (topic usually given by teacher)
Guidance The Form teacher is the first person to seek guidance from when you need it. Parents wanting to make contact with the school in terms of student matters should talk to the House Leader, Mrs Wong. The whole school is involved in guiding students to achievement. Guidance Counsellors Mrs Denize, Mrs Hsu and Mr Martin Careers Counsellors Mrs Strevens and Mrs Jones School Nurses Mrs Koopman and Mrs Ewan
Tuckshop The Tuckshop is located opposite next to Hillary. They sell food at interval and after sit-down lunch. There is no opportunity to pre-order lunch.
Lunch Time Procedures All students, except Year 13’s, must return to their houses at the start of lunch time. Sit-down lunch goes for a duration of 15 minutes. During that time you must sit-down in the commons or in the area in front of the house. If you are held back by a teacher at the end of Period 3 for any reason then you must stay with that teacher until the end of sit-down lunch. You must not attend meetings or go to any sport’s fixtures during this time. House sport starts after the bell for the end of sit-down lunch and time will be given for students to get to the gym and to change.
Lost Property If you lose valuables (eg watch, glasses, calculator, wallet), go to the Top Office at the entrance of the administration block. If you lose any other items such as books or clothes, then look first in the house lost property. There is a school lost property that is located in the uniform shop. However, to avoid losing items, make sure everything is clearly labelled with your name and your house. If you lose something then you should register the loss of the item in the book in the House Leader’s office. If you suspect that something has been stolen then report the disappearance immediately. It becomes increasingly impossible to get things back the longer you wait to report it missing.
Leave Taking time out of school is not encouraged but if you are going to be taking time out of school, then you must see Mrs Wong, House Leader and apply for leave. She will give you a form to be filled in by your parents. Return the form to the House Leader and she will consider your application. On your return you will be required to complete catch-up sessions which happen after school in H5.
The Library Open: 8.00am – 4.30pm The library is closed during sitdown lunch, sports days and on some notified occasions. Individual use of the library can be made before and after school, at interval and lunch. Mrs Muir Chief Librarian
Issues • ID cards are required for issues. Books are issued for two weeks with a limit of five books per student out at once. The return slot is at the issue desk. Books may be renewed as long as they are not on reserve. NB: Reference books, periodicals, vertical file material and CD ROM discs are not able to be issued. Over dues/Lost books • You will be notified of any over due books. Punishment will be given for failure to produce the book once the librarian has seen you about it. You are responsible for the loss of or damage to any books out in your name.
Reserved Books • If books in the computer catalogue are out on loan, ask at the issue desk for a reserve slip to fill in. Your name will appear on the white board on the issue desk once the book is available. Requested Books • If the library is unable to supply resources on the topic of your choice, resources can be ordered from the National Library. See the library staff.
Research Permission Slips • Students wishing to do research during class time must bring a signed note from their subject teacher. Students may be turned away if the library is very busy.
Photocopiers • A photocopier card costs $2.00 and can be bought from the card dispensing machine near the library door. This is also the machine which allows money to be put on the card. One colour and two black and white phtotcopiers are available. Colour copies are $1.00 for A4, $2.00 for A3 per page. Black and white copies are $0.10 for A4 and $0.20 for A3 per page.
Resources • The following resources are available in the library: books, newspapers, vertical file, periodicals, CD ROMS, Internet. • NB No bags are allowed in the library. These are to be left in the lockers in the foyer. No food is to be consumed in the library.
Co-Curricular Activities There are a wide variety of co-curricular activities available at Macleans, and all pupils are expected to participate in at least one major sporting or cultural activity.
PERFORMANCE Dance Groups Debating School Plays School Production Stage Challenge Theatresports SPORTS Aerobics Athletics Badminton Basketball Cricket Cross Country Cycling Equestrian Gymnastics Hockey Martial Arts Multisport Netball Orienteering Road race Rowing Rugby Sailing Soccer Squash Swimming Table Tennis Tennis Touch Rugby Trampolining Triathlon Volleyball MUSIC • Choir • Barbershop • Training Band • Intermediate Band • Concert Band • Stage Band • Training Strings • Intermediate Orchestra • Senior Orchestra • Chamber Orchestra • Other String groups • Flute Choir • Itinerant music lessons SERVICE 40 Hour Famine Amnesty International Charity Collections Duke of Edinburgh awards House Tutor Interact Intercultural Club Lunch Monitor Roll Monitor School Guide School Librarian School Magazine Committee Science Monitor Stationery Assistant Technical Crew Wombles Environmental Group OTHER Chess Club Computer Club
Morning Procedures • Monday - Form teacher • Tuesday - Form Teacher • Wednesday - House Assembly • Thursday - Form Teacher • Friday - School Assembly
BELL TIMES • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday • 8.30am – 9.00am Form Teacher, House Assembly or School Assembly • 9.00am – 10.00am Period 1 • 10.00am – 11.00am Period 2 • 11.00am – 11.20am Interval • 11.20am – 12.20pm Period 3 • 12.20pm – 1.10pm Lunch • 1.10pm – 2.10pm Period 4 • 2.10pm – 3.10pm Period 5 • 3.10pm Co-curricular • Thursday • 8.30am – 8.50am Form Teacher • 8.50am – 9.50am Period 1 • 9.50am – 10.50am Period 2 • 10.50am – 11.10am Interval • 11.10am – 12.10pm Period 3 • 12.10pm – 1.00pm Lunch • 1.00pm – 2.00pm Period 4 • 2.00pm – 3.00pm Period 5 • 3.00pm Co-curricular • Friday • 8.30am – 9.15am Form Teacher, House Assembly or School Assembly • 9.15am – 10.10am Period 1 • 10.10am – 11.05am Period 2 • 11.05am – 11.25am Interval • 11.25am – 12.20pm Period 3 • 12.20pm – 1.10pm Lunch • 1.10pm – 2.10pm Period 4 • 2.10pm – 3.10pm Period 5