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Bullying PowerPoint Program – Making Good Choice s

Bullying PowerPoint Program – Making Good Choice s. (Emphasizing Cyberbullying, Sexting and On-Line Safety – designed for Middle/Junior High School classes). Office of the Dakota County Attorney 1560 Highway 55 Hastings, MN 55033 (651) 438-4438. James Backstrom. Making good choices to

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Bullying PowerPoint Program – Making Good Choice s

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  1. Bullying PowerPoint Program – Making Good Choices (Emphasizing Cyberbullying, Sexting and On-Line Safety – designed for Middle/Junior High School classes)

  2. Office of the Dakota County Attorney 1560 Highway 55 Hastings, MN 55033 (651) 438-4438 James Backstrom

  3. Making good choices to stay safe!

  4. Challenges for Youth Today • Being bullied or harassed • Staying safe with technology • Using or abusing chemicals

  5. Make Healthy Choices • At your school • In your home • Throughout your community

  6. Help Me!!!!! • Poor Choices Lead to: • Drugs • Drinking • Gangs • Buds of Violence • A Mean Word • AMean Gesture • Mean Behavior

  7. Impact of your choice to treat others poorly • Bullying has lasting effects on everyone involved

  8. Bullies - aggressive toward other people Victims – are the target of the behavior Bystanders – observe the actions of the bully http://www.knea.org/strengthen/bullyproof.html The Players

  9. Why do we care? By age 24 60% of bullies will have a criminal record! Students who bully classmates will often be aggressive throughout their lives. Make good choices!

  10. Some Poor Choices VERBAL PHYSICAL SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGICAL Name Calling Put Downs Threats Hitting Punching Kicking Scratching Tripping Spitting Ignoring Excluding Isolating Alienating Spreading Rumor Stalking Dirty Looks Hiding or Damaging Personal Property

  11. Demeaning nicknames • “chick,” “sexy,” “stud,” “baby” • Unwanted, unwelcome physical contact • •touching, grabbing or patting • Insulting remarks about sexual orientation • “fag”, “dyke”, “lezzie” or “queer” Cat calls, rating or embarrassing whistles Insulting remarks about •race, gender, or ability Bragging about sexual prowess for others to hear intimidating hallway behavior/stalking (i.e. following someone) Names written on walls or desks“for a good time, call” Sexual Harassment

  12. EVERY student has a right to … 1. Be in school, the school BELONGS to each and EVERY student.2. FEEL SAFE as you learn, work, have fun and grow.3. BE YOURSELF, whether you are alike or different from others.4. Be treated with COURTESY and RESPECT. 5. LEARN in your OWN WAY ... and at your OWN SPEED. 6. BELONG and find FRIENDSHIP.7. Learn, work and interact WELL with others. 8. STAND UP FOR YOURSELF and OTHERS. 9. Learn HOW, WHEN, WHERE and WHO to ASK FOR HELP.10. Know how to KEEP ASKING for help ... UNTIL THE HURTING STOPS.

  13. Cyber Bullying Words Hurt . . .

  14. Bust This Emotional Scars can last a lifetime! Students who are repeatedly targeted sometimes see suicide as their only escape.

  15. Poor Choices Online What is it? Is it illegal? Can I really face consequences?

  16. 89% have social networking profile(s) 87% have cell phones 61% send pictures on a personal cell phone 80% send/receive pictures

  17. You Should Care If… • You own a computer or cell phone • You send emails or text messages • You’ve taken photos with a cell • phone or digital camera • You’ve forwarded or posted a • message or photo

  18. Teens The most victimized segment of the population are 11-17 year olds

  19. Think Before You Send New fad called sexting: Sending a naked photo of yourself (or another person) using a cell phone or posting it online DANGEROUS!

  20. ONE STORY 16- year-old boy secretly videoed himself and 14-year-old girl having consensual sex in a vehicle in public. He did not send the video to others, but displayed it to others on his phone. By the time, it was reported and investigated, video had been deleted. He was charged with obscene or harassing phone calls. (Dakota County, MN)

  21. Nothingis private • Your text messages, emails and photos are NOT safe nor are they private • You can’t control the forwardingto others • Forwarded text messages are the fastest way to spread gossip and rumors • Countless people could have access to a text/photo……….strangers too

  22. 17-year-old boy recently was charged with child pornography, sexual exploitation of a child and defamation for allegedly posting nude photos of his 16-year-old ex-girlfriend on his MySpace. Earlier the girl had taken the pictures with her cell and sent them to the boyfriend. (Wisconsin) ANOTHER STORY

  23. Police arrested a 15-year-old girl on juvenile child pornography charges for allegedly sending nude cell phone photos of herself to classmates. Three male students who received the pictures also sent her back X-rated snapshots of themselves; they may also be charged. (Ohio) YET ANOTHER STORY

  24. Every Time You Send a Message: • It gets stored on the cell phone company’s computer server • Your parents or law enforcement can access your messages from the cell provider • Deleted messages are retrievable • Messages can be forwarded • FOREVER!

  25. Why Girls choose to cyber/text/sext? 85% to keep a guy 80% to get noticed 78% to be fun/flirty 75% to get a guy to like them 52% pressure from friends

  26. Why Boys choose to cyber/text/sext? 61% to get a girl’s attention 57% to get a girl to like them 56% to be fun/flirty 52% pressure from friends 48% to get positive feedback

  27. Potential Consequences • Future jobs and college admission may be jeopardized • Relationship problems • Mental health issues • Violate school rules • Legal issues

  28. Make good choices on the www.

  29. If you wouldn’t want it on a billboard,don’t send it!

  30. Five things to think about before hitting SEND…

  31. Don’t assume ANYTHING you send or post is going to remain private • Choose wisely in cyberspace as anything you send or post will NEVER go away

  32. Choose not to give into the pressure to do something that makes you feel uncomfortable • Consider the reaction of family, friends and make the best choice

  33. 5. NOTHING is truly anonymous Make good choices online

  34. Tips For On-Line Safety • Don’t give out personal information about yourself (or your siblings or friends) • Name • Age • Telephone number • Don’t post pictures on the Internet

  35. Tips For On-Line Safety (Cont.) • Don’t download information from unknown sources • Don’t share your password with anyone • Don’t create, respond to or forward mean, offensive, threatening or unwanted E-mail or Instant messages

  36. Tips For On-Line Safety (Cont.) • Remember that people on-line may not be who they say they are • Don’t arrange to meet someone in person that you first met on the Internet • If someone asks you for personal information or wants to discuss sexual matters with you on-line, tell your parents

  37. Prescription and Over-The-Counter medications can be dangerous. Make the best choice and follow doctor’s orders.

  38. Encourage your friends to choose the same.

  39. Safe Summer Choices Choose not a drop of alcohol until after age 21!

  40. (If internet access is available, go to the link below) www.thatsnotcool.com

  41. Make us proud of the choices you make!

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