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Implementing Commissioning and the CxP for DOE Super ESPC Projects Draft Guideline Review

Implementing Commissioning and the CxP for DOE Super ESPC Projects Draft Guideline Review. Chuck Dorgan, P.E., Ph.D., CxAP Roger Johnson. Tasks Yet to be Completed. Interviews and meetings with ESCOs

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Implementing Commissioning and the CxP for DOE Super ESPC Projects Draft Guideline Review

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  1. Implementing Commissioning and the CxP for DOE Super ESPC Projects Draft Guideline Review Chuck Dorgan, P.E., Ph.D., CxAP Roger Johnson

  2. Tasks Yet to be Completed • Interviews and meetings with ESCOs • Develop the working draft guideline on how CxP can effectively be integrated with Super ESPC program • Develop sample tools/templates with the Cx Working Group members for use in Super ESPC projects • This should be an ongoing ‘sharing of formats’ that are proven from all projects

  3. What is Our Goal? • Take the best of commissioning process practice and incorporate into the DOE Super ESPC process and Projects • Some tasks: • Develop a Draft Guide (our emphasis today) • Develop implementation tools • Develop the final draft guideline • Complete a pilot project • Develop case study and supporting documents

  4. Our Goal in the Next 30 Minutes • Discuss the Basic Draft Guideline • Review Products Developed for the Guideline • Review the California “School” Guideline • What is in this guideline that needs to be modified for the DOE Super ESPC Guideline • Timetable for completion • Who is available for a one on one review?

  5. From Working Session in New Orleans Key Words: documentation, timely, consistency, standardized, expectations, performance criteria, agreement, longevity, assurance, understanding complexity, training, realization of benefits, turnover, knowledge, satisfaction This was in reaction to: What is not achieved on previous DOE Super ESPC projects? (Including – What do you want from Commissioning (CxP) to solve some of these needs?)

  6. Second topic at New Orleans Key Words: guidelines, flow chart, metrics, education, training, definitions, commitment, checklists, deliverables, cost/benefits, roles and responsibilities, format This was in reaction to: What Cx Tools do we need for the DOE Super ESPC projects?

  7. What we provided as current working material and references • Volume 1: Current draft Overview of DOE Super ESPC Commissioning Process Guideline • Form 1: A working draft of a form to be completed to insure everyone understands the role of CxP and can relate to the Agency and Project Facilitator their understanding and experience with the CxP. To be completed at Phase 1, 2, or 3.

  8. Volume 1 • Overview Document: The document that is required to make sure everyone has the required background information, not only the day we initiate the CxP into Super ESPC projects, but for the long term, to insure we continue to always stay focused on the Why, What, Expectations, and Benefits of CxP • This is the document that is missing in many Cx programs

  9. Working Draft DOE Super ESPC CxProcess – Volume 1 Phase 2: At the Initial Proposal Kickoff meeting facilitatedby DOE • Discuss the role of CxP

  10. Working Draft Super ESPC CxProcess – Volume 1 After the Initial Proposal Kickoff meeting: Phase 3 (or at some point possibly as early as Phase 2) • Designate the CxProcess leader or CxA (ESCO except for pilot) • Form CxP Team (Agency/ESCO/PF) • Convene a APR Workshop (APR = Agency’s Project Requirements) • Draft APR Document • Use APR Document to guide development of the final proposal and to increase certainty of acceptance

  11. Working Draft Super ESPC CxProcess – Volume 1 (Phase 3) • Develop the initial Cx Plan • Develop the issues/benefit log and report • Develop checklist for Planning Phase and Initial Project Development Phase, and as many as possible for all other phases (will be easier as we develop a library and experience with CxP in projects)

  12. Working Draft Super ESPC CxProcess – Volume 1 (Phase 3) • Implement checklists for completion by ESCO and sampling verification by the CxA against APR document and CxPlan • (recommended?) ESCO and DOE facilitators both provide interim summary report on benefits, recommendations, and checklists at the end of each Phase, or shortly into the next Phase

  13. Working Draft Super ESPC CxProcess – Volume 1 • Cx Team meetings are scheduled and held per CxPlan • Cx Team includes those listed in the draft guide Note: Sometimes the CxTeam may only be 2-3 people, such as ESCO designated Commissioning Process leader (CxA) and Agency Project Manager, CxTeam meetings should only involve those with a need related to CxP activities and issues

  14. Working Draft Super ESPC CxProcess – Volume 1 • Continuously refine the CxPlan and APR Document based upon, and to match the actual proposal scope • Basis of Design for Agency to review-Does it meet the APR • Implement the Cx Plan activities, revise Cx Plan as required to match the actual project

  15. Working Draft Super ESPC CxProcess – Volume 1 • Implement checklists for completion by ESCO and sampling verification by the CxA against APR document and CxPlan • Through the Benefits/Issue log support document, define energy and maintenance benefits, and expected indirect benefits (productivity, satisfaction, and others that will be standard for benchmarking, these will have been developed in the CxPlan or APR Document and will continuously be developed as we go)

  16. Working Draft Super ESPC CxProcess – Volume 1 • Phase 4 - After Award • Implement design and construction checklists for completion by ESCO, with sampling verification by the CxA against APR document and CxPlan

  17. Working Draft Super ESPC CxProcess – Volume 1 Phase 4: Implementing the DO – Performing Modifications or Installations • Maintain the issues/benefits log and report • Review training and verify training • Provide Checklists • Assist in developing the Systems Manual • Provide Checklists

  18. Working Draft Super ESPC CxProcess – Volume 1 Phase 4: Implementing the DO – Performing Modifications or Installations Agency and CxA • Participate in and formally verify performance and other required tests or evaluations, this will include M&V Agency/PF • Reviews ESCO’s Cx Report and other material as deemed appropriate • Reviews the Continuous Commissioning Plan (Big key to the Agency’s O&M)

  19. Working Draft Super ESPC CxProcess – Volume 1 Phase 4: Operations and Occupancy ESCO’s CxA • assists Agency O&M staff in addressing any operational, training, or performance issues • Verifies effectiveness for any first year additional training that is required • Witnesses and verifies the report on any Seasonal Testing (includes Agency’s participation)

  20. Working Draft Super ESPC CxProcess – Volume 1 • Perform the first year scheduled continuous commissioning requirements and/or assist the Agency in performing the requirements in the first year

  21. Working Draft Super ESPC CxProcess – Volume 1 Phase 4: Operations and Occupancy Use CxA • Participate in a mid-year agency project and warranty review • Develop the final CxP Report on the project • Execute a Lessons Learned workshop at the 8-10 month period to develop information for the Continuous Improvement Report • Recommended Cx improvements

  22. Deliverables by ESCO at End of One Year • Checklists for the DOE Super ESPC CxP Library • Summary of Lessons Learned • Documented and Ad Hoc Benefits of the CxProcess for the specific project

  23. Volume 2-A: • Sample Guideline that can serve as an initial format example (to be modified to match the DOE Super ESPC CxP program requirements)

  24. Volume 2-A Example Guide • Example for a rehab of a University building • What is useful? • What needs to be added for a typical ESPC project example?

  25. Volume 2-B: • Format for developing CxP checklists for all phases. This includes examples for planning phase and construction phase

  26. Volume 2-B Checklist Format • Planning Checklists • Design Checklists • Installation Checklists (includes pre-tests, testing, controls, TAB, functional tests (in addition to test procedures) • Occupancy and Operations Checklists

  27. Volume 3: • Sample Guideline that was developed for the California School construction and retro-commissioning (This has been provided for discussion of what may be included in the ESPC Commissioning Guideline)

  28. Volume 3 – California Schools • This will not be the Volume 3 for the ESPC CxP guide • From this example: • Is this sufficient coverage? Too much? • Do we want to cover electronic tools that are used by CxAuthorities? • Will the guide be delivered in electronic format only, or print with CD?

  29. Question/AnswersFeedback and Discussion

  30. Timetable for Completion • Initial Draft by December 8 • Interviews on interim draft in mid-December • Draft for distribution by January 16, 2004 • Who is available for one-on-one or two-on-two review of the draft in December 8-19 or January 4-9?

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