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Contemporary NonFiction. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream Speech”. Nonfiction. Prose that deals with real events and people 3 forms include: Biography, essay and speech Biography (including autobiography) is a narrative of events in someone’s life,
Contemporary NonFiction Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream Speech”
Nonfiction • Prose that deals with real events and people • 3 forms include: Biography, essay and speech • Biography (including autobiography) is a narrative of events in someone’s life, ex. “Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass” • Essay is any short prose composition that deals with its subject in a limited way and expresses a particular point of view. • Speeches are generally intended for a specific audience. ex. “Ain’t I a Women” by Sojourner Truth
Pioneer of the Civil Rights Movement "I Have a Dream" Speech
Persuasive Speaking • How did MLK Jr. persuade his listeners? • Was his voice passive in tone or was it loud and clear? • What kind of body language did he present? • How fast was he talking? • Did he have a pitch to his voice? • Did he pause during his speech?
Persuasive Speaking • Body Language – posture is important…stand up straight and it is completely acceptable to talk with your hands • Pronunciation – it is very important to annunciate each word and to avoid using slang and saying “you know” • Pitch – refers to the highs and lows of your voice tone • Speed – don’t talk to fast and don’t talk to slow • Pauses – uses pauses in your speech to emphasize certain important points…this is critical • Variance – example – starting your speech with a slow, low tone to emphasize what your saying, then switch to a more rapid, higher tone to hammer home your main point of the speech • Volume – very important….don’t scream all the way through it and don’t talk too quietly. Apply changes to your volume to reflect different main points of your speech
Your Homework Assignment • After seeing and hearing MLK Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech, you will now rewrite the speech to reflect today’s society. • I want you to reflect on different situations that are occurring today in America and what you think MLK Jr. would say about them.