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Explore successes, challenges, and future considerations of former EU-supported educational initiatives in Russia. Discover impactful results, areas for growth, and effective strategies for program sustainability.

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  1. LESSONS LEARNED FROM THE FORMER GENERATION OF HIGHER EDUCATION PROGRAMMES IN RUSSIAN FEDERATION José Gutierrez Erasmus+ : Higher Education - International Capacity Building Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency, Brussels Education and Culture

  2. OVERVIEW Part 1: Brief introduction to existing EU-funded higher education programmes Part 2: Whatworkedwell Part 3: Areas for improvement Part 4: Successfactors Education and Culture

  3. PART I:BRIEF INTRODUCTION TO FORMER EU-FUNDED HIGHER EDUCATION PROGRAMMES Erasmus Mundus Tempus Jean Monnet Marie Skłodowska-Curie All four instruments have been complementary. Education and Culture

  4. AIM OF THE PROGRAMMES All four programmes aim to: Adapt higher education institutions and policies to the changing environment. Enhance the quality and attractiveness of higher education. Promote dialogue and understanding between people and cultures, investing in human resources. Stimulate interest in the EU through teaching and research. Education and Culture

  5. TARGET GROUPS Open to a wide range of target groups: Bachelor and Master students Ph.D. candidates and young researchers Senior management in universities University professors University administrators Staff in public administrations Other actors in society such as businesses, NGOs, trade associations, etc. Education and Culture

  6. BUDGETS AND NUMBER OF PROJECTS FUNDED Erasmus Mundus Action 1 joint programmes (2004-2013): 179 Masters and 42 Doctorate programmes 113 scholarships for students, doctoral candidates and scholars from Central Asian countries. Action 2 partnerships (2007-2013): EUR 57 million 25 partnerships for Central Asian countries Scholarships for over 2,124 students and 526 staff Education and Culture

  7. BUDGETS AND NUMBER OF PROJECTS FUNDED Tempus EUR 98.9 million allocated for 1994 - 2013 220 projects funded for 1994 - 2013 Marie Skłodowska-Curie EUR 0.33 million EU contribution (2007-2013) 20 researchers from Central Asian countries funded (2007-2013) Jean Monnet EUR50 000 granted for 2007-2013 2projects for 2007-2013 (1 Information& Research activity, 1 Module). Education and Culture

  8. ACTIVITIES A wide range of activities: Mobility visits (credit and degree mobility) Training Curriculum Development Capacity building of institutional structures and management Reform of higher education policies Equipment purchase Research Education and Culture

  9. APPROACH Based on the following philosophy: Bottom-up, based on open competitive Calls In line with national and regional priorities and needs Project-based Cooperationbetweeninstitutions and peers Encourage sustainability and long-lasting impact after the funding ends Education and Culture

  10. IMPACT We know that the programmes have had a significant impact from: Formal evaluations by external experts Field and desk monitoring results Studies carried out in Central Asian countries Individual feedback from participants, students, NTOs and HEREs Increasing numbers of individuals and institutions applying Education and Culture

  11. PART II: WHAT WORKED WELL Education and Culture

  12. WHAT WORKED WELL At individual level: Academic staff took advantage of professional development opportunities & peer-to-peer contacts Administrative staff benefitted from training Students appreciated mobility opportunities and developed valuable skills for employability Vulnerable groups targeted and recognised as a priority (Erasmus Mundus) Education and Culture

  13. WHAT WORKED WELL At institutional level: Quality improved and development of curricula Necessary equipment provided for communications and laboratories University governance and management reformed Links between HE institutions and the labour market fostered. Cross-departmental/faculty working on projects helped break down barriers Internationalisation of institutions and strategies International recognition through mobility mechanisms Education and Culture

  14. WHAT WORKED WELL Programmes have had impact at national/systemic level: Better links between higher education and society Higher education policies and legal frameworks developed Convergence of higher education systems and policies with EU ones Regional cooperation promoted Education and Culture

  15. PART III: AREAS FOR IMPROVEMENT Education and Culture

  16. AREAS FOR IMPROVEMENT Bureaucratic, time-consuming, administrative procedures to implement projects in certain universities (in both EU and non-EU countries) Recognition of credits, diplomas and degrees Involvement of students in projects Internal and external dissemination of results Education and Culture

  17. AREAS FOR IMPROVEMENT National legislation to support innovation and internationalisation Availability of information on higher education systems to facilitate exchange and benchmarking Commitment of Ministries of Education as project partners Ensuring sustainability of projects after EU funding Education and Culture

  18. PART IV: SUCCESS FACTORS Education and Culture

  19. SUCCESS FACTORS Institutional buy-in is key element. Responsibility for engagement in activities by top-level management Local coordination of projects in non-EU countries to increase ownership and impact Involvement of non-academic stakeholders to ensure relevance of programmes to societal changes Education and Culture

  20. SUCCESS FACTORS Ministry of Education take full advantage of local expertise developed through the programme (e.g. HEREs) Quality assurance and recognition bodies recognise the importance of the international dimension and be more actively involved in projects. Contact points and other bodies on the ground necessary for building trust with stakeholders and supporting projects (e.g. NEOs, national structures, alumni associations in existing programmes) Education and Culture

  21. CONCLUSION Erasmus Mundus, Tempus, Jean Monnet and Marie Skłodowska-Curie have played a very important role in promoting cooperation among and between the Russian Federation and the EU Very useful lessons can be drawn from all four programmes These elements have been incorporated into the new programme design Education and Culture

  22. Opportunities for International Cooperation in HE under Erasmus+ For HEIs: Joint Master Degreeprogrammes Creditmobility (inter-institutionalagreement) Capacity-building projects Jean-Monnet projects Joint Doctoral programmes (under Marie Sklowdowska-Curie) Forindividuals (students and staff): ScholarshipsforJoint Master Degreeprogrammes Scholarshipsfor short-termcreditmobility Fellowshipsfor training orteachingassigments Doctoral fellowships (under Marie Sklowdowska-Curie) Education and Culture

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