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1 st quarter. Vocabulary Maps. Definition. Synonyms. (noun) steadfast adherence to high moral standards; an unimpaired condition. honesty rectitude probity. 1. integrity . Other Forms. Antonyms. NA. dishonesty corruption turpitude. integrity .
1st quarter Vocabulary Maps
Definition Synonyms (noun) steadfast adherence to high moral standards; an unimpaired condition honesty rectitude probity 1. integrity Other Forms Antonyms NA dishonesty corruption turpitude
integrity • Scholars debated the integrity of the text of a newly discovered poem attributed to Shakespeare.
Definition Synonyms (noun) passing off or using as one’s own the writing (or other materials) of another person piracy theft 2. plagiarism Other Forms Antonyms noun – plagiarist adjective – plagiaristic verb – plagiarize NA
plagiarism • Theft of an author’s ideas is far more difficult to prove in court than word-for-word plagiarism.
Definition Synonyms (adjective) blood-red in color crimson blushing bright red 3. incarnadine Other Forms Antonyms verb – incarnadine incarnadines, incarnadined, incarnadining pale bloodless wan
incarnadine • We followed the trail of incarnadine drips, which led us to the dead animal.
Definition Synonyms (adjective) characterized of being good; kindly, charitable benign well-meaning altruistic philanthropic 4. benevolent Other Forms Antonyms noun – benevolence adverb – benevolently malicious spiteful mean
benevolent • The newcomers had nothing but benevolent feelings towards all their neighbors.
Definition Synonyms (noun) a general breakup or dispersion; sudden downfall; complete collapse or failure collapse failure fiasco wreck 5. debacle Other Forms Antonyms NA boon miracle wonder
debacle • The debacle on the front lines created a domino-effect, ultimately forcing the army to retreat.
Definition Synonyms (verb) to increase the severity, bitterness, or violence of (disease, ill feeling, etc.) aggravate worsen vex provoke 6. exacerbate Other Forms Antonyms exacerbates, exacerbated, exacerbating noun – exacerbation adverb – exacerbatingly aid calm comfort
exacerbate • Yelling at someone who is already angry does nothing but exacerbate the situation.
Definition Synonyms (adjective) given, done, bestowed, or obtained without charge or payment; without apparent reason or justification voluntary unjustified uncalled-for complimentary 7. gratuitous Other Forms Antonyms noun – gratuitousness noun – gratuity adverb - gratuitously justified warranted costly
gratuitous • Though she had hoped to leave the lecture early, several members of the audience asked gratuitous questions, delaying her by an hour.
Definition Synonyms (noun) fear, alarm, or agitation alarm foreboding disquiet 8. trepidation Other Forms Antonyms adjective – trepidatious calm ease tranquility
trepidation • “Sweating from heat and trepidation, I promised myself a dozen showers.” • Virals, Kathy Reich
Definition Synonyms (adjective) intended to entrap or trick; treacherous AND deceitful cunning underhanded perfidious 9. insidious Other Forms Antonyms noun – insidiousness adverb – insidiously frank ingenuous aboveboard
insidious • The investigators uncovered an insidious scheme to rob people of their life savings.
Definition Synonyms (adjective) cunning or secret surreptitious sneaky covert 10. furtive Other Forms Antonyms noun – furtiveness adjective – furtively forthright honest open
furtive • Not wanting to be rude, Jean cast a furtive glance at the man’s prominent scar.
Definition Synonyms (verb) to influence by trickery or flattery; to charm or delight dupe scam bait cajole 11. beguile Other Forms Antonyms beguiles, beguiled, beguiling noun – beguilement, beguiler adverb – beguilingly repel dissuade deter
beguile • Odysseus beguiled the Trojans by pretending to surrender and hiding twenty Greek warriors inside a giant wooden horse left on the beach.
Definition Synonyms (verb) to strike, as with a hand or fist batter sock thump pummel 12. buffet Other Forms Antonyms buffets, buffeted, buffeting noun – buffeter NA
buffet • Few figures in history or literature are as severely tested by fortune’s buffets as Job in the Old Testament.
Definition Synonyms (verb) to seize and hold (a position, office, power, etc.) by force or without legal right take supplant preempt 13. usurp Other Forms Antonyms usurps, usurped, usurping noun – usurper adverb - usurpingly give in relinquish surrender
usurp • John’s underhanded son beguiled the board members into believing that his father had Alzheimer's so that he could usurp his position as CEO.
Definition Synonyms (verb) to depart in a sudden and secret manner, esp. to avoid capture and legal prosecution bolt disappear escape flee 14. abscond Other Forms Antonyms absconds, absconded, absconding noun – absconder noun – abscondence remain stay endure
abscond • The underage drinkers quickly absconded when the police arrived.
Definition Synonyms (adjective) promising success favorable propitious fortunate 15. auspicious Other Forms Antonyms noun – auspiciousness adverb – auspiciously unpromising untimely inopportune
auspicious • The big game truly had an auspicious start when our team scored on the first play.
Definition Synonyms (adjective) devoid of freshness or originality ordinary bland mundane 16. banal Other Forms Antonyms noun – banality adverb – banally verb – banalize fresh new original
banal • The judges criticized his banal interpretation of the song.
Definition Synonyms (noun) harsh discordance of sound discord harshness racket 17. cacophony Other Forms Antonyms adjective – cacophonic harmony consonance peacefulness
cacophony • We were bombarded by a cacophony of shrieks when we entered the monkey area of the zoo.
Definition Synonyms (adjective) having no flaws, perfect; incapable of sin or wrongdoing immaculate faultless irreproachable 18. impeccable Other Forms Antonyms noun – impeccability adverb – impeccably fallible blameworthy defective
impeccable • Surprisingly, all six of the children behaved impeccably at the recital.
Definition Synonyms (adjective) one that lacks sense or substance; senseless or silly foolish insipid absurd 19. inane Other Forms Antonyms inaner, inanest adverb – inanely significant meaningful intelligent
inane • Sometimes, young people act inanely to avoid being labeled a “nerd”.
Definition Synonyms (noun) the act of positioning close together; side by side nearness proximity contact 20. juxtaposition Other Forms Antonyms adjective – juxtapositional verb – juxtapose distance
juxtaposition • The juxtaposition of Mexico and the United States makes it difficult to patrol the borders.
Definition Synonyms (adjective) lacking moral discipline or ignoring legal restraint, esp. in sexual conduct lewd lecherous libertine 21. licentious Other Forms Antonyms adverb – licentiously noun – licentiousness chaste moral controlled
licentious • It is not surprising that the licentious man is a registered sex offender.
Definition Synonyms (adjective) having an evil or harmful influence; wishing harm to others malicious wicked sinister malignant 22. malevolent Other Forms Antonyms adverb – malevolently noun – malevolence kind benevolent compassionate
malevolent • While pretending to be a loyal friend, Iago told Othello malevolent lies.
Definition Synonyms (adjective) quick and changeable in temperament; lively and unpredictable volatile erratic fickle temperamental 23. mercurial Other Forms Antonyms noun – mercuriality noun – mercurialness adverb – mercurially unchangeable steadfast constant
mercurial • Though a mercurial relationship can be exciting at times, it can also be exhausting.
Definition Synonyms (adjective) offensive to the point of arousing disgust; foul disgusting vile loathsome 24. noisome Other Forms Antonyms noun – noisomeness adverb – noisomely desirous pleasant upright
noisome • Jenna almost puked when the bigoted, noisome jock continued to flirt with her.
Definition Synonyms (adjective) being overattentive in order to gain favor; attentive in a servile manner brownnosing flattering subservient 25. obsequious Other Forms Antonyms noun – obsequiousness adverb – obsequiously brazen assertive presumptuous