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The Basic Elements of Music

The Basic Elements of Music. By: Permata Ardy Almatsir. Scales. There are two types of scales which are the major and the minor scale. To play the scales all we have to do is just play the piano any other instrument. Tempo.

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The Basic Elements of Music

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Basic Elements of Music By: Permata Ardy Almatsir

  2. Scales • There are two types of scales which are the major and the minor scale. • To play the scales all we have to do is just play the piano any other instrument

  3. Tempo • The basic tempo that should be known in the basic elements of music are: • Allegro: Lively, Fast • Allegretto: A little slower and less lively that allegro • Lento: Slow • Adagio: Slow • Andante: At a walking speed - not to fast not to slow • Cantabile: In a singing style • Moderato: Playing at a moderate speed A tempo is determined by using a metronome, a metronome is a musical beating device used so that people could find out what beat they are playing at. The beats in a song is mostly shown like (crotchet):120 that means that 120 crotchet beats/minute

  4. Time Values

  5. Time Signatures • Time signatures are

  6. Dynamics • There are a lot of dynamics in the musical world but the basics of the dynamics are… • Forte(f): Loud • Mezzo Forte(mf): Moderately loud • Piano(p): Soft • Mezzo Piano(mp): Moderately Soft • Crescendo: Getting louder • Decrescendo: Getting softer • Diminuendo: Getting softer

  7. Clefs

  8. Sharps and flats • When playing a musical instrument there are sharps and flats. A sharp or flat is possibly seen when playing the piano, the piano has two types of keys, the black keys and the white keys. The black keys are basically the sharp or flat. But there are actually white keys that is a sharp or flat.

  9. Bibliography • ABRSM textbook grade 1-2 • http://www.google.co.id/imglanding?q=the+types+of+clefs&um=1&hl=en&sa=N&biw=1271&bih=607&tbs=isch:1&tbnid=Bl1AzeVMpB8GwM:&imgrefurl=http://www.learn4good.com/kids/how_to_read_musical_notes.htm&imgurl=http://www.learn4good.com/kids/images/notes1.gif&zoom=1&w=515&h=401&iact=hc&ei=HyvKTPm5DY-6cb7Eqc8O&oei=CrKTNSvEYWevQP66MzRDw&esq=8&page=1&tbnh=145&tbnw=186&start=0&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0 • http://musiced.about.com/od/beginnerstheory/a/musicelements.htm

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