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The South East Teaching Public Network

The South East Teaching Public Network. Project personnel At University of Southampton. Prof. Barrie Margetts, Institute of Human Nutrition Prof. Paul Roderick, Public Health Sciences & Medical Statistics Dr Viv Speller, Project Co-ordinator Sue Dewhirst, Research Fellow

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The South East Teaching Public Network

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  1. The South East Teaching Public Network

  2. Project personnel At University of Southampton Prof. Barrie Margetts, Institute of Human Nutrition Prof. Paul Roderick, Public Health Sciences & Medical Statistics Dr Viv Speller, Project Co-ordinator Sue Dewhirst, Research Fellow At Brighton & Sussex Medical School Dr Anjum Memon, Senior Lecturer, Public Health Dr Lisa Mohebati, Research Fellow Plus region-wide Steering Group including representatives from: GOSE, Healthy Schools, PH Development Leads, TDA, Open University, Greenwich University, School of Health Sciences (Southampton).

  3. Teaching Public Health Networks • The SE TPHN is one of 9 regional networks funded by DH • Aim to increase access to public health knowledge & skills • Enhance connections between academic providers • Increase Public Health content of a variety of courses • Share knowledge & skills widely across local, regional and national networks • Support workforce development for public health workforce at specialist, practitioner and wider levels

  4. Aims of the SE TPHN • To increase the availability of public health education and training for reducing obesity in children. • To develop a network of educational providers for the children’s workforce, and academic and service public health providers to share good practice regionally and nationally

  5. Current objectives of the SE TPHN • To work with providers of Initial teacher training courses, the Training and Development Agency (TDA), Healthy Schools and NESC to develop appropriate course content for teachers, support workers in schools, NHS workers and the ‘wider workforce’ against selected Level 1-4 competencies of the PHSCF. • To collaborate with NESC and website developers, Noko, to provide a website of MPH courses mapped against the PHSCF at Levels 5-7. • To develop a network of educational providers for the children’s workforce, and academic and service public health providers to share good practice regionally and nationally • To work with Regional Directors of PH in both South Central and SE Coast to develop closer links with PH Development leads and Education and Training commissioners

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