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Cooperatives Europe European Region of the ICA. Social Economy : a key sector for growth and jobs in the global crisis: a European perspective Rainer Schlüter Director Regional ICA. Social Economy – a key actor for growth and jobs in the global crisis. A European perspective.
Cooperatives EuropeEuropean Region of the ICA Social Economy: a key sector forgrowth and jobs in the global crisis: a Europeanperspective RainerSchlüter Director Regional ICA
Social Economy – a key actor for growth and jobs in the global crisis. A European perspective • Whowe are: Cooperatives Europe, organisation, key figures, challenges • Social Economy in Europe – challenges: structure and representatives, identity and wording, whois in and whoisout? • Beyond legal definition and words: 3 strategies of politicalintegration at EU level – SE as employerorganisations, SE anessentialpart of civil society, SE part of the new social movements • Recentevolutions, proposalsforCommonaction
Social Economy – a key actor for growth and jobs in the global crisis. A European perspective Whowe are Cooperatives Europe Key figures 176 national Cooperative organisations in 33 European countries are members of Cooperatives Europe representing 263.000 co-operative enterprises 160 million members 5,5 million jobs At European level Co-operatives are organised in 7 business sectors, 6 are members of Cooperatives Europe (agriculture, banking, housing, industry and services, consumer, pharmacies) , the insurance sector is not a member (AMICE)
Social Economy – a key actor for growth and jobs in the global crisis. A European perspective Representativeness of Cooperatives Europe
Number of Co-operative enterprises member of Cooperatives Europe (EU)
Jobs in co-operatives, members of Cooperatives Europe (Employer)
Social Economy – a key actor for growth and jobs in the global crisis. A European perspective Social Economyin Europe • structure, representativeness, capacity • Identity and wording • Who is in and who is out?
Confusing wordings but more then 10% of European Economy Social and Solidarity Economy Solidarity Economy Community Economy Third Sector Third System Not for profit CMAF
Social Economy – a key actor for growth and jobs in the global crisis. A European perspective Beyond legal definition and words • Three strategies of political integration at European level: • SE as employer organisations: are we a different and better employer?, particularly in the recent economic crisis (restructuring, take overs, ...) • SE an essential part of civil society (coops biggest membership orhanisation ) do we have common request to public policy? Public procurement, state aid, tax, participation&consultation • SE part of the new social movements: do we want to change our society? Attac, New economic order, Slow Economy, Fair&Square, Alternative Economy
Co-operative organisations vested with a negotiation mandate as Empoyer organisations
Social Economy – a key actor for growth and jobs in the global crisis. A European perspective Recentevolutions and proposalsforcommonaction • CEGES recent crisis, CEPES, new law for SE Employer organisation, Solidarity Economy FR in CES, Social Enterprise law (IT) • Restructuring, worker take overs, privatisations, new role for Social Economy and Co-operatives • Large unemployment, cooperative and SE selfhelp on the agenda • Ethical and responsible economic behaviour, stronger awareness in society • Increase of Ethical finance • Cooperating together north and south , consumers, financers and producers • Stronger co-operative business integration between north and South • Visibility of our ethical business model • Build new and strong alliances (TU, LA, Solidarity Economy, NGO’s….)
Social Economy – a key actor for growth and jobs in the global crisis. A European perspective Rainer Schlüter Cooperatives Europe 105, Ave Milcamps – BE1030 Brussels r.schluter@coopseurope.coop www.coopseurope.coop