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S wordman

S wordman. Pascal Fellner 4d. Swordman. He is a superman because one day SHORTY killed his parents. He lived in the Middle Ages. . Superpowers. He can deal well with his sword . He is skilled at *Martial Arts. He is very agile. Adventures.

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S wordman

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Swordman Pascal Fellner 4d

  2. Swordman • He is a superman because one day SHORTY killed his parents. • He lived in the Middle Ages.

  3. Superpowers • He can deal wellwithhissword. • He isskilled at *Martial Arts. • He isvery agile. *Kampfkunst

  4. Adventures • Oneday a little man cameandkilledhisparents. So he was *orphan so he cameto a teacher. • This teachertaughthimtheartsofswordfighting. • He wantedtofightagainst SHORTY. *Waise

  5. Real Identity • His real nameis Sebastian Stone andhisjobis a blacksmith.

  6. Enemy • He is a little Viking. • He can deal wellwithhowlers. • His nameis Shorty.

  7. Presentation • This work wasn‘t difficult. • My presentation took me half an hour. • I think this work was very cool because of the Heromachine.

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