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Welcome. Mrs. Mullin Grade Three Room 202. Teacher Bio. 8 Years at Saint Felicitas School - Grade 2 4 years at St. Gabriel ~ Grade 3 Mother of seven th grade triplets Goal- help students develop into life long learners & “responsible” learners. Discipline Policy. Rules
Welcome Mrs. Mullin Grade Three Room 202
Teacher Bio • 8 Years at Saint Felicitas School - Grade 2 • 4 years at St. Gabriel ~ Grade 3 • Mother of seventh grade triplets • Goal- help students develop into life long learners & “responsible” learners
Discipline Policy • Rules • Be considerate • Be responsible Students will be creating a rule book the first week of school.
Discipline Policy • Consequences 1. Verbal Warning (usually a couple) 2. Move stick 3. Note/ email sent to parents 4. Sent to principal’s office
Discipline Policy • Rewards The class will receive one of the following rewards when they successful fill the marble jar with the marbles. 1. Sparkle 2. Stuffed Animal Day 3. Special Treat or Surprise 4. No Homework 5. Afternoon Game
Conduct Grade • Conduct grades will be based on moving sticks.
“We are Bucket Fillers” • Bullying awareness program continued. • Know that we are focusing on KINDNESS and THINKING ABOUT OTHERS. • “Bucket Filling”
Reading • We will be continuing the American Reading program. • We will complete 2 steps in school and 2 steps for homework Monday – Thursday. • Students will be required to read 4 steps over the weekend. • We will continue to recognize every 100 steps completed • Note: 2 steps = 30 minutes
Reading Continued • We have found the students who were diligent and honest about their home reading steps achieved success with the program. • While it is the student’s responsibility to get their log signed by you, please help with this routine. • Completed reading homework will be taken for 5 homework points towards their reading grade.
Spelling • We will continue the spelling program from the old reading series. • Words will be given on Monday. • Tests will be on Friday • The lists are available for home practice on spellingcity.com • Check assignment notebook for each week’s title.
Common Core • As a school we are transitioning into the common core curriculum. • We will be focusing on math and writing across the curriculum.
STARTING TIME!!! • The classrooms will be open for students to arrive at 7:20 • Warning bell 7:45 am • Students are considered TARDY after 7:50 am!
Homework • Students will receive Simple Solutions English and Simple Solutions Math for daily homework Monday through Thursday. This homework will be checked for understanding and completion. • Math & English Simple Solutions test will be given on Friday.
Homework • Along with this homework students may be given small homework assignments that go along with the lessons taught in class that day. • Students should be practicing their Math facts, as well as reading for 30 minutes everyday. • In the 2nd quarter, we will begin multiplication & division.
Homework • Students will write down their assignments in their assignment notebook daily. Please review your child’s homework and sign the assignment notebook to show that the student has completed his or her assignments. • The goal is that the students will become RESPONSIBLE for independently completing their assignments as they grow into “responsible learners.” (Note: There are “help pages” in the back of the Simple Solutions workbooks)
Absent Work • If you would like missed work to be sent home please call the office. • Students will be given the number of days missed to complete missing work.
Birthdays • Your child may bring in a treat to share with the class on his/her birthday. • To avoid disruptions to our valuable class time, please send/ bring the treat in the morning to be eaten during our snack time. • Please avoid pizza parties, frozen treats, and cakes that need to be cut and distributed.
Snack • The students should pack ONE healthy snack to eat each day during our designated snack time. • We have an early lunch (10:48am), so a healthy snack helps keep their brain focused and energized for the last half of the day!
Bus Passes • At the request of the transportation department , bus passes will not be issued to students that do not normally ride that bus. (Play date transportation needs to be arranged via car riders or after bus delivery)
Communication • Email ~ Sandra.Mullin@leeca.org • Phone~ School office: 440-352-6169 • Note
Special Events • Please consult “Calendar Wiz” and “Virtual Backpacks” for any upcoming events. • See also school website: www.st-gabielschool.org
Things to do… • Tonight or Wednesday please be sure to complete the following… • Fill out student information sheet. • Fill out way of transportation on form, so we have it for first day. • Bring Friday Folder home… this contains office forms (Please look for this folder to come home on Fridays filled with papers & notes, and return the folder on Monday)
Thank You! • I am looking forward to working with you and your child.