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The Study of Human Geography

Exploring the study of human geography, focusing on culture, customs, beliefs, language, religion, technology, and institutions. Discover the impact of cultural convergence, divergence, and diffusion across societies and regions.

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The Study of Human Geography

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Study of Human Geography

  2. What is Culture? • The beliefs and actions that define a group of people’s way of life

  3. Culture • Customs / Beliefs • Language • Religion • Technology • Institutions / Government

  4. Customs / Beliefs (Lead to Traditions) Reflect the values of a society

  5. Family Structure Parents may live with just their children. Other places parents, children, and extended family live together. • Gender Roles: • Roles specifically assigned to men and women. • Changing Gender Roles: • Women in America have seen many changes • Traditional Roles • Many countries in the world maintain traditional roles for women.

  6. Language • Needed to communicate

  7. Religion • Set of beliefs about the meaning of life and the supernatural • Customs and practices deal with those beliefs

  8. Major Religions Judaism Christianity Islam Hinduism Buddhism Animism Sikhism

  9. Technology • Urban vs. Rural • Modern vs. Traditional

  10. Rural

  11. Urban

  12. Modern Technology

  13. Traditional Technology

  14. Institutions / Governments • Institution –take care of social needs • Government –protect from outsiders and regulate behavior

  15. Schools

  16. Hospital

  17. Military

  18. Cultural Hearth Point of origin of a cultural trait

  19. Cultural Hearth

  20. Cultural Convergence The contact and interaction of one culture with another

  21. Spain introduces Roman Catholicism into Mexico

  22. Mexican American culture introduces Roman Catholicism to the Southwest US

  23. Spreading European Languages

  24. Cultural Divergence restriction of a culture from outside influences

  25. Cultural Divergence

  26. Cultural Divergence

  27. Cultural Divergence

  28. Cultural Diffusion (also known as spatial diffusion) a cultural element is transmitted across some distance from one group or individual to another

  29. Spread of Christianity from Europe to America

  30. Spanish introducing horses to America

  31. Movies made in America going to the rest of the world

  32. Buddhism spreading into China

  33. Islam spreading into Indonesia

  34. Spreading European Languages

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