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This briefing report provides insights into the Defence Secretariat's operations, including its role in safeguarding South Africa's sovereignty, promoting regional stability, and supporting national security initiatives. It covers key areas such as organizational structure, strategic priorities, human resource management, and performance agreements. The report also outlines the Defence Secretariat's functions in defence policy formulation, conventional arms control, legal support, and administrative services. Through this comprehensive overview, members of the Portfolio Committee on Defence gain a thorough understanding of the Defence Secretariat's critical role in enhancing defence capabilities and maintaining operational excellence within the Department of Defence.
DEFENCE SECRETARIATBriefing to the Portfolio Committee on Defence First Status Report FY05/06 23 AUGUST 2005
Aim To Brief Members Of The Portfolio Committee On Defence On The Status of The Defence Secretariat
Scope • Background • Secretary for Defence Performance Agreement • Organisational Structure • Strategic Profile • Overview of the Human Resource Picture • Events and matters impacting on the Defence Secretariat • Divisional Overviews
SecDef Performance Agreement • Specific Outputs Related To The Mod Outcomes (In conjunction with the C SANDF)1. Defence Against Aggression. Successful defence of South Africa’s sovereignty and territorial integrity against potential external military aggression or threat.2. Promoting Peace and Security.External deployment of forces that enhances regional stability.3. Support to the People.Support to other Departments when requested, thereby contributing to the protection and well-being of the country’s people and resources.
SecDef Performance Agreement (2) • Priorities Identified By The Mod For Fy 05/061. To provide support for Government diplomatic drive/initiatives in Africa.2. To promote regional security in the form of peace missions, including post-conflict reconstruction.3. To restore and maintain the conventional defence capabilities of the SANDF.4. To systematically reduce the SANDF’s routine internal deployment to zero by 1 Apr 2009.5. Address all critical challenges to the implementation of Human Resource (HR) Strategy 2010 as a matter of priority.
SecDef Performance Agreement (3a) • Departmental Key Result Areas 1. Fulfill the defence commitments as ordered by Government.2. Provide contingency-ready and cost effective defence capabilities as specified by approved policy.3. Administer the DOD within the prescripts of the law and Government policy.4. Assure sustainability, constantly improving output quality and reducing the cost of the DOD processes and the accounting thereof.
SecDef Performance Agreement (3b) • Departmental Key Result Areas5. Assure the continued quality improvement of people, equipment and facilities in the DOD.6. Assure quality command and management information in the DOD.7. Ensure that the Batho Pele principles are institutionalised in the DOD.
Defence Secretariat Organisational Structure Secretary for Defence Office of the SecDef incl Director Research & Analysis Policy & Planning Division Finance Management Division Acquisition & Procurement Division Defence Inspectorate Equal Opportunities Chief Directorate Government Information Technology Officer (GITO) Chief Directorate HR Policy & Planning
Strategic Profile • Mission To effect civil control, the Secretary for Defence provides specified managerial, administrative and advisory services to the Department of Defence, through the Defence Secretariat • Vision Excellence in Defence Management and Administration
Policy & Planning Division Vision Excellence in defence policy and planning Mission To provide defence policy, strategy, plans andinstructions for the DOD that are fully aligned withgovernment policy and defence needs of SouthAfrica. This is achieved by means of a fullyrepresentative team of appropriately skilled peopleand technology
Organisational Structure Note: DIMS moved back under command of CPP during 2005. Final guidelines will influence above structure, ito HR Pol & Plan*, Int Pol and R&A. Total restructuring will follow. D Strat envisaged.
Core Objectives • Divisional Direction. To provide strategic direction to the Policy and Planning Division. • Strategic Management. To provide strategic management services to the Head of Department (HOD) through professional staff work in order to enhance the effectiveness, efficiency, economy and image of the DOD. • Defence Policy. To formulate and manage defence policy in alignment with government policy.
Core Objectives (2) • HR Policy and Plan. To provide an accountable, effective, efficient and economical DOD Human Resource Policy and Planning service to meet organisational and individual needs.
Core Objectives • Conventional Arms Control. To administer the regulation and control over the manufacture and transfer of conventional armaments in accordance with the provisions of the Conventional Arms Control Act as determined by the National Conventional Arms Control Committee. • Legal Advice and Support. To provide efficient, professional legal advice and support to the Ministry and DOD. • Support Section. To provide administrative, personnel management and logistical support to Policy and Planning Division.
Strategic Objectives CPP’s Contribution to the Attainment of DOD Strategic Objectives During FY 2005/06 to FY2007/08. • Execution of Defence Commitments as ordered. • The administration of the DOD within the prescripts of the law and government policy. • Assurance of sustainability, continuous improvement of output quality and reduction of cost of DOD processes as well as the accounting thereof. • The assurance of the continuous quality improvement of people in the DOD.
CPP Highlights • Compilation, printing and approval of DOD Strategic Business Plan for FY 2005/06 by Parliament. • Compilation of Annual Reports FY 2004/05 for Pol & Plan, DefSec & DOD. • Good progress on the Defence Update 2005 (White Paper, Defence Review). • Projects “NTUTHWANE” and “LOQUACIOUS” were approved by the PDSC and are progressing well (Details provided later)
CPP Highlights (2) • The Certain Conventional Weapons Bill was complete and submitted to Cabinet for approval. • Completed the drafting of the implementation Instruction on the Prohibition of Anti-Personnel Mines Prohibition Act. • DOD inputs to DFA wrt Arms Control Treaties and Conventions. • Defence co-operation agreements with Governments of Mali & Tunisia (signed during May 05).
CPP Highlights (3) • Completion and admission on time of the prescribed Annual Report to the United Nations Arms Register. • Participated in the workshop on the UN Arms Register held in Kenya to assist the UN in introducing the Arms Register to other African Countries. • Number of permits issued during first quarter totaled 1293 compared to 1134 during previous quarter
CPP Highlights (4) • Approval (5 May 2005) for unilateral implementation of Mobility Exit Mechanism (MEM). • Mandating Committee Work Group on issues in the Military Bargaining Council (MBC) has been established. • New performance appraisal system for DOD implemented. • First group of 105 military veterans reported as CAT for Military Veterans Skills project funded by National Skills Fund. • Annual Report for CEEAB presented to Min Def and Portfolio Committee on Defence (PCD).
CPP Challenges • Additional workload associated with Instr 13/04 & 14/05, (Organisational Restructuring) especially in the DIMS environment. • Multiple ad hoc tasks impact negatively on achieving core objectives. • Insufficient policy advisor capacity to deal with 226 policy documents awaiting advisory services.
CPP Challenges (2) • Shortage of staff due to unfunded posts. • Reconciling legal advice with consequences of specific administrative actions in the DOD. • Input delays due to vetting process handled by NIA. NCACC Chairperson to be requested to discuss the matter with the Minister of Intelligence. • Inability of unions (esp NEHAWU) to co-operate in PSAP Bargaining Council until issue of ARMSCOR takeover of Naval Dockyard has been finalised.
Risks • Capacity (staffing) constraints and the need to identify people with relevant skills. • Financial constraints wrt foreign obligations, visits, and secondments. • Funds not available to staff critical vacancies and staff turnover.
CPP Projects • Project LOQUACIOUS • Project Balanced Score Card (BSC) • Project Departmental Organisational Structuring System (DOSS) • Project NTUTHWANE
Acquisition & Procurement Division Vision The Acquisition and Procurement Division (DAPD) satisfies the Department of Defence materiel requirements every time, on time Mission DAPD is to direct and manage the acquisition and procurement of the Department of Defence specified operational and technological requirements and services in a fair, timely, innovative and cost effective manner, according to approved policies in order to provide appropriate, operationally effective materiel and services, by means of a representative, motivated and competent work force and to support Departmental and Government initiatives
Chief of Acquisition and Procurement SSO Pol & Plan Office Manager and Secretary SO1 Staff Support Chief Director Acquisition Chief Director Procurement Director Army Acquisition SSO GSB Procurement Director Air Force Acquisition SSO Procurement Systems Director Navy Acquisition SSO Army In Service Procurement Director Technology Development SSO SAAF In Service Procurement SSO Common Weapon Systems DD Alternate Service Delivery Officer in Charge : Central Procurement Service Centre Officer in Charge Simon’sTown Procurement Service Centre Organisational Structures
Core Objectives • To satisfy armaments requirements of the Services and Divisions according to force design and force capability master plan in order for the DOD to adequately respond to contingencies that may arise • To pursue appropriate technologies • To dispose and procure required equipment and stocks • To ensure an efficient effective and economical DAPD staffed structure within the constraints of budget and available resources • To manage the Division in a cost effective manner
Highlights:CD Acquisition • Common Weapon System • The PO’s presented their yearly business plans and most have been approved. Some minor changes still need to be completed and additional guidelines for control were provided. Project RADIATE.
Highlights:CD Acquisition (2) • Directorate Technology Development. The financial management of technology development reflected a good performance for the 2004/05 financial year achieving 100% commitment and 91% cash flow of a total of RM 303,6 budget allocation. The 2005/06 financial year started with a 63% commitment of the RM 269,0 budget allocation (white book).
Highlights:CD Acquisition (3) • Directorate Naval Acquisition. Project WILLS. S102, the second Type 209 Submarine for the SA Navy was named and launched on 04 May 2005 in Emden. Project SITRON,the successful firing of the exocet anti-ship missile on 22 apr 05 was historic in as much as the target, the decommissioned Strike Craft SAS Shaka, was the smallest target ever engaged by an exocet missile.
Highlights:CD Acquisition (4) • Directorate of ArmyAcquisition. Project Vistula evaluation of supply support platforms is progressing according to plan. project Hoefyster completed the evaluation of the Denel proposal for a new generation Infantry Combat Vehicle, and Project Warrior is currently completing its project study report.
Highlights:CD Acquisition (5) • Directorate SAAF acquisition • The following highlights occurred during this period: • DAFA involvement in the successful contract negotiations for project CONTINENT. • The successful closure of the project WINCHESTER project office in Borough (UK) and the relocation of the project team in SA. • The re-location of the DOD team members on Project FLANGE. The secondment of the Project Officer of FLANGE to Armscor expires 30 June 05. • The approval of the project UKHOZI Tranche 3 decision by the Minister of Defence
Strategic Business Plan Vision The FMD is the source of FM excellence in the DOD MissionTo provide a cost-effective FM service to the Minister of Defence, Secretary for Defence and CSANDF within the evolving regulatory framework bmo a professional, representative civilian FM Corps and appropriate FM system
Finance Division Chief Financial Officer Office Manager Secretary Chief Director Budget Management Chief Director Accounting Chief Director Financial Services
Strategy • To translate Defence from a cash–based to an accrual-based financially managed institution (Possible risk in itself.)
Highlights for the Period • The DOD submitted its financial statements for the General Defence Account (GDA) and the Special Defence Account (SDA) on 31 May 2005 to the National Treasury (NT) and the Auditor-General (A-G) in the format as required, including the financial statements of the public entities under the control of the DOD being Armscor and the Castle Control Board. • The audit on the SDA has been completed and had no qualifications.
Highlights for the Period (2) • The debtor administration system has successfully been implemented during the reporting period and the necessary training has been completed. The implementation of this system will greatly contribute to the management of departmental debt. • Discussions are in process with SITA regarding the enhancement of the FMS and PERSOL in order to pay S&T advances into bank accounts of DOD members/officials. • The SDA budget was submitted and approved by the Ministers of Defence and Finance on 25 April 2005
Highlights for the Period (3) • SCOPA. Replies on SCOPA Resolutions submitted to SCOPA on 1 June 2005. Letter on SCOPA commitments (signed by Sec Def) was sent to relevant members for answers to be submitted by 15 July 2005 – feedback to be given during 2nd quarter.
Challenge for the FMD Delayed advertisement of vacant posts is seriously hampering the achievement of equity targets as per Equity Plan as well as staffing targets as per Personnel Plan.
New Emerging Risks • Guidelines regarding the restructuring of the FMD are awaited; currently it is “business as usual”. • The uncertainty regarding the restructuring is adversely affecting the morale of staff; it would favour the DOD to have restructuring of the FMD resolved as soon as possible. • Amendments to VAT legislation have a ± RM44,0 impact on the budget allocation to Armscor starting from the FY 2005/06. • Funding of Rm788.064 for the A400M still to be addressed during the current FY.
Defence Inspectorate Vision • The Defence Inspectorate is unrivalled world leader in defence internal audits, inspections and forensic investigations Mission • To provide independent and objective assurance and consulting service through the provision of quality internal audit, inspections and forensic investigations in order to add value and improve DOD operations
Defence Inspectorate Organisational Structure IG DOD Office of the IG DOD Directorate Performance Audit Directorate Regulatory Audit Directorate Anti-Fraud Sub-Directorate Resource Management