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Learning to Read Unification Scripture in Korean. Come- Be one people Speaking one Tongue In the house of the living God. Creating Korean as the Universal Language. The Hoon Dok Solution. To the Language Problem. Glenn Carroll Strait Bethesda, MD Oct. 4, 2007. The Challenge:.
Learning to Read Unification Scripture in Korean
Come- Be one people Speaking one Tongue In the house of the living God
The Hoon Dok Solution To the Language Problem Glenn Carroll Strait Bethesda, MD Oct. 4, 2007
The Challenge: Unification members must solve the the language problem before the time when True Parents are no longer on earth. --Sun Myung Moon, Washington, DC, May 2001 The Response: INDIVIDUAL I can learn to read Unification scriptural Korean. I shall learn to read Unification scriptural Korean. WHOLE I expect Korean to become the universal language.
The origin of the language problem is recorded in Jewish and Christian scripture. (Genesis 11:5-9) 1. Language is a problem. The Lord came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men had built. The Lord said, “Behold, they are one people, and they all have the same language. And this is what they began to do and now nothing which they purpose to do will be impossible to them. “Come, let us go down and there confuse their language, so that they will not understand one another’s speech.” So the Lord scattered them abroad from there over the face of the whole earth; and they stopped building the city. Therefore its name was called Babel, because there the Lord confused the language of the whole earth; and from there the Lord scattered them abroad over the face of the whole earth. Father Moon has said: In the future, language will pose a big problem. —Cheon Seong Gyeong, p. 1547. Nov. 1974. Unification members must solve the problem of language before the time when True Parents are no longer on earth. —Washington, D.C. May 2001
• If human beings had not fallen, we would have formed one global family like one body with God as the head. Then there never would have risen a profusion of tongues unintelligible to one another (p.410). • One day, the descendants of Noah’s second son ham, who had sinned against God, built the Tower of Babel to exalt themselves even above God, thus furthering the will of Satan. • When the descendants of Shem and Japeth, who stood on God’s side, helped with the construction, God brought such confusion to their languages that they could no longer communicate with each other to further the will of Satan. From Exposition of the Divine Principle: Diagramed Lecture Manual for Three-Hour Lectures, The House of Unification for World Peace, p. 233.
2. Establishing Korean as the central language is the solution to the language problem. • As offspring of the same parents, all of us have the same feelings of joy, anger, sorrow, and pleasure. Yet we cannot share our deepest feelings with one another because we speak different languages, is not this one of humanity’s greatest misfortunes? • If we are to realize the ideal of one global family which can honor Christ at the Second Advent as our True Parent, surely our languages must be unified. • If Christ does indeed return to Korea, the Korean language will become the mother tongue for all humanity, and all people should learn to speak it. From Exposition of the Divine Principle: Diagramed Lecture Manual for Three-Hour Lectures, The House of Unification for World Peace, p. 234.
Establishing Korean as the central language is the solution to the language problem. Mother Moon declares it: There are 6000 different languages in the world. No one can learn to speak all those languages in their lifetime. So how can we find the way to create an ideal world through language? [Korean] Then why do you think Korean? Only because of True Parents the Korean language became the central language. The speech today tells us that God’s ideal for creation was not fulfilled yet. God had to delay his providence of restoration for more than 6000 years. It is True Parents who came to know the grief of God and the ideal of God. That is why God is familiar with Korean, even though there are 1000s of languages on earth. . . . Learning Korean is one of the best ways to connect to God’s heart on the deepest level. Also, it is a shortcut to creating one world under God. --Hak Ja Han Moon,Benin, Africa—July 2006
Establishing Korean as the central language is the solution to the language problem. Father Moon declares it: With God’s absolute love as the center, an absolute man and woman must come together and establish an absolute culture. In order to establish such a culture, we need one unified language and alphabet before anything else, and so I have emphasized time and again that you need to learn the Korean language and alphabet. This is because the creation and development of a culture is communicated to others through the written and spoken word. --Sun Myung Moon, Nov. 1985 (C.S.G., 1546-47)
Internally, we can understand that Korean should be the central language because it is: • The original language of True Parents. • The language closest to God’s heart. • The language by which True Parents liberated God and erased His memory of the pain and suffering of the restoration providence. Externally, we can understand that Korean should be the central language because: • The written language uses a highly systematic phonetic alphabet, which is therefore adaptable for incorporating new words, while it also lends itself to sounding out and reading aloud new words unfamiliar to the student. • The Korean language writing pattern trains the brain in nonlinear thinking because each written syllable is a discrete two-dimensional unit requiring integrative forethought before writing it. • By including a subset of Chinese characters (Hanja) the written Korean language can be a bridge to the Chinese language. • The Chinese and English languages are like brothers contending globally to become the one central language. Neither will readily surrender to the other. Korean can be the third, parent language to which as a compromise both brother languages are willing to surrender.
3. Hoon Dok Hae is the key to establishing Korean as the central language. Blessed families around the world can be the foundation for establishing Korean as the central language because they are commissioned to devote time to the practice of Hoon Dok Hae (“gathering for reading and learning”). - - - Hoondokhae should be done at least by the husband and wife of all Blessed Families. They should do it for an hour every morning. –Sun Myung Moon, Oct. 1997 (C.S.G., p. 1091) You should do hoondokhae whenever you have time; when you are alone or even when you are in the restroom. –Sun Myung Moon, Feb. 1998 (C.S.G., p. 1091) Not only should you read The Way of God’s Will and Divine Principle, but you should also read other books such as Blessed Family and the Ideal Kingdom. –Sun Myung Moon, Oct. 1997 (C.S.G., p.1092) —
Of course you want to listen to me in Korean. Why? Because Korean is the original language. Therefore, in studying the Principle, if you do not know the original language, you will not understand the meaning of the words. –Sun Myung Moon, Feb. 1984 (C.S.G., p. 260) Conclusions 1. Our Hoondokhae materials should be Unification scripture (much of which is consolidated into Cheong Seong Gyeong). 2. We should read Hoondokhae materials (Unification scripture) in the Korean language. 3. Blessed families reading Hoon Dok Hae in Korean is the key to establishing Korean as the central language.
Hoon Dok Hae Korean (Reading and Listening) Family and Society Korean (Conversation and Reading) HDH Hanja The Peace Kingdom Language: Korean Society Hanja Professional Hanja Complete Hanja 4. Establishing Korean as the central language will require, beyond Hoon Dok Hae Korean, instruction in conversation and in Hanja (Chinese characters). The Proposed Peace Kingdom Language Program
5. Unification scripture holds great advantages as content for learning to read Korean Goal: Learn to read Unification scripture in Korean. Why focus on Unification scripture? •The vocabulary is naturally limited to a spiritually enriching and highly functional subset of the full Korean vocabulary. • The forms of address (verb endings) are naturally limited to a relatively simple subset of the whole array of forms of address. •Learning is naturally cumulative because the content is so cohesive. Why focus on reading, including reading aloud? • Reading is a simpler modality than conversation. •The Hoon Dok Hae context can assure that the student has a written text to follow along with while someone else is reading, a much simpler task than following a spontaneous conversation with no script. • Or in the Hoon Dok Hae context, the student can also be the one to read aloud. • Learning to read requires learning the alphabet, vocabulary, spelling, and grammar, which can be a great foundation for later learning to speak the language. •Unlike conversational Korean, Unification scriptural Korean naturally lends itself to independent study needing aid only periodically by a pronunciation mentor.
6. The Family Pledge is the ideal core content of Unification scripture to use in beginning to learn Korean. 1. Family Pledge is the core of Unification scripture. The Family Pledge not only covers the general outline of the providence, but includes the preface, main contents, and conclusion. It is the encapsulation of the entire Principle. --S.M. Moon, Cheon Seong Gyeong, p. 2372a. You must know that being able to recite the Family Pledge is the best news of all good news in all of history. --S.M. Moon, Cheon Seong Gyeong, p. 2412b. Even for the individual, the Kingdom of God on earth and in heaven is to be established through a family. Because we must create it in our families we have the Family Pledge. If we cannot do this it will not come about. --S.M. Moon, Cheon Seong Gyeong, p. 2413b. 2. Unificationists all face the challenge of learning to recite the Family Pledge in Korean. 3. Unificationists have the regular possibility of reciting the Family Pledge at least every eight days on Ahn Shi Il. Conclusion We should use the Family Pledge as core content for learning to read Unification scripture in Korean.
7. Reading immersion supported by customized tools based on the Family Pledge offers a viable new approach to learning to read Korean. Premises: 1. Immersion in the Korean culture would be the best context for learning Korean. 2. Immersion forces us outside of the box of our thinking and learning habits based on our native language and culture. 3. Immersion in Korean culture is not feasible for the majority of the blessed central families. 4. Key aspects of the immersion experience can be mimicked in an at-home, self-study program that immerses the student in the written word. = = = Key immersion principles for creating a reading immersion experience: • Only Korean. There is no English in any lesson except in the “Breaking the Ice” introductory exercise. • The student must be self-responsible to find the meaning of every word and even the directions for what to do in the lesson by using one of the customized tools. • Use the modalities of looking words up in a dictionary, reading them aloud, writing them, finding them in a block of text.
The student can survive and thrive in reading immersion only by using the customized immersion survival tools. The Ten Tools for Reading Immersion Foundations Tool 1. Alphabet Bars Tool 2. Writing Guidelines Tool 3. Letter Basics Tool 4. Pronunciation Guidelines Tool 5. 21 Unificationist Words Contents Tool 6. Versified Family Pledge Tool 7. Words Dictionary Tool 8. Phrases Dictionary Tool 9. K-E Interlinear Family Pledge Directions Tool 10. Directions Dictionary
8. Materials for starting to learn to read Unification scriptural Korean are available now. The series Reading True Parents’ Word (RTP Word) aims to: • Conform our minds to the mind of God and True Parents • Learn to read True Parents’ word in Korean.” The RTP Word program: • Opens with learning to read and write God’s name in Korean. • Familiarizes the student with the 10 Tools. • Requires memorization of the alphabetical order of the consonants and vowels, taking whatever time the student needs. This is the essential condition for the start as using the 10 tools requires knowing the alphabetical order. •Immerses the student in Korean from the first lesson. •Requires reading aloud, writing, scanning for letters and words in text, and finding definitions in the dictionary.
The projected RTP Word series Book 1. Let’s Learn Hangeul and Vocabulary Book 2. Let’s Learn Grammar Book 3. Let’s Learn Core Unification Ideas (from Divine Principle, Diagramed Lecture Manual for Two-Hour Lectures) Status of the project Book 1 includes: Part 1 . Breaking the Ice Complete Part 2. Tools Complete Part 3. Lessons Unit 1. God and True Family Complete Unit 2. Spirit World Unit 3. Unification Unit 4. Will Part 4. Exercises Status: To date, Oct.4, 2007, Part 1, Part 2, and Unit 1 of Part 3 have been completed and are available for immediate use. The remaining three Units (2, 3, and 4) and the exercises are scheduled to be completed by the end of 2007. Books 2 and 3 are projected for completion in late fall of 2008 and 2009 respectively. Materials will be made available for download as Power Point files.
9. It is realistic for me (the student) to expect to learn to read Unification scriptural Korean.=================================== The reasons why I expect to learn to read Unification scriptural Korean are: •______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ •______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ •______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________
10. It is realistic to expect Korean to become the central language. From Exposition of the Divine Principle: Diagramed Lecture Manual for Three-Hour Lectures, The House of Unification for World Peace, p. 234. • Eventually all people should speak the True Parents’ language as their mother tongue. All of humanity will become one people and use one language, thus establishing one global nation. --Divine Principle, p. 411. I expect Korean to become the central language because: • _______________________________________________ • _______________________________________________ • _______________________________________________ • _______________________________________________