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Learning to Read

Learning to Read. Therese Wetherington, NCDPI Co-facilitated with Teacher Leaders: Candy Fleetwood, Fran Jones, Senate Moshoeshoe , Tonia Chlomoudis , Maryet Owens, & Victoria Hoffman. Professional growth. Standard # 1 Teachers demonstrate leadership

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Learning to Read

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  1. Learning to Read Therese Wetherington, NCDPI Co-facilitated with Teacher Leaders: Candy Fleetwood, Fran Jones, Senate Moshoeshoe, Tonia Chlomoudis, Maryet Owens, & Victoria Hoffman

  2. Professional growth • Standard #1 Teachers demonstrate leadership • • Collaborate with colleagues to mentor and support teachers to improve effectiveness. • • Use a variety of assessment data throughout the year to evaluate progress. • Use data to organize, plan, and set goals • Standard #2 Teachers establish a respectful environment for a diverse population of students. • Maintain high expectations for all students • Standard #3 Teachers know the content they teach. • Develop and apply strategies to make the curriculum rigorous and relevant. • Standard #4 Teachers facilitate learning for their students. • Teachers plan instruction appropriate for their students. • Teachers use a variety of instructional methods. • Standard #5 Teacher reflect on their practice. • Teachers analyze student learning. • Standard #6 Teachers contribute to academic success of all students.

  3. Are we on the right track?

  4. Teach with Purpose • Response to Intervention (RtI) • Tier 1-Allstudents in grades K-3, regardless of screening assessment results, should receive at least 90 minutes of daily reading instruction in the regular education classroom. • Tier 2- Those students identified as moderately at-risk for reading failure receive an additional 30 minutes of reading instruction daily. This instruction occurs in a small group setting with instructional materials targeted to the specific reading skill needs of group members. • Tier 3- Students that make little or no progress in Tier II after a reasonable amount of time, or those students with very severe reading deficiencies, are placed in Tier III. Tier III students receive 60 minutes of daily, targeted, intense reading instructionin addition to that provided during the 90 minute reading block

  5. Basic Early Literacy Skills • Phonemic Awareness • Phonics: Alphabetic Principle • Accuracy & Fluency • Comprehension • Vocabulary & Language

  6. Phonemic Awareness Phonemic awareness is the ability to hear, identify, and manipulate the individual sounds in spoken words. • Phonemic Awareness • Onset & Rimes • Syllable Awareness • Word Awareness • Rhyme & Alliteration

  7. Rhyme and Alliteration • Rhyme and alliteration both involve words that share a common feature or sound. Hearing rhyme requires attention to the ending sound in words, while alliteration requires attention to the beginning. "Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,"

  8. Word Awareness • Concept of word in print--the ability to accurately match spoken words to written words - requires students to segment sentences into words. To arrive at this monumental understanding, children need a great deal of practice with both oral and written activities to develop word awareness.

  9. Syllable Awareness Blending: Stretch words out by syllable (e.g., instead of saying "bicycle," say "bi - cy - cle"). Segmenting: Clap It Out! Bippity, bippity, bumble, bee, Tell me what your name should be. (Sta-cy)

  10. Onset and Rime The onset is the initial consonant or consonant cluster of the word. The rime is the vowel and consonants that follow it. Example: bat b- is the onset -at is the rime. Your turn:swim, sw- is the onset, -im is the rime.

  11. Phonemes • Blend- Put it together • Segment- Take it apart • Manipulate- Delete or substitute • Phonemic Awareness • Onset & Rimes • Syllable Awareness • Word Awareness • Rhyme & Alliteration

  12. Reading 3D-DIBELS Tests for Phonological Awareness Phoneme Segmentation Fluency (PSF) students break apart a word into sounds. Master in 1st grade First Sound Fluency (FSF) student identifies initial sounds. Master in Kindergarten.

  13. Basic Early Literacy Skills • Phonemic Awareness • Tests: FSF & PSF ( K & 1st) • Phonics: Alphabetic Principle • Accuracy & Fluency • Comprehension • Vocabulary & Language

  14. Phonics: Alphabetic Principle Words are composed of letters that represent sounds. Using systematic relationships between letters and phonemes (letter-sound correspondence) to retrieve the pronunciation of an unknown printed string or to spell words. • Multi-Syllabic Words • Prefixes • Base Words • Contractions • Inflectional Endings • Compound Words • Blending • Plural Endings • Consonant Doubling • Long Vowels • Diagraphs & Blends • Sight Words • Short Vowels • Initial & Final Consonants • Letter –Sound Linking • Letter Naming Advanced Phonics Basic Phonics

  15. Reading 3D- Phonics Students must master Phonemic Awareness skills before they can master Advanced Phonics Skills Word Recognition (WR) Sight words. Accuracy & Fluency. Nonsense Word Fluency (NWF) Students make connections between C-V-C and V-C to phonemes. Students can’t identify by sight alone. Master in 2nd grade. Phonemic Awareness PSF- Phoneme Segmentation Fluency FSF- First Sound Fluency

  16. Basic Early Literacy Skills • Phonemic Awareness • Tests: FSF & PSF (K & 1st) • Phonics: Alphabetic Principle • Test: NWF (K, 1st & 2nd) & WR (all) • Accuracy & Fluency • Comprehension • Vocabulary & Language

  17. Reading 3D • DORF- DIBELS Oral Reading Fluency. Student reads text for 60 seconds for fluency & accuracy. (1st grade & up) • DORF Retell & Quality- assesses comprehension. • TRC-Text Reading & Comprehension-assesses accuracy, fluency, vocabulary & comprehension. Use of leveled readers. (K & up) • DAZE- assesses comprehension. Checks word recognition skills, prior knowledge, syntax and morphology, and cause/effect reasoning skills. (3rd grade)

  18. Basic Early Literacy Skills • Phonemic Awareness • Tests: FSF & PSF • Phonics: Alphabetic Principle • Test: NWF & WR • **DORF fluency indicates weaknesses in NWF. • Accuracy & Fluency • Test: DORF, TRC & WR • Comprehension • Test: DORF , TRC & DAZE • Vocabulary & Language Skills • Test: TRC

  19. Am I using each minute of instructional time wisely and well? Are the activities and assignments within the lesson clearly aligned to the standards? Intentional interventions • What are the standards that I want students to master? How do I plan and deliver lessons so that each component is appropriate to the knowledge, skills and needs of my students? How do you know what students know?

  20. Small Groups • Tonia (FSF) • Senate (PSF) • Fran (NWF) • Candy (Comprehension)

  21. What’s Next? • What do I need to Assure Academic Success for all students?

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