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Lions Clubs International Foundation Planning for Success: Multiple District and District Coordinator Goal Setting Webinar. Webinar Agenda. Goal-setting Overview The Goal-setting Survey Resources for Goal-setting Goal-setting: Step-by-Step Goal Monitoring
Lions Clubs International Foundation Planning for Success: Multiple District and District Coordinator Goal Setting Webinar
Webinar Agenda Goal-setting Overview The Goal-setting Survey Resources for Goal-setting Goal-setting: Step-by-Step Goal Monitoring Fundraising and Communication Strategies We Care. We Serve. We Accomplish.
Goal Setting Process • Goals established and submitted via online survey • Submission Date: October 31, 2012 • Both MDCs and DCs will set goals
Goal Setting Process • Use LCIF Reports including: • Status of Installments • Total Recap Report • MJF Listings • At minimum, set a contributions goal increase of 5-10% above an average year of contributions to LCIF
Goal Setting: MDCs • Have a plan • Set goals for each district with your DC team • Analyze reports • Help DCs determine which clubs to offer a presentation • Help districts with fundraising • Make sure your DCs understand the goal setting process • Assist your DCs in working with their DG and DG Team, if necessary
Goal Setting: DCs • Consult your District Governor • Ensure your DG supports your goals • Ask your DG for assistance in achieving goals • Communicate your progress to your DG • Work with your MDC • Make sure your MDC is aware of your goals • Ask for your MDC’s assistance with your goal setting, if necessary • Communicate your progress to your MDC
Goal Setting Survey Questions • What is your target number of clubs to be visited in fiscal year 2012-2013? • What is the estimated number of articles and web news posts you plan to distribute this year? • Will you conduct MJF recognition activities during your district conventions? • Will you give regular reports to clubs of their available MJF recognition credits?
Goal Setting Survey Questions • How much was raised in your district last year? • What is the goal for donations in your district this year? • Is your District Governor/Council Chair supportive of this donation goal? • Are you aware of One Shot, One Life: Lions Measles Initiative? • Do you need more information about LCIF programs in order to promote the Foundation?
Resources for Establishing Goals: Reports • The following reports are available to assist you with your goal setting: • Current MJF/PMJF Listing for your district • This report shows all the individuals in your district who are MJFs or PMJFs. Use this to determine which clubs have never named an MJF and encourage them to name one. Or suggest that those clubs with many individuals who are MJFs or PMJFs consider becoming a 100% MJF Club.
Resources for Establishing Goals: Reports • The following reports are available to assist you with your goal setting: • Current Status of Installments Report for your district • This report shows all the accumulated MJF and PMJF credit in your district. Use it to identify clubs and individuals that are near completion of an MJF or PMJF and encourage them to complete it. Encourage clubs that have many credits to apply for MJFs or PMJFs, or to consider becoming a 100% club.
Resources for Establishing Goals: Reports • Club Health Report for your District • This report indicates the current status of all clubs in your district, including number of members, charter date and whether membership is increasing or decreasing. The report also shows cumulative giving to LCIF during the fiscal year. Use it to identify clubs with potential to support LCIF. This report will help you to prioritize which clubs to visit. • Recap of Donations • This report provides the complete list of donations made to LCIF during the Lions year, sorted by club. Details of each donation are included so that you can which donation program is most relevant for your area, i.e. club donations, MJF donations by individuals, Contributing Memberships, etc.
Other Resources for Establishing Goals • In addition to reports and information, there are other important resources you should consult when setting your goal. Including: • Your District Governor and DG Team • Your DG may have valuable insights into clubs and Lions in your area that can aid you in goal setting. Additionally, you will have a much greater chance of meeting your goals if you are able to work closely with your DG. • Your Multiple District Coordinator • If you are a DC, your MDC should assist you with any questions you have during the goal setting process. Your MDC may hold a goal-setting meeting or consult with you by phone or e-mail to ensure that you are successful in your goal-setting. Your MDC will also be there to assist you as you work to meet your goal throughout the year.
Other Resources for Establishing Goals • Your LCIF Staff Coordinator • LCIF staff coordinators are available to assist you with reports and other questions. Each Constitutional Area has a staff coordinator assigned to work with MDCs and DCs in that area. The appropriate staff coordinator for you area is listed on the LCIF website and in the online training manual. • Former District Coordinator • If you are new to the role of DC, you may find it helpful to consult with the former DC for your area, if appropriate. This person may be able to provide you with important information on clubs, donations and other LCIF-related activities.
Goals: An Example District ABC sets a goal of $30,375. Thisisanincrease of $7,875, or 25%, fromthepreviousyear
Goals: An Example In summary, the LCIF Coordinator must target: • 4 Clubs thatdidnotgivelastyear • Checkthe Total Recapreporttoidentifythese clubs • 5 MJFswithpotentialtobecomePMJFs • Checkthe Status of InstallmentsReportforLionswith MJF credits • 80 Lions as new ContributingMembers • Checkthe Total Recapreportfor clubs withseveralCMsalreadyor new clubs whosemembersdidnotsupportlastyear
Goal Setting: Step By Step On-line surveysendsyourgoalsdirectlyto LCIF Eitherclickontheaddress in the email orcopy and paste theaddress in theaddress bar of your web browser: Multiple District http://www.zoomerang.com/Survey/WEB22DAQ5LY3H4 District http://www.zoomerang.com/Survey/WEB22DAQNSYDYW
Goal Setting: Step By Step Thisiswhatthe on-line surveywill look like. Use the mouse toclick in thetext box and thentypeyouranswer Use the mouse toclick in thebubblenexttotheanswer of yourchoice
Goal Setting: Step By Step Use thescroll bar tomovedownthe page . Allquestionsmarkedwithanasteriskmustbeanswered.
Goal Setting: Step By Step Please, findthe total amountraised in yourdistrictusing LCIF reportsprovided. Whenallquestions are answered, clickonthe SUBMIT button.
Goals: Monitoring We Care. We Serve. We Accomplish. A new goals monitoring process will be instituted for the 2012 – 2013 Lions year. Twice per year, LCIF DCs will be asked to report on their progress to their MDC. In turn, MDCs will report their progress to their SC member. • Allow LCIF and the SC to monitor worldwide progress toward meeting LCIF goals • Enable MDCs to identify DCs who may need assistance in meeting their goals • Enable SCs to identify MDCs who may need assistance in meeting their goals • Allow LCIF staff to identify areas in which they can assist coordinators • Give coordinators the opportunity to ask questions and request assistance
Goals: Monitoring We Care. We Serve. We Accomplish. • Mid-year and year end reporting • Early January, 2013: DCs receive and complete a monitoring survey • MDCs and DCs will discuss the survey by phone. • MDCs will then report on results to their SC member • This process will be repeated in June 2013. During the June 2013 calls, setting goals for the next Lions Year will also be discussed.
Fundraising Strategies • Clubs that did not donate last year • Send a letter • Offer to visit • Inform the clubs of the good work of the Foundation • Inform the clubs of the grants received from LCIF for the district June 2010-2011 Recap of Donations Report:
Fundraising Strategies • MJF Credit Balances: • Individuals or clubs close to US$1,000 • Encourage them to ‘top up’ donations in order to name an MJF or PMJF • Challenge the clubs to donate at least one new MJF this year + $487.50 = $1,000 We Care. We Serve. We Accomplish.
Fundraising Strategies • Contributing Memberships: • Encourage individual donations • Promote CMs through club visits and conventions • Challenge clubs to become 100% Contributing Member clubs We Care. We Serve. We Accomplish.
Fundraising Strategies • Encourage Lions to include LCIF in their estate plans: • Information on the LCIF • website • eBrochures • Lions should talk with an • attorney or estate • planner
Fundraising Strategies • Thank Donors: • Thank donors (clubs and individuals) through recognition • Profile generous donors on website, in newsletter, or local paper • Recognize MJF donors at conventions and club meetings We Care. We Serve. We Accomplish.
Fundraising Strategies • Leo Clubs: • Help Leos understand the importance of LCIF and its good work throughout the world • Encourage Leo clubs to fundraise on behalf of LCIF as up and coming global leaders • Try to promote 100% Leo club participation District 23C Connecticut Leos – 100% club participation! We Care. We Serve. We Accomplish.
Communication For planning and ongoing evaluation of success: 13 Steering Committee Members • DistrictGovernorTeams • LCIF SteeringCommittee <-> MultipleDistrictCoordainators • MultipleDistrictCoordinators <–> DistrictCoordinators • LCIF Staff 150 Multiple District Coordinators 750 District Coordinators 45,000 Clubs
Communication For education, outreach and to mobilize contributions: • Club visits • Newsletterarticles • Presentationsat conventionsand leadershipdevelopmentevents • Zoneand districtcabinetmeetings • Directmail appeals • Local media coverage of LCIF impact
Communicate: MJF Program Changes We Care. We Serve. We Accomplish. There are now four Areas of Giving from which to choose when making a contribution. Donations within these four general areas are eligible for Melvin Jones Fellowship recognition More specific donations within these areas will be honored by LCIF but will not be eligible for MJF recognition (i.e. donations for Special Olympics Opening Eyes, SightFirst, Lions Quest, etc.) The Measles Initiative under Humanitarian Needs is MJF eligible