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Visual Brand Language

Visual Brand Language. Introduction to Global Style Guide. Agenda. What is Visual Brand Language? MSA Brand Positioning VBL Concept Global VBL Style Guide Graphic Design Packaging Design Industrial Design Trade Shows Next Steps. What is Visual Brand Language?.

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Visual Brand Language

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Visual Brand Language Introduction to Global Style Guide

  2. Agenda • What is Visual Brand Language? • MSA Brand Positioning • VBL Concept • Global VBL Style Guide • Graphic Design • Packaging Design • Industrial Design • Trade Shows • Next Steps

  3. What is Visual Brand Language? • Unique combination of design elementsthat allow customers to make an immediate visual connection to the MSA brand • VBL communicates our values and personality • VBL is like a pyramid

  4. Why Visual Brand Language? • To communicate our company's brand identity more effectively and clearly • To have a uniform and recognizable appearance of communications • To support the overall customer experience • To differentiate from our competitors • To have a new and fresh look for MSA all around the world • To create an emotional connection to our target audiences

  5. MSA Brand Positioning TRUST& DURABILITY For nearly 100 years our passionate mission of safety empowers us “The Safety Company” to protect lives. We are committed to providing the latest in innovative, best-in-class safety solutions that feature integrated systems capability and allow our customers to return safely to their families and friends. Every day our customers place their lives in our hands. In response, we provide them with protection they can trust, and their stories become our stories. Hand in hand we partner with our customers to earn that trust. • Defines the visual tone of the MSA brand in relation to other brands • Communicates our purpose, our cause, and our beliefs Goal of Brand Positioning: • Create a positive memorable image, feeling and satisfaction with MSA in the minds of our customers

  6. MSA Brand Positioning • It is our goal for all MSA associates worldwide to embrace, believe and promote our brand promise • Trust & Durabilityshould be supported visually in all our marketing materials and product designs • It should be obvious to users interacting with our products • To support MSA Brand Positioning effectively, a new Visual Brand Language concept will be applied globally

  7. VBL Concept • Focus on PEOPLE (employee at work compared to individual in private life) communicates the TRUST aspect • Structured and clear look provides high-grade impression and powerful forms communicate DURABILITY

  8. Keystone VBL Concept • Basic Element:MSA Keystone • Plays a fundamental role for the recognition of the MSA brand • Stands for protection, trust and durability • Clear and strong form reflects the ruggedness and reliability of MSA products

  9. Global VBL Style Guide • Defines all relevant, visual features specific for MSA • Should guarantee a global consistency and recognition of the MSA brand

  10. Global VBL Style Guide • Section 1: Introduction • Mission and Vision, MSA Brand Positioning, VBL Pyramid, Total Brand Experience Lifecycle • Section 2: Graphic Design • Essentials, Literature, Advertisements, Stationery, PowerPoint Presentations, Videos, MSA Website • Section 3: Packaging Design • Section 4: Industrial Design • Design Process, Design Principles, Signature Elements, General Guidelines, Logo Application • Section 5: Trade Shows

  11. VBL Guide – Essentials • Logo Usage Guidelines • Corporate Color Palette • Corporate Font • Corporate Design Paper

  12. VBL Guide – Literature Market-Segment Brochure 4-Pages Product Leaflet 2-Pages Product Leaflet

  13. VBL Guide – Literature • Categories of Literature • Application / Market Segment-oriented • Product-related • Others • Image Style • Layout • Color Scheme • Typography • Graphic Elements • Literature Content

  14. VBL Guide – Advertising Half-page Image-oriented Product-oriented

  15. VBL Guide – Advertising • Essential Elements • MSA Logo • Corporate Font • Contact Details • Recommended Elements • MSA Keystone

  16. VBL Guide – Stationery • Business Cards • Letterheads • Internal Notices • Internal Memos • Email Signature

  17. VBL Guide – PowerPoint

  18. VBL Guide – Videos • Logo Opening • Identifying Graphic • Program Exit • Program Format • Packaging and Labeling

  19. VBL Guide – Website • URL • Concept • Color Scheme • Typography www.MSAsafety.com

  20. VBL Guide – Packaging • Corporate Logo • Color Scheme • Elements on the Box • Text • Carbon Fiber Texture • Product Picture • Keystone • Aspect Ratio • Taping

  21. VBL Guide – Industrial Design • Design Process • Design Principles • Signature Elements • General Guidelines • Color Scheme • Logo Application • Product Name

  22. VBL Guide – Trade Shows • General Look • Design Elements • Staff Rules

  23. VBL Guide – Color Reference Sheet

  24. Where to find the VBL Guide… • Online version: http://webapps.msanet.com/vbl • PDF: Global Branding Database • Printed version: For Marketing and R&D associates Note: The VBL guide is an internal document and not meant for publication. • Trainings on specific design areas in MSA-U • Graphic Design • Packaging Design • Industrial Design

  25. Next Steps • Mandatory training for associates dealing with VBL topics • Local Creativity and Design Centers are provided with templates for literature and packaging design • New concept will be applied to all future materials • Existing materials will be used up and changed with revision/reorder • Existing products remain unchanged

  26. Keystone Key Facts at a Glance • Always show MSA Logo in the right manner • Use the Corporate Color Palette for all materials • Always use the Corporate Font, in 80% Black • Focus on People visually supports Brand Positioning “Trust & Durability” • MSA Keystone as basic graphic element for all professionally designed items

  27. Leaflet Website Powerpoint Product Packaging Advert VBL Concept applied to different Materials

  28. Now it's up to us to support and live MSA's Visual Brand Language to make our customers' MSA experience the best that it can be! THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION!

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