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Registration Training 2011. CASH TO START. Go to the bank and pull enough cash to provide for two floats, one fully mixed float for the souvenir tent and another fairly substantial one for the registration tables made up of $5.00 bills (lots and lots) and a few $10.00 bills.
CASH TO START Go to the bank and pull enough cash to provide for two floats, one fully mixed float for the souvenir tent and another fairly substantial one for the registration tables made up of $5.00 bills (lots and lots) and a few $10.00 bills. Change at the registration tables has been a real problem for the frontline folks now for the past couple of years. Ride registration of $25.00 really chews up $5.00 bills. Pulling change from the cash office causes confusion and often, errors.
MRFD Registration Training REGISTRATION SETUP There are 4 possible types of registrants to be prepared for at registration areas. These are: • A person who needs to fill out a registration form. • A person who has everything with him but has not registered or paid yet. • A person who registered completely on-line. • A person who registered on-line but has come with more pledges. Upon arriving at registration it needs to be extremely clear to the registrant where he/she needs to go, and what needs to be done to complete his/her registration. Signage Will be Very Important At the entrance to the registration area there has to be enough greeters ready to handle the possible number of registrants that are anticipated to arrive. These greeters are not only there to direct people but they are there to help in other ways also. • In scenario #1 the participant needs to be directed to a table where they can fill out their form, or get a form to fill out if they do not have one with them. That table should be stocked with an adequate number supply of forms and pens. A “Please Write Legibly” sign on the table would be a good idea. • In scenario #2 the greeter will look over the participants pledge form, help to make sure it is all filled out and legible, and then direct them to the registration tables to complete the process. • In scenario #3 & 4 the greeter will direct the ‘On-line Registrant’ to a well signed table to sign in for the Ride. Note: On-line registrants may or may not have a pledge/registration sheet. If they do not have additional pledges or monies direct them to the Express On-line Registration desk. If they have additional monies but do not have a pledge/registration sheet direct those to the table where they may fill in a sheet and advise them to then proceed to the Express On-line Registration desk.
Registration Procedures • Verify that the pledge form is complete, legible and signed. • If the rider has indicated that he has participated in a Ride for Dad previously, ensure that the information provided is the same as the previous year; the rider may have moved… or changed phone number/e-mail address. If the information has changed, please flag it on the registration form by using a blue or pink highlighter across the information that needs to be updated. • Each registration table should have two attendants. First person adds up the pledge form, verifies that the total is correct by circling the total. Attach an adding machine tape. Second person adds up the money ensuring that the total money received balances with the total on the pledge form, Place the money in a baggie, and staple to form. All cheques should be payable to the Motorcycle Ride for Dad (Ride For Dad is acceptable). If the rider pays by credit card, complete the sales slip for the applicable amount, make an imprint of the card and have the sales slip signed. Write the cardholder’s phone number on the sales slip and provide a copy of the sales slip to the cardholder. • The rider only gets credit for the pledges for which funds have been • received. • A $25 Registration fee MUST be paid by anyone wishing to • participate. This is not tax deductible. This fee helps pay for the • lunch, gift bags and administrative expenses. This fee is waived • ONLY if the participant brings in $100 or more in charitable • donations. Non-participating passengers may ride for free, but • they do not receive a ‘goodie’ bag, lunch, or draw ticket.
**Please note we need a separate registration form for a passenger if that person plans to participate in the draws, lunch etc.If someone shows up with one form totaling $200 and a passenger who wants to participate, a second registration form needs to be completed and $100 in donations moved over. Each participant needs to register, complete a registration form and pay the registration fee (or meet the minimum pledge requirement). Do not staple the forms together. Registration Procedures • We accept Visa, MasterCard & American Express. Double check that the name and card number is clear after swiping through the imprinter; double check expiry date on card; make sure the registrant signs the sales slip & record a phone number. • Make sure every paid registrant receives: • Gift Bag • One Lunch wrist bracelet or lunch ticket • A route card & map • One poker card (if applicable) • A prize draw ticket (if applicable) SMILE - THANK THEM and direct them to the 50/50 table and the souvenir sales area.
EXPRESS ON-LINE REGISTRATION DESKA spreadsheet will be sent out prior to Pre-Registration with all of the participants who have registered for this Ride to date and the amount they have raised on-line so far. It will be current to the time the report was pulled off. This report will be in Excel format and formatted so that it can be printed on 8 ½ x 11 paper. Please make sure a copy of this spreadsheet is at each of the on-line desks.Make sure enough manpower resources have been assigned to the on-line desks so that these are really “EXPRESS”. You can estimate your needs by the number of pre-registered riders. Make sure that enough gift bags are set aside for the On-Line registrants. These are pre-paid registrants and the bags have been paid for already. Make sure the EXPRESS ON-LINE REGISTRATION Desks are clearly signed. Each registration and express check-in table should have two attendants. When a rider approaches the Express Web Check-in desk, the person on the desk will: Highlight the name of the pre-registered rider and check to see if they have paid the registration fee. If the rider has additional pledges, the pledge form verification will be identical to the regular process, and the sum of the additional pledges will be entered on the Web Check-in control sheet in the column provided. If the rider has enough pledges for a free registration ($100) then there is no need to collect the registration fee. If the registrant’s pledges do not reach the $100 threshold, a registration fee (or an additional pledge) will be necessary.
NOTE: Please remember – any and all “additional pledges” must be accompanied by a pledge form (with the rider’s name clearly indicated) in order for the Cash Office to balance and so that the appropriate receipts can be issued.At the end of the registration, all of the express desk control sheets must be delivered to the data entry desk so that the riders name and total amount collected can be added to the master registration tally in order that the top pledge earners can be determined.
***IMPORTANT*** DO NOT move any money from donations/pledges for any reason to take care of a registration fee that has not been submitted!
IMPORTANT INFORMATION for PARTICIPANTSAT PRE-REGISTRATIONRemind ALL riders who pre-register that they MUST havetheir POKER PLAY SHEET (if applicable), with them on RideDay; replacements will NOT be available. Poker cards willbe drawn at the pre-determined poker stops along theroute.Passengers who wish to participate in the day's activities,and be eligible for lunch and prizes, MUST REGISTER. Likethe riders, they may choose to pay the $25 registration fee,or collect $100 or more in pledges to get FREE registration. ON RIDE DAYLunches and goodie-bags are of limited quantities andare distributed on a first come – first served basis. Weapologize to those who miss out.
CASH OFFICEPreparing the deposits:Pledge sheets must be gathered frequently from the Registration Desks and taken to a secure area by runners (cash office).All pledge sheets and deposits will be prepared in batches. The batches should contain no more than 25 pledge forms. Place a batch number on the top corner of each pledge form in the bundle that will form the batch and the envelopes that correspond to those pledge forms. The batch number can be obtained from the “Batch Summary Sheet”. Add the total pledge figures from each of the pledge forms in the batch to obtain a batch total. Attach an adding machine tape. Prepare a deposit slip (cash & cheques only) to the Ride for Dad Account for each batch, and record the batch number on the deposit slip. (This is for future reference and to assist with reconciliation of the bank account.) Enter the deposit figure on the Batch Summary Sheet. Total the cash, cheques and credit card slips from that batch and record those amounts on the Batch Summary Sheet. The deposit slip total plus the credit card totals should balance to total of the Pledge forms in that batch. DO NOT INCLUDE CREDIT CARD SLIPS IN THE BANK DEPOSIT. Bundle all credit card slips by batch number. Place the cash and cheques along with the Deposit Slip in the plastic deposit bag supplied, and seal the bag. Clip together the batch numbered pledge forms, a duplicate copy of the deposit slip along with the credit card slips, and put in the box going to the Corporate Office by courier the next business day.IMPORTANT: Deposits from any source, other than pledges and registration, must be kept separate. For example, the deposit for souvenir sales will be done separately and the deposit slip clearly marked as souvenirs. IMPORTANT: The next business day courier (OVERNIGHT) all of the batched pledge sheets, a copy of the batch deposit forms and all credit card slips to the corporate office for data entry. Courier: Purolator Account # - 1590965
DATA ENTRYOn a simple Excel spreadsheet, record the participant’s name and amount of money raised. Don’t forget to include the on-line registrants from the web check-in sheet. Hint: Start with the On-line report and just keep adding the name and amount from all the pledge forms to the bottom of that list. It will save you retyping the On-line list.Caution: Either take the On-line totals from the control sheet total column (includes additional pledges) or ignore the additional pledge column and enter the pledge forms for the additional pledges…..but not both.Once all the pledge forms have been entered, “total” the column to obtain the amount raised through rider pledges and registration. Then do a “Sort” by dollars to obtain your top pledge earners.Contact the M/C of the closing ceremonies with these results.Pack up the pledge forms along with all of the credit card slips in very secure containers. These containers must be couriered to the corporateoffice the next business day for data entry.
Helpful Information CAPTAIN’S CLUB RECOGNITION LEVELS • Level Pledge Amount Range • BRONZE $1,000 to $2,499.00 • SILVER $2,500 to $4,999.00 • GOLD $5,000 to $9,999.00 • DIAMOND $10,000 and over
IMPORTANT INFORMATION • IMPORTANT - Retention of participant information is a serious breach of our privacy policy. • DO NOT accept any credit card company ‘gift cards’. These may not be able to process properly and due to the fact that anyone can use them we will have no contact information to recover the revenue. • 24 hours before your ride day we will randomly pick from your online registrants a Chapter winner. That name will be entered into the National draw for a trip for two to Las Vegas being held at the end of all of the Rides. This winner will be indicated on the online report. • Before your ride occurs we will need to know the frequency and the times that your Chapter would like the online data spreadsheet sent to you. Also, we will require a minimum of two contacts that will be available at all times to receive the reports. These contacts need to provide email and cell phone/telephone contact information.
Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedules to take part in this training. You can contact me any time should you have any questions.Best of luck with your Rides.Colleen