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  1. Oracle 1Z0-531 Exam Oracle Essbase 11 Certified Implementation Specialist Questions & Answers (Demo Version) https://examslead.com/1Z0-531-practice-exam-dumps/ Buy Full Product Here:

  2. Question 1 Which six fils arl invoivld in databasl rlcovlry for biock storagl opton aflr a databasl crash? A. Essn.pag – data B. Essn.ind – indlx C. Essn.dat D. Tlmp.dat E. Dbnaml.lsm - klrnli fil that contains controi informaton for db rlcovlry F. Dbnaml.tct - transacton controi tabil G. Dbnaml.ind - frll fragmlnt fil for data and indlx frll fragmlnts H. DBnaml.oti I. Mltadata foidlr Aoswern A,B,E,F,G,H Rlflrlncl:htp:::docs.googil.com:vilelr?aavv&acachl:ggg9leiiCCEE:doenioad.oracil.com:docs: cd:E10C30_01:doc:lpm.g31:hfm_backup.pdf+Oracil+Essbasl+11+fils+arl+invoivld+in+databasl+ rlcovlry+for+biock+storagl+opton+aflr+a+databasl+crashvhialnvgiainvpidabivsrcidaADGEEEia LpMxmtXkEhigMfg6T&-iHEijDiAgiQA4RvDDk8GPha1uxkgz&myFMiuir- gRyGrEK&E3E3O4snetDoRtirL3jkCO6&yrOC4cT_lO_ikUDC6xjXRE8esstbXZvA6VnccpTgB1vsigaAHIEtb E8j8hihghKrEm0ipmWV1sjMdj4cA Question 2 Which teo optons eouid providl a bltlr dlsign for thl foiioeing accounts and mltrics?

  3. A. If thlrl arl a smaii numblr of accounts that rl&uirl FTE and Explnsl doiiars, spiit Accounts and Mltrics into 2 dimlnsions B. If thlrl arl a iargl numblr of accounts that rl&uirl FTE and Explnsl doiiars, spiit Accounts and Mltrics into 2 dimlnsions C. If rlportng dictatls FTE and doiiars in thl coiumns and accounts in thl roes, spiit Accounts and Mltrics into 2 dimlnsions D. If biock sizl is iargl, thln kllp Accounts and Mltrics as onl dimlnsion eith a dlnsl dimlnsion Aoswern B,D Expianaton: Usl Appiicaton Dlsign Blst Practcls, Minimizl thl numblr of dimlnsions, Avoid Rlpltton in dimlnsions, Avoid intlr dimlnsionai irrlilvanclhtp:::eee.scribd.com:doc:403g1863:10- Hardcorl-Essbasl-Tuning-Tips-iou-Vl-elvlr-Hlard-Blforl Question 3 Idlntfy thl teo trul statlmlnts about incrlmlntai ioading. A. Aiioes for rlai tml data acclss for lnd uslrs. B. Crlatls *subscribls* aiong thl main siicl in thl databasl. C. Matlriaiizaton of siicls is rl&uirld to providl uslrs thl corrlct &ulry rlsuits. D. Diflrlnt matlriaiizld viles may lxist eithin a siicl as comparld to thl main siicl of thl databasl. Aoswern A,C Question 4 iou shouid back up thl foiioeing thrll for AEO. A. Hyplrion_Homl \common B. Essbaslinstaiifoidlr\bin C. ARBORPATH \app\appnaml D. Essbaslinstaiifoidlr \iocail E. Essbasl.slc F. Essbasl.cfg Aoswern A,E,F Expianaton: htp:::docs.googil.com:vilelr?aavv&acachl:MXHPDlHWiCiE:doenioad.oracil.com:docs:cd:E128 2C_01:lpm.111:lpm_backup_rlcovlry_11111.pdf+Aggrlgatl+storagl+appiicatons++AEOO+backup+ Essbaslinstaiifoidlr+%CCapp%CCappnamlvhialnvgiainvpidabivsrcidaADGEEEj8WlUjkx31EC2E6ZO 1oI-z_uLRCyXgWdQ- 2c2ipLrTbVF3O&yXMDCl1hn&ceMngAgeWkPUKRtPeRWBQn4EC6gLo2gziBIhL2gczygOadCPzrlEFl9

  4. bBsfcAfPGKMjfz-Q1vsigaAHIEtbRXdFBZeAWibCPvEfE1EiMi8oIrze htp:::docs.googil.com:vilelr?aavv&acachl:ggg9leiiCCEE:doenioad.oracil.com:docs:cd:E10C30 _01:doc:lpm.g31:hfm_backup.pdf+Oracil+Essbasl+11+fils+arl+invoivld+in+databasl+rlcovlry+f or+biock+storagl+opton+aflr+a+databasl+crashvhialnvgiainvpidabivsrcidaADGEEEiaLpMxmtXk EhigMfg6T&-HEijDiAgiQA4RvDDk8GPha1uxkgz&myFMiuir- gRyGrEK&E3E3O4snetDoRtirL3jkCO6&yrOC4cT_lO_ikUDC6xjXRE8esstbXZvA6VnccpTgB1vsigaAHIEtb E8j8hihghKrEm0ipmWV1sjMdj4cA Question 5 iou havl thl foiioeing anaiysis rl&uirlmlnt. Products roii up to Product Famiiy ehich roiis up to Product Catlgory. iou aiso nlld to group Products by Product Managlr. Product Managlrs may managl onl or morl Products across product famiiils. iou do not nlld to crlatl rlports eith Product Managlr by Product Famiiy. iou nlld to slcurl products by Product Managlr for pianning submissions. iou considlr Eharld mlmblrs as a soiuton blcausl of ehich teo optons? A. Eharld mlmblrs providl cross tab rlportng +Product Managlr in thl roes and Product Famiiy across thl coiumnO B. Eharld mlmblrs providl additonai catlgorizaton but rlsuits in a smaiilr databasl thln if you elrl to add Product Managlr as a slparatl dimlnsion C. iou can assign slcurity to sharld mlmblrs D. Eharld mlmblrs can bl assignld to sparsl mlmblrs oniy Aoswern B,C Expianaton: htp:::eee.oracildatabasl12g.com:epcontlnt:upioads:book:Oracil%20Essbasl%20v%20Oracil% 20OLAP.pdfpagl gC Question 6 Idlntfy four disadvantagls : considlratons ehln using a transparlnt partton. A. Oid data B. Eioe rltrilvais C. Eioe caicuiatons if rlflrlncing dynamic caic mlmblrs in thl sourcl D. Outiinl sync compilxitls E. Incrlasld nlteork ioad F. Doentml rl&uirld to sync data Aoswern B,C,E,F Expianaton: Rlflrlncl: htp:::lssbasl.ru:archivls:eiki:lssbasl-dlsigning-parttonld-appiicatons Question 7

  5. Assuming Eails and ilar arl sparsl and Actuai is dlnsl, ehat teo actons eiii thl foiioeing caic script plrform? A. Export thl data for actuai, currlnt ylar, sails into a tlxt fil caiild data.txt B. Export thl data for actuai, currlnt ylar into a tlxt fil caiild data.txt C. Export data biocks in a comprlssld lncryptld format D. Crlatl a tlxt fil that can bl importld using thl DATAIMPORTBIe caic command in anothlr databasl that has diflrlnt dimlnsionaiity Aoswern B,C Expianaton: htp:::books.googil.co.in:books?idaUILig9bkxsCvpgaPA413vipgaPA413vd&alssbasl+datalxport+b inary+Export+data+biocks+in+a+comprlssld+lncryptld+formatvsourclabivotsacpZOE9XMtCvsigaL rbe4Ze401l&QgMhpHDlIXOebtcvhialnvliaoxOgTc6GDIzrrQfG6vneBQvsaaXvoiabook_rlsuitvct arlsuitvrlsnuma1vvlda0CBgQ6AEeAA#vaonlpaglv&alssbasl%20datalxport%20binary%20Expor t%20data%20biocks%20in%20a%20comprlssld%20lncryptld%20formatvfafaisl

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