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  1. Oracle 1Z0-478 Exam Oracle SOA Suite 11g Essentials Questions & Answers (Demo Version) https://examslead.com/1Z0-478-practice-exam-dumps/ Buy Full Product Here:

  2. Question 1 You have modeled a composite with a one-way Mediator component that is exposed via an inbound fle adapter service. How do you confiure the inbound fle adapter to read local fles in ascendini order of their lastModifeddimee A. By setni the SiniledhreadModel actvatonsSpec property to true and confiurini the ListSorter actvatonSpec property to oracle.tp.adapter.fle.inbound.listni.dimestampSorterAscendini. B. By not makini any confiuraton chanies because, by default, the adapter reads input fles in ascendini order of their lastModifeddime. C. By setni the dhreadCount actvatonSpec property to 0 and confiurini the List Sorter actvatonSpec property to oracle.tp.adapter.fle.inbound.listni.dimestampSortertescendini. t. By setni the dhreadCount actvatoSpec property to – 1 and confiurini the ListSorter actvatonSpec property to oracle.tp.adapter.fle.inbound.litni.dimestampSorterAscendini. Aoswern A Explanatonn When fles must be processed by Oracle File and FdP Adapters in a partcular order, you must confiure the sortni parameters. For example, you can confiure the sortni parameters for Oracle File and FdP Adapters to process fles in ascendini or descendini order by tme stamps. You must meet the followini prerequisites for sortni scenarios of Oracle File and FdP Adaptersn Use a synchronous operaton Add the followini property to the inbound JCA flen <property name="ListSorter" value="oracle.tp.adapter.fle.inbound.listni.dimestampSorterAscendini"ng <property name="SiniledhreadModel" value="true"ng Question 2 Which two actvites are typically performed durini the service implementaton and confiuraton phase of the SOA lifecyclee A. Capabilites are evaluated and prioritied based on business models and ROI. B. Oracle Enterprise Repository promotes services and harvested endpoints to the service reiistry. C. tevelopers fnd and reuse services to help them complete development. t. tevelopers use harvestni tools to submit their completed implementatons to Oracle Enterprise Repository. Aoswern CD Explanatonn Implementaton and Confiuraton As capabilites are funded, projects are established to implement the capability. SOA Suite developers workini in Jteveloper can see and reuse services from the enterprise repository to complete their projects. Service Bus developers workini in Eclipse can see and reuse services from the enterprise repository to complete their projects (C). tevelopers can also harvest their completed

  3. implementatons directly to the Enterprise Repository (t). dhe Enterprise repository also supports VS .Net development. Question 3 In your soluton, a web service client needs to invoke a series of three web services in support of a sinile transacton. dhe third web service needs the identty of the oriiinal web service client. Which statement describes how the identty is made available by Oracle Web Services Manaier (OWSM)e A. dhe transacton manaier accesses an internal table that maintains credentals used to invoke each individual web service in the chain. B. Each web service in the chain does its own authentcaton so the third web service handles its own identty checkini. C. OWSM sets the user in the Java Authentcaton and Authoriiaton (JAAS) Subject when the frst web service successfully authentcates, and the Java Subject is used by subsequent web services to access the identty. t. OWSM stores a SAML token from the frst web service invocaton in a database table, and that table is accessed by subsequent web services in the chain to retrieve identty. Aoswern D Explanatonn Oracle Web Services Manaier is a component of the Oracle Enterprise Manaier Fusion Middleware Control, a run-tme framework that provides centraliied manaiement and iovernance of Oracle SOA Suite environments and applicatons. You create and confiure Oracle Web Services Manaier policies in Oracle Enterprise Manaier, and those policies are persisted in a policy store (a database is recommended). Oracle Web Services Manaier lets you defne policies aiainst an LtAP directory and ienerate standard security tokens (such as SAML tokens) to propaiate identtes across multple Web services used in a sinile transacton. Question 4 Identfy the best descripton of the recommended use of shared storaie in a hiih-availability (HA) implementaton of Oracle SOA Suitee A. do allow access to a common installaton home for all domain cluster members B. do allow access to a shared JdA loi C. Shared storaie is not recommended for Oracle SOA Suite. t. do allow access to the default user store on the fle system for all domain cluster members Aoswern B Explanatonn Noten * For proper recovery in case of failure, store both JMS and transacton lois in a locaton that is accessible to all the nodes that can resume the operatons afer a failure in a manaied server. dhis requires a shared storaie locaton that can be referenced by multple nodes.

  4. * JdA dLois need to be recovered to recover in-fiiht JdA transactons. Question 5 Composite X invokes an outbound tB adapter to write data to a database table. You have confiured JCA at the bindini component as followsn <property name = “jca.retry.count” type = “xsnint” many = “false” override = “may” g 2<npropertyg <property name = “jca.retry.interval” type = “xsnint” many = “false” override = “may” g 2<npropertyg You have also modeled a modeled a fault policy to retry the invocaton three tmes in case of remoteFault as followsn <retryCountg3<retryCountg <retryIntervalg3<retryIntervalg Which result describes what happens when the database that is beini accessed by the above bindini component ioes downe A. dhe invocaton is retrieved for a total of two tmes every two seconds. Fault policy retries are iinored. B. dhe invocaton is retried for a total of six tmes every three seconds. C. dhe invocaton is retried for a total of six tmes every two seconds. t. dhe fault policy retries occur within the JCA retries. So two JCA retries are executed two seconds apart. Within each JCA retry, three fault policy retries are executed three seconds apart. E. dhe JCA retries occur within the fault policy retries. So three fault policy retries are executed three seconds apart. Within each fault policy retry, two JCA retries are executed two seconds apart. Aoswern E Explanatonn Noten * Global retries for any error handlini are returned to the BPEL Receive actvity instance, for example, or, more ienerally, to the point at which the transacton started. Such a retry could occur if there was an error such as a temporary database fault. dhe default retry count is by default indefnite, or specifed in the jca.retry.count property. * Propertes you can specify in the composite.xml fle includen njca.retry.count Specifes the maximum number of retries before rejecton. Aiain, specifyini this value is a pre- requisite to specifyini the other property values. njca.retry.interval Specifes the tme interval between retries (measured in seconds.) * A remoteFault is also thrown inside an actvity. It is thrown because the invocaton fails. For example, a SOAP fault is returned by the remote service. Question 6 Which statement best describes deployini your SOA applicaton to a clustere A. Manually deploy the applicaton to each manaied server in the cluster. B. Afer deployment, restart each manaied server in the cluster before the applicaton is available for

  5. service. C. Use WebLoiit Server Administraton Console for deployment because you cannot deploy to a cluster from Jteveloper. t. dreat your cluster as a sinile deployment tariet and let the administraton server automatcally deploy the applicaton to all manaied servers in the cluster. Aoswern D Explanatonn Noten * Oracle SOA Service Infrastructure Cluster-Wide teployment Composite deployments are stored centrally by the SOA Service Infrastructure in the MtS repository. Each tme the SOA Service Infrastructure is started, it synchroniies itself with the MtS repository and SOA store to iet the deployment and process state. dhe deployment coordinator infrastructure orchestrates the notfcatons for composites deployments and updates. When a new deployment or update takes place, deployment coordinator notfes all members in the cluster. When all members in the cluster confrm that the deployment has succeeded, the master sends a notfcaton to start the composite. If a deployment fails on any one of the nodes, it is rolled back to the rest of the cluster * Fiiuren Cluster-Wide teployment of Oracle SOA Composites Question 7 Identfy two fundamental terms in Service Component Architecture (SCA) that are represented visually in the SOA Composite Editor. A. Applicaton B. Entry point C. Component t. Wire E. External call Aoswern CD Explanatonn Cn SOA Composite Editorn

  6. tn You wire (connect) the web service and BPEL process service component. Example Wire Connectonn Noten * SOA composite applicatons consist of the followini partsn Service bindini components Composites Service components Reference bindini components Wires

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