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Welcome. Norms. Be punctual and honor time. Have snacks! Show respect for everyone and for individual schools in both words and actions. Presume positive intentions of each team member. Listen actively, ask clarifying questions, share ideas willingly, keep an open mind.
Norms • Be punctual and honor time. • Have snacks! • Show respect for everyone and for individual schools in both words and actions. • Presume positive intentions of each team member. • Listen actively, ask clarifying questions, share ideas willingly, keep an open mind. • Represent and honor those who are not present. • Achieve consensus, even if not unanimous.
Parking Lot Could you explain…? How would you suggest…? • Post It Where can we…? What is the best way to…?
Sub-Committees Initial Reports
Today’s Goal What do we need from reading and writing materials to make each CCSS standard a reality in PSD K-5 classrooms? • Navigate/explore the CCSS • Identify commonalities/connections/differences
Common Core Standards English Language Arts for K-5 Common Core This Way - Yo#F0321
ELA Standard Strands • Reading • Literature • Informational • Reading Foundations • Writing • Listening and Speaking • Language http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDzTOyxRGLI&list=UUF0pa3nE3aZAfBMT8pqM5PA&index=6&feature=plcp
Navigating the Standards • Vertically by grade level • Horizontally across standard • Use of appendices • Appendix A • Text Complexity • Foundational Skills • Vocabulary Concepts • Appendix B • Text exemplars from text types • Performance task examples for reading • Appendix C • Annotated writing samples • Integration across standard strands
Reading: Text Complexity (CCSS 6-12, p. 57; Appendix A, p. 5-7) Levels of meaning Structure Language conventions and clarity Knowledge demands Readability measures Other scores of complexity (Figure 2, Appendix A, p.6) Lexiles, Accelerated Reader, Coh-Matrix Variations: motivation, knowledge, experience Variables: purpose/complexity of task; questions posed (Figure 4, Appendix A, p. 10-12)
Nonfiction NAEP Assessment Writing Framework 2011
Domain-specific 3 Tiers of Words 3 General academic words found more in text than speech 2 Everyday speech 1
Reading Standards • Literature • Key Ideas and Details • Craft and Structure • Integration of Knowledge and Ideas • Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity • Informational Text • Key Ideas and Details • Craft and Structure • Integration of Knowledge and Ideas • Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity • Foundational Skills • Print Concepts K-1 • Phonological Awareness K-1 • Phonics and Word Recognition K-5 • Fluency K-5
RIGOR • Underline the verbs as you read your grade-level standards • Pay attention to the level of Bloom’s and/or DOK
Let’s Explore….Reading Literature (RL)/Informational Text (RI) • Locate the standards for literature • Locate the standards for informational text • Find your grade level and read down through each literature standard at your grade level. • How do these standards compare to what you currently teach in the area of literature? What seems the same? What seems new or different? • Talk with your table about your findings.
Let’s Explore…Reading Literature • Now explore the standards in a horizontal fashion…let’s take #4 under Craft and Structure. • Read across this standard from K-5 and try to “get the gist” of the standard. • Talk with a partner about what you notice in terms of the developmental continuum of this standard and the level of rigor. • Now let’s look at an example of a text and performance task from Appendix B related to this standard. • Students read Paul Fleischman’s poem “Fireflies,” determining the meaning of words and phrases in the poem, particularly focusing on identifying his use of nonliteral language (e.g., “light is the ink we use”) and talking about how it suggests meaning. [RL.3.4] • What would a student need to know and be able to do to be successful with this task? Talk with your table about what you notice.
Let’s Explore…Reading Informational Text • Now explore the standards in a horizontal fashion…let’s take #1 under Key Ideas and Details. • Read across this standard from K-5. • Talk with a partner about what you notice in terms of the developmental continuum of this standard and the level of rigor. • Now let’s look at an example of a text and a performance task from Appendix B related to this standard. • Students quote accurately and explicitly from Leslie Hall’s “Seeing Eye to Eye” to explain statements they make and ideas they infer regarding sight and light. [RI.5.1] • What would a student need to know and able to do to be successful with this task? Talk with a partner about what you notice.
Let’s Explore….Foundational Skills (RF) • Locate the standards for foundational skills: • Find your grade level and read down through each standard at your grade level • How do these standards compare to what you currently teach? What seems the same? What seems new or different? • Talk with your table about your findings.
Let’s Explore…Foundational Skills • Now explore the standards in a horizontal fashion…let’s take Phonics and Word Recognition. • Read across this standard from K-5. What are some terms that an educator would need to understand to effectively teach this standard? • Then, go to pages 17-22 in Appendix A and scan the information that supports the Foundational Skills standards. • Talk with your table about what you notice about the developmental continuum of this standard and the level of rigor. How do these standards fit with what you currently teach? What seems to be new or different? Which of the terms you identified can you find explained here?
Writing Standards • Text Types and Purposes • Production and Distribution of Writing • Research to Build and Present Knowledge • Range of Writing
Let’s Explore…..Writing Standards (W) • Read down through the standards at your grade level. Pay particular attention to how the standards in each strand fit together. • How do these standards compare to what you currently teach? What seems the same? What seems new or different? • Visit Appendix C. • Read through several of the writing samples at your grade level and compare them to the standards for your grade level. Be sure to read the annotations for each piece. • Talk with a partner about what you notice. What questions do you have?
Let’s Explore…Writing Standards • In partners, choose a strand of writing standards and read across them horizontally from K-5. • Talk with your table. What do you notice? How are the writing standards integrated with the reading standards?
Speaking and Listening Standards • Comprehension and Collaboration • Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas
Let’s Explore…Speaking and Listening (SL) • Read through the standards for your grade level. • How do these standards compare to what you currently teach? What seems the same? What seems new or different? • Compare the Speaking and Listening Standards to the Reading and Writing Standards. Talk with your table about ways these standards can be integrated. • Have your table group divide up the standards (1-6) and read across them to study the progression. Share the focus of each of standard.
Language Standards • Conventions of Standard English • Knowledge of Language • Vocabulary Acquisition and Use
Let’s Explore…Language Standards (L) • Read through the standards for your grade level. • How do these standards compare to what you currently teach? What seems the same? What seems new or different? • Choose a strand of standards to read across to study the progression. Talk with a partner about what you notice. • Compare the Language Standards to the Reading, Writing, and Speaking and Listening Standards. Talk with your table about ways these standards can be integrated.
Text Activity—Appendix B Read the table of contents for your grade band. • What do you notice about the texts included (genres and variety)? • Compare texts for reading aloud Vs. Independent. Using appendix B, choose one text excerpt to explore the Common Core ELA standards. • What vocabulary could be developed through this text? • What comprehension strategies could be targeted through this text? • What aspects of writing development would this text support? • What aspects of listening, speaking, and language development could be connected to this text?
What We NeedWhat do we need from reading and writing materials to make each CCSS standard a reality in PSD K-5 classrooms? • Chart One • Reading Literature • Reading Informational Texts • Reading Foundations • Chart Two • Writing • Listening & Speaking • Language Be sure to think about media & technology across the standards. • Publisher’s Criteria for CCSS • Review & highlight • Focus: Pulling pieces for our criteria • Highlight one copy per grade for Melissa.
Next Steps . . . • Prior to meeting: Email criteria drafts • Jan. 31st Sub-Committees Final Reports Develop Criteria Based on Reports Finalize Material Review Criteria