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Workpackage 5 Transmission and Physical Aspects

Plenary Meeting Munich WP5 Status Overview June 13 , 200 5. Workpackage 5 Transmission and Physical Aspects. Herbert Haunstein. WP5 - Work plan. M12. M15. M21. M24. M4. Dynamic Network simulation (Routing). Network Design Rules Optimization. Specification of network

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Workpackage 5 Transmission and Physical Aspects

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  1. Plenary Meeting Munich WP5 Status Overview June13, 2005 Workpackage 5 Transmission and Physical Aspects Herbert Haunstein

  2. WP5 - Work plan M12 M15 M21 M24 M4 Dynamic Network simulation (Routing) Network Design Rules Optimization Specification of network elements for verification Building Blocks Reference Networks Physical Feasibility Light Path Design • Dedicated sub teams: • Carrier‘s group (reference networks, traffic demand estimation) • Optical performance monitoring group (jointly w/ WP4, finished) • Path computation algorithms group (ongoing) • Cost study group (jointly w/ WP2)

  3. Q-penalty vs. chrom. dispersion ATC FFE+DFE CSRZ ATC VE ATC VE NRZ VE duobinary @10Gb/s (1s/b) Physical terminal designElectronic equalisation @ receiver • Dynamic electronic signal processing in receiver • distortion mitigation, ensures maximum length optical paths under dynamically changing path conditions in dynamic optical networks • Penalty curves will serve as basis for • design of transparentnetwork • fast path evaluationduring network operation(e.g. via analytic curve-formula or via look-up table) FFE + DFE Viterbi equaliser (MLSD)

  4. Inner Procedure Network Design Procedure Evaluate Network topology (translucent network) - traffic demand Separation into transparent optical domains - performance requirements It is assumed here, that the process is performed on a given network topology, i.e., given node locations, node spacing (incl. link loss, dispersion) • Define & update set of components • EDFA • - Node design (OADM, equalization, …)- modulation format Evaluate node matrix to identify critical light paths: - longest / shortest path - maximum / minimum node count Set dispersion map Predefine & update network parameters- data rate / channel count (depends on traffic demand)- FEC present(depends on distances / constraints, e.g. remove DCM ) Critical path identification (5 disjoint shortest paths) is performed by setting the max. path length/OSNR so that 90% of all paths are covered. Optimum dispersion map achieved? No Yes Set power map OSNR map- type of amplifier, amp. spacing Optimum power map achieved (OSNR maximised vs.non-linearities) Evaluate network performance(all possible / selected paths) No For complex network segments the evaluation of all light paths might not be feasible Performance requirements fulfilled? Yes No Licht path requirements fulfilled?(Q factor) No Yes Network design rules(e.g. modulation format, amplifier spacing, dispersion map, power map) Yes

  5. Schematic design, all nodes are equivalent Critical path of national backbone network Preliminary design 40G Parameters derived from NOBEL reference networks: - 9 spans of 120 km - optical add-drops in every node,12 dB loss - channel spacing 50 GHz at 10G and 100 GHz at 40G • 60 km amplifier spacing, no precompensation • Modulation format CSRZ • Power levels: 1 dBm in SSMF and -3dBm in DCFs Performance: Q approx. 14 dB

  6. Link parameters Path constraints Path Computation Algorithms • Path computation to be regarded together with network planning process • Physical constraints awarepath computation • Path computation to be regarded together with network planning • Physical constraints awarepath computation Main metrics: Blocking probability, utilisation Possible process: Metric: Path cost Trade off: • Computational complexity of the algorithm ( run-time) • Modelling accuracy of physical constraints ( network utilisation)

  7. Time line & sub teams of WP5 M12 M15 M21 M24 M4 Dynamic Network simulation (Routing) Network Design Rules Optimization Specification of network elements for verification Building Blocks Reference Networks Physical Feasibility Light Path Design • Dedicated sub teams: • Carrier‘s group (reference networks, traffic demand estimation) • Optical performance monitoring group (jointly w/ WP4, finished) • Path computation algorithms group (ongoing) • Cost study group (jointly w/ WP2, ongoing)

  8. WP5 Final deliverables D26 & D28 D26 Network simulation ready for dynamic transparent optical network (M21) Lead editor: Siemens Develop flexible simulation package, which allows solving optimization at various levels of detail. Experimental verification of building blocks. Identify most critical (and time consuming) blocks. D28 Specifications for network elements and components to support experimental demonstration (M24) Lead editor: Lucent In order to support subsystem and component development for flexible optical networks, simulation results as well as experimental verification are combined to generate a set of key parameters, which can be used for optimization. Based on the simulation capabilities and details of component performance, revised specifications for improved subsystems (building blocks) will be provided.

  9. WP5 work ahead (to be confirmed during Munichmeeting) • D19 : Static Networks • D26 : Dynamic Networks • Path computation during network planning • Physical constraints aware light path computation • D28 : Domain Oriented Approach (static and dynamic) • Translucent Network  Define transparent domainsHow ‘big’ could / should a domain be ? • O-E-O vs. all-optical – cost study to support the design of transparent domains • Create specifications for components (and subsystems) based on the results from D19/D26 • Hand over to experimental work in “NOBEL phase II”

  10. Agenda for Munich meetings See you at the WP5 meeting in Room 8 !

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