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NOBEL Plenary meeting WP5, Fe b ruary 8-10 , 200 5. Workpackage 5 Transmission and Physical Aspects. Herbert Haunstein. Agenda / attendees. 8th Erwan, Lutz, Henning, Ben, Tanya, Alex, Herbert, Jonas, Hans, Matthias, Dario, Dominic, Andrew, (part time Bernd, Gottfried) 9th
NOBEL Plenary meeting WP5, February8-10, 2005 Workpackage 5 Transmission and Physical Aspects Herbert Haunstein
Agenda / attendees 8th Erwan, Lutz, Henning, Ben, Tanya, Alex, Herbert, Jonas, Hans, Matthias, Dario, Dominic, Andrew, (part time Bernd, Gottfried) 9th Erwan, Lutz, Henning, Ben, Tanya, Herbert, Jonas, Anders, Hans, Matthias, Dario, Dominic, Andrew, (part time Alex, Bernd , Gottfried) 10th Erwan, Lutz, Henning, Ben, Tanya, Herbert, Jonas, Hans, Matthias, Andrew, (part time Erwan, Bernd, Gottfried) Agenda: Audit readout CSG: Objectives, status PCAG: Objectives, status Anything for the board(I. Tomkos) D19: Partner contributions D26: PCAG document Quo Vadis WP5 ?
WP5 meeting, 09.02.2005 ParisSummary Technical Audit WP5: 11:30 – 12:00 PMD compensation (new concepts ?), explained PLABS approach Advanced OPM, what can be expected ? Answer: e.g. reference receiver / eye opening / margin extraction Amplifier transients switching (in case of failure) Simualtion tool for dynamic networks ? No envisaged, however publications will inform about suggested process General questions: D13 rated technically high, too many cost studies Patents issued / Standards ? / Dissimination in books ? (xxx) Sharing of public information with other projects ? (e.g. ePhoton) Evaluation of project risks: regular conference calls. Should OBS being supported in a separate project, not being late with this new technology Evaluations List of Acronyms, unified structure like use spell-checker !!! Main part + appendices Discussion: Mainly physical layer experts OPM & PCAG & CSG activities where recognized as important Showed Audit slides + meeting notes „Put‘s us somehow in the spotlight“ Dissimination in books Alexandros Stavdas will take care and make a proposal
Group Readout CSG: Andrew (slides) Team: Martin Wade, Sofie Verbrugge, Sandrine Pasqualini, Marco Quagliotti(WP2) Objectives: as defined in document „Proposal_costcomparison_issue1.doc“ Presentation: Time line might be too short to get the tools, which can optimize the network wrt cost. However, this would be required. Solver for linear programming - WRA - Physical layer constraints • Cost • Blocking probability, • (Infinera / Polatis / Lambda Optical Systems) PCAG: Dominic (slides) Team: Chris Matrakidis, Matthias Gunkel Objectives: to be defined in Paris Presentation: Iterative process: Network dimensioning -- capacities -> connection set-up calculation –load distribution - OTN nomenclature • Timing requirements • Algorithms • Performance measures (blocking / utilisation, number of entities used)
Group Readout – cont‘d Tanya Politi (slides) • Physical Impairment Aware WRA, dynamic traffic (T. Politi) • Calculate blocking probability • Wavelengths assignment flow chart, various layers (different levels of accuracy) • Discussion on technical details (what should be simulated) Shall network dimensioning (equipment placement) in D19 be based on static traffic demand using a wavelength assignment algorithm ?? Current assumption: NO
Joint meeting 1/2/5/7, Feb 9th, 9:15-10:05 CSG WP2/5/7: presentation from Andrew L. O-E-O vs. transparencyComment: Look for common cost model in NOBEL S. Bodamer: WP2 tool only relative cost included, would join the team D15: Case study for optical transparency: connect teams Other case studies to be reviewed interest ??? Reference networks (German network) Availability work may also be of interest Team discussion: Andrew (Stefan B.) internal tool for eq. placement, and comparison of different switching levels WDM Guru / cannot be updated for specific devices required for OPM Marco (TI): Has info on TI network internal tool Jan (??): stay with a consistent cost model Sophie (IMEC): internal tool
Joint meeting 4/5 (OPM), Feb 10th 11:00-11:30 CTTC presentation on OPM: No standards on OPM / QoS / transparent analogue measures ITU-T G.697 Add BER / packet loss / delay CTTC approach covers Pre-qualifying optical links On-line measurements (accurate enough ?) Fault management and resilience !!!!! OSNR measurement / Q factor est. / reference receiver What about potential separation of PMD/ CD / non-linearities ? Finalize document: Conclusion sections Actions for WP5: Define concatenation rules to transform link performance metric into path performance for path computation
CSG meeting 2/5/7 10-11h Looking for a procedure Sub-wavelength switching may be required for overall optimisation (Bodamer) David results ?? (Alcatel, SDH vs. RPR) Given: Reference network & traffic Dimensioning a network • Simple • Protection • Physical layer Objective / metric ? (capacity x length) Alex WP5 12-13h readout CSG Tools for equipment placement ? Marco/Sophie can perform this task Then cost can be assigned using Jan xx cost model from A2.3 PCAG: Can start with dynamic traffic on network solution provided from Marco/Sophie Dominic will start working with the team
D19 meeting 14-16:30h • TS - PMD matrix varies over time, residual GVD distribution • Lucent DML /duobinary comparison for Metro networkNeed Q factor !!! / legend has to be exact • PMD ? • ACREO Network design (based on ref. Netw topology)need Lucent / Siemens input • Include static traffic matrix in D19 ? • Matthias‘ wavelength assignment algorithm • D26 dynamic traffic
WP5 Wrap up, Feb 10th D19: • Final presentations (Erwan, experimental results for NRZ/RZ/ODB @ 40Gb/s) • Henning (CD&PMD), Pirelli contribution to be added • Optical performance is given in Q margin (after FEC) for the three ref. netw. • No traffic distribution • Simple Q margin analysis for reference networks • PMD (time-dependency?) is still a topic to be included in the design process (flow chart ????) D26: • Static traffic distribution to start with (by Matthias) • Dynamic traffic demands • Simplified Q factor calculation required (see Tanya‘s slides) • Real time processing of route calculation (network operation) CSG: Andrew Send slides to WP5 PCAG: Dominic Send slides to WP5 Conclusion on „Quo Vadis“ discussion achieved ? NO !
Schedule for D19 (M15), Lead: Andrew, BT Coordinate with deliverable D13 • First TOC (and bullet items list), Andrew Oct 04 • Face-to-face meeting (NBG) 7./8. October • Define links to D13, align contributions from partnersContinue to support design rules, organize „supplier‘s group“ ? • Agree on reference network for simulations & metrics for comparison, would involve economics, hard to be covered in WP5 • Traffic distribution and dynamics required Organize a „carrier‘s group“ (Andrew) • Initiate „path calculation algorithms group“ (Dominic) • Discuss first results and define further work mid of December • First draft (D19), before Christmas • All results by end of February • Finalize document end of March We are here Detailed schedule on next slide
Schedule for D19, cont‘d • 14th Jan: Conference call: Confirm partner‘s contribution • 28th Jan: Conclusion on WP5 strategy & work plan • 3rd Feb: First draft version with contributions. • 8-10th Feb Plenary: Opportunity to discuss the contributions to D19, cost modeling progress and begin D26 discussions • 4th March - Mature Contributions in by this date • (7-11th March OFC) • 11th March - Final Draft for review made available • 11th - 16th - review comments sent in by email • 17th/18th March - f-t-f meeting Ipswich • 24th March - deliver (before Easter) We are here
We are here Schedule for D26 (M21), Lead: Dominic, SIE Coordinate with deliverable D19 • Very first TOC (and bullet items list), Dominic 7/8 Oct 04 • Face-to-face meeting (NBG) 7./8. October • Request for comments, define contributions • „Path computation group“ started Jan 05 • First round of discussion / Plenary 8/9 Feb 05