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University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture Svetosimunska street 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Contact: lifeada@agr.hr www.agr.hr. Funded by the European Union. Workpackage N o. 5 (WP 5). Implementation of pilot activities and on-line courses. Funded by the European Union.
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture Svetosimunska street 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Contact: lifeada@agr.hr www.agr.hr Funded by the European Union Workpackage No. 5 (WP 5) Implementation of pilot activities and on-line courses
Funded by the European Union • Activities in the frame of WP 5 start in september 2015, and finish in september 2016 • In the working group 5 of WP 5 there are 11 members at project level which are also working group (WG) coordinators from each partner institution • At partner institution level in the working group 5 there are 5 to 7 members • coordinator • 3 - 5 teaching staff • at least one student
Funded by the European Union The members of the working group 5 at the Faculty of Agriculture University of Zagreb (Croatia): • coordinator Snježana Bolarić, Ph.D., Plant breeding (sbolaric@agr.hr) • teaching staff Zoran Grgić, Ph.D., Finances and investments in Agriculture (zgrgic@agr.hr) Dinka Grubišić, Ph.D., Nemathology and Enthomology(djelinic@agr.hr) Marko Vinceković, Ph.D., Coloide chemistry (mvincekovic@agr.hr) Nenad Jalšenjak, Ph.D., Coloide chemistry (njalsenjak@agr.hr) Aleš Vokurka, Ph.D., Plant breeding (avokurka@agr.hr) Vanja Jurišić, Ph.D, Renewable energy sources (vjurisic@agr.hr) • student Maja Žulj Mihaljević, Ph.D.-student (mzulj@agr.hr)
Funded by the European Union The main objective of WP5 is to test pilot activities • Partner institutions will decide on the type of the activity to be carried out in the pilot phase • postgraduate specialist study, • summer school, • short course, • on-line course etc. • Partner institutions will carry out the design of each course by selecting the materials and learning activities, the sequence and ways of using them. • The primary outcome of vocational education is expertise • student will be able to do thingsskillfully, within an area that is clearly specified and understood
Funded by the European Union • Moreover, vocational education and scope for updating its content and approaches should be relevant to the real needs of employers. • After pilot activities completed and student questionnaire evaluated, the final conference on improving educational standards in lifelong learning and review of all project activities will be held. • The possible improvements in national strategies will be proposed.
Funded by the European Union • Within the frame of WP 5, there are three deliverables parts: • Pilot activities conducted (D5.1) • Participants questionnaire conducted (D5.2) • Conference - improvement of educational standards (D5.3)
D5.1 - Pilot activities conducted Funded by the European Union • Delivery date: 30 September 2016 • The types of pilot activities (PA) should be defined and differentiated (this is of high priority) • different types of PA will be clearly defined based on the needs of each country labor market • teaching materials for each pilot activity should be prepared • pilot activities will be implemented depending on the curriculum accreditation process • students from each partner countries will participate in courses which will be held in other partner countries
D5.2 - Participants questionnaire conducted Funded by the European Union • Delivery date: 30 September 2016 • In order to measure the quality of the conducted pilot activities the questionnaire will be created, translated to national languages, and students who completed pilot activities will be asked to fulfill it.
University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture Svetosimunska street 25, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Contact: lifeada@agr.hr www.agr.hr D5.3 – Conference:improvement of educational standards Funded by the European Union • Delivery date: 30 November 2016. • Five participants and one student from each high education institution (HEI) will participate in the conference in Tirana (November, 2016). • The possibilities for improving the educational standards will be discussed on the basis of a.] project results with specific topic on experience collected from pilot activities, and b.] results of students surveys • Partners will also discuss and conclude on possible improvements to be implemented within already developed strategies on lifelong learningfor sustainable agriculture