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NEEO Workpackage 5

NEEO Workpackage 5. NEEO Project Meeting - 4 Leuven, Belgium March 5th, 2009. Benoit PAUWELS Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) Brussels. General coordination. Revised planning for WP5 Total budget for WP5 remains unchanged Approved by PMB [Brainstorming] meetings

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NEEO Workpackage 5

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  1. NEEO Workpackage 5 NEEO Project Meeting - 4 Leuven, Belgium March 5th, 2009 Benoit PAUWELS Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) Brussels

  2. General coordination • Revised planning for WP5 • Total budget for WP5 remainsunchanged • Approved by PMB • [Brainstorming] meetings • @TU - with EUR, TU, ULB • EUR explains findings and first results wrt automated JEL classification of publications • First agreement on metadata enrichment infrastructure; we agree to publish an article on this • @ULB – WP6/MLIA -- withKULeuven, ULB, Prof. Bouillon • Results of studentthesis • @Skype – WP6/MLIA – withKULeuven, TU, ULB • conclusion on the wayforward for implementation and integration of MLIA solution in the EO Gateway • @KULeuven – with EUR, TU, ULB • integration of enrichedmetadatainto EO Gateway

  3. Adaptation IR solution • DIDL/MODS • Implementationsavailable • Dspace (4), Arno (2), Eprints (1), homemade(1) • Non-corepartners: Kiel, Columbia University • Start testingintegrationinto EO Gateway • Deadline for all: 30/4/2009 • Personalized message sent to all non-corepartners

  4. Technical guidelines • Annex 3 (Admin file) -- version 1.2integration of « RePEc story » • SpecifywhichRepecseries to feedfrom EO • SpecifywhichRepecseries not to harvestinto EO • Outstanding issues: • Publication types nomenclature • need for a cleardecision, preferrably in synergywith SURF and Driver • DAI • « authority » attribute -- solved • include multiple identifiers of an author (e.g. Repec ID)

  5. Usage metadata • WP5-TWG decides on OAI-PMH exchange of SWUP ContextObjects • Technical guidelines version 1.2 • Outstanding issues: • algorithm for encryption of IP addresses • list of robot IP addresses and regular expressions • Implementation: • Alpha implementation on DSpaceavailable (ULB) • All corepartnersinvited to implementbefore 30/4/2009

  6. Metadataenrichment • JEL enrichment: seepresentation of Peter • Started (yesterday) brainstorm on implementation of tools for extraction and transformation of bibliographicreferences

  7. EO Gateway • Specifications • Usage metadatadatabase (TU, ULB) • Massagingraw data throughoff-lineprocesses, sothateasily usable within portal and usage reports • MLIA related issues (KULeuven, TU, ULB) • Formal agreement with CACAO • Need to agree on detailedspecifications for smoothintegrationinto EO • Integration of enrichedmetadata(EUR, TU, ULB) • First report withideastabled and discussedduring meeting yesterday • Planned: implementation of prototype • (Publish article on this) • Harvestingotherresources in economics : SSRN? Others? • Disseminating EO content to others: SSRN? Others?

  8. Full-textsearchengine • Meresco supports full-textindexing and searching • working on a planning, togetherwith CQ2 RSS • Meresco supports RSS service • TODO: (needssomefurtherresearch) • support for CQL query • RSS output

  9. EO RePEc archive • Agreement from RePEc people on amendment to ReDIF exchange format • « proposalis sensible » • not all of the RePEc service providers are too happy having to implementthis • ULB implemented • Part of (ECO-) IR of ULB is made available to RePEc service providers to playaroundwith in their interfaces • Outstanding issue to implement: « RePEc ID » of author

  10. EO portal • Version with basic functionality: launched on 2 Feb • Overview document with outstanding issues, bugs, … • 150 issues • SeeFred’spresentation and demo EO publication lists • PDF, RTF • Grouped and sorted on type of publication and date

  11. EO portal • Design of final version of portal: « advanced » functionalityneeds to come in: • Revision of the layout of the portal • Portal for the visually impaired • Export facilities • Publication lists • Integration of enriched metadata (JEL and references) • RSS • Translation into the 3 remaining languages • Multilingual JEL browsing • MLIA • EO Usage services / EO Usage reports • Portal available as portlet • WP5-IWG isworking on proposal; to bediscussedtomorrowmorning

  12. Overview of upcoming actions • DIDL/MODS • all -- 30/4/2009 • XML Admin file • all -- 30/4/2009 • OAI/SWUP • corepartners -- 30/4/2009 • others – asapafter 30/4/2009 • Testing, feedback, bug reporting and solving • all -- continuous

  13. Overview of upcoming actions • WP5 brainstormer group and WP5-TWG • Finalize DIDL/MODS guidelines: publication types, RePEc ID • Finalize usage metadata guidelines (robots, encryption of IP address) • Specifications for gatewaywithadvancedfeatures • usage metadatadatabase • integration of enrichedmetadata • MLIA (with CACAO) • multilingual JEL • Tools for references extraction and transformation • WP5-IWG • Design and integration of advancedfunctionality in the portal • TU: implementation of • Portal • RSS • EO RePEc archive • Full-textindexing • Usage metadatadatabase

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