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Joint Air and Missile Defense Community of Interest (JAMD COI) Update

JAMD COI. Joint Air and Missile Defense Community of Interest (JAMD COI) Update. Presented to the DoD Community of Interest (COI) Forum 13 January 2009 MITRE Facility McLean, VA.

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Joint Air and Missile Defense Community of Interest (JAMD COI) Update

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  1. JAMD COI Joint Air and Missile Defense Community of Interest (JAMD COI) Update Presented to the DoD Community of Interest (COI) Forum 13 January 2009 MITRE Facility McLean, VA Distribution Statement F - Further dissemination only as directed by U.S. Army PEO Missiles and Space or higher DoD authority. WARNING – This document contains technical data whose export is restricted by the Arms Export Control Act, Title 22, U.S.C., Sec. 2751 etseq., or the Export Administration Act of 1979, as amended, Title 50, U.S.C., App. 2401 etseq. Violations of these export laws are subject to severe criminal penalties. Disseminate in accordance with provisions of DoD Directive 5230.25.

  2. Purpose Provide status regarding Joint IAMD net-centric product set development and IAMD data harmonization activities

  3. The JAMD COI Vision: Enhanced IAMD Joint Capabilities Enabled by a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) Coordination/Alignment Activities TBD Joint IAMD SOA Joint Use Services JIIM Services & Agencies JOINT IAMD SERVICES AMD IA + Joint IAMD Systems Engineering Branch-Specific Services XML REPRESENTATION CIXS JAMD COI DATA CIDS COMMON DATA SET OPERATIONAL VIEWS JROC-Chartered Focus Groups JCOA-IEs OPERATIONAL ARCHITECTURE Operational Concept CONCEPTS

  4. JCB JCS VJ8 Protection MEMBERSHIP MEMBERSHIP STRATCOM J8 USMC MARCORSYSCOM SIAP JPO Other CCDRs MDA USA PEO MS USAF GCIC/ACC USN PEO IWS JIAMDO Joint Air and Missile Defense Community of Interest JAMD COI Collaboration DoD DATA STRATEGY AMD MS/ JCIDS METHODOLOGY JCIDS Support Structure DoD Metadata Registry Missile Defense Advocacy F U N C T I O N S Others… JROC CBNR AMD IA Logistics D A T A Intelligence Namespace Joint Air & Missile Defense (JAMD) Namespace (MDA/PEO MS Mgt) Focused Logistics Joint Training Force Application Command & Control Battlespace Awareness Net- Centric Collaboration Collaboration Functional Capabilities Boards (FCB) Collaboration JFCOM C2 Portfolio Management Joint Air and Missile Defense Community of Interest (JAMD COI) Collaboration AMD Management Structure (MS) AMD Working Group Other COI’s… Action Officer: David Skidmore Action Officer: Mr. “Chip” Coy Co-Director Co-Director

  5. JAMD COI History DoD Net-Centric Data Strategy JAMD COI MEMBERSHIP INCLUDES… • Paradigm Shifts • Identifying Warfighting Capabilities at Joint, rather than Service Level • Standardizing and Sharing Data at the Community, rather than DoD Level Data Sharing in a Net-Centric DoD DoD Dir 8320.2 USA PEO MS DoD Metadata Registry and Clearinghouse STRATCOM USAF GCIC JIAMDO JFCOM USN PEO IWS MDA JFCC-IMD Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS) CJCSI 3170.01 SIAP JPO USAADASCH USMC MARCORSYSCOM TIME LINE 6th JAMD COI Meeting (Huntsville, AL) 30 Nov- 01 Dec Air Defense Namespace Established (DoD Metadata Registry & Clearinghouse) 16 January Common IAMD XML Schema (CIXS) v1.0 posted to AD Namespace (DoD Metadata Registry & Clearinghouse) 15 Oct 04 3rd JAMD COI Meeting (Huntsville, AL) 19-20 September 8th JAMD COI Meeting (Bellevue, NE) 24-25 September CIXS v1.2 posted to AD Namespace August 5th JAMD COI Meeting (McLean, VA) 01-03 August 11th JAMD COI Meeting (Colorado Springs, CO) 08-09 October Service-Specific AMD Data Models 7th JAMD COI Meeting (Laurel, MD) 26-27 June 1st JAMD COI Meeting Presented Draft Charter (Orlando, FL) 18 January AMD WG Brief 13 September 4th JAMD COI Meeting (Laurel, MD) 26-27 April …… 9th JAMD COI Meeting (Huntsville, AL) 22-23 January 10th JAMD COI Meeting (Suffolk VA) 23-24 June Army XML development based on IAMD data models collaborated with Joint Community Air Defense Namespace Forum (Huntsville, AL) 14-15 December 2nd JAMD COI Meeting Established Process (Huntsville, AL) 10-11 May Joint Air and Missile Defense (AMD) Data Engineering and Standardization (JDES) IPT Collaboration CIXS v2.1 posted to AD Namespace March 6, 2007 CIXS v1.3 posted to AD Namespace 14 June 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

  6. BMC4 Sensor Shooter BMC4 BMC4 BMC4 BMC4 BMC4 BMC4 BMC4 BMC4 BMC4 BMC4 BMC4 BMC4 BMC4 BMC4 BMC4 Sensor Sensor Sensor Sensor Sensor Sensor Sensor Sensor Sensor Sensor Sensor Sensor Sensor … … … … … Weapon Weapon Weapon Weapon Weapon Weapon Weapon Weapon Weapon Weapon Weapon STRATCOM J8 USMC MARCORSYSCOM USN PEO IWS SIAP JPO JIAMDO Other CCDRs USA PEO MS USAF GCIC/ACC MDA Joint Air and Missile Defense Community of Interest Net-Centric Product Coordination NATO ALTBMD Program Joint IAMD Integrated Architecture Products (IAMD Architecture FG) TOIWG DoD Net-Centric Enterprise Services Development Etc… JAMD-Related Information Service Pilots NC3A C2SSA C2 CPM Multinational Collaboration Air Ops MDA-Army MOU Other Associated COI’s Coordinate Guidance on Net-Centric Information Service Implementation Common IAMD Data Set Data-Level Coordination Joint Air and Missile Defense Community of Interest (JAMD COI) ADIHWG CIXS-GSIN CIXS-IAMD IA CIXS-C2BMC Planner • JAMD COI Products: • Common IAMD Data Set (CIDS) • Common IAMD XML Schema (CIXS) • JAMD Metacard Template • JAMD Data Pedigree Implementation Guidance • JAMD Data Taxonomy • JAMD Vocabulary • JAMD Net-Centric Checklist Compliance Guidance • Etc… CIXS-BXS JAMD-Internal Data Harmonization Activities Common IAMD XML Schema (CIXS) Configuration Control Board (CCB) Common IAMD XML Schema (CIXS) DoD Metadata Registry and Clearinghouse Coordinated Implementation Guidance Common Functionality SOI SOI SOI SOI SOI SOI SOI SOI SOI SOI SOI SOI SOI SOI SOI JAMD Systems of Interest (SOI) (Derived from the USSTRATCOM/JIAMDO AMD Architecture FG Fundamental Systems List)

  7. Air and Missile Defense Management Structure (AMD-MS) GOSC via JCOCAC (0-6) STRATCOM J8 USA PEO MS Co-Director Co-Director JAMD COI Governance/Advocacy Protection FCB Air and Missile Defense Integrating Authority (AMD-IA) IAMD-Specific Coordination JIAMDO Supports AMD Mission Area AMD Working Group (STRATCOM-J85 / JIAMDO) Coordination C2 FCB COI Products NC Migration Issues / Resolution Capability Descriptions IAMD Architecture Products Guidance C2 Core Data Steering Committee (PEO MS / STRATCOM-J85 Co-Chairs) AO’s (0-6) for PEO MS & STRATCOM-J85 MDA JFCOM C2 C2 Portfolio Mgmt. Guidance Coordinate COI Products PCL Data & SOA Strategy JAMD COI MEMBERSHIP MEMBERSHIP SIAP JPO Other CCDRs USAF GCIC/ACC USMC MARCORSYSCOM USN PEO IWS MDA JIAMDO Tailored Focus Groups Comprised of Relevant Members/SOIs Joint IAMD Data Products Focus Area Joint IAMD Information Services Development/Experimentation Focus Area GSIN Data Harmonization Adhoc Focus Group Other Adhoc Focus Groups (As Needed) Common Functionality SOI SOI SOI SOI SOI SOI SOI SOI SOI SOI SOI SOI SOI SOI SOI BMC4 Sensor Shooter BMC4 BMC4 BMC4 BMC4 BMC4 BMC4 BMC4 BMC4 BMC4 BMC4 BMC4 BMC4 BMC4 BMC4 BMC4 Sensor Sensor Sensor Sensor Sensor Sensor Sensor Sensor Sensor Sensor Sensor Sensor Sensor … … … … … Weapon Weapon Weapon Weapon Weapon Weapon Weapon Weapon Weapon Weapon Weapon SOI = Systems of Interest Derived from the Fundamental Systems List (FSL) DRAFT

  8. JTM Enterprise Architecture WG JTM Data Modeling WG Joint Track Manager (JTM) Collaboration C2BMC Planner XML BMDS XML Standard (BXS) Missile Defense Agency (MDA) Collaboration Defense Design PDAL Airspace Control Organization View Shape Materiel View Person View Track Data View Joint IAMD Data Models The Evolution of CIXSLeverage Data Engineering Activities Joint Air and Missile Defense Community of Interest (JAMD COI) Oversight Common IAMD Information Services NC3A/ ALTBMD C2 Requirements NATO Collaboration JAMD Health & Status JAMD Defense Design C I X S C C B JAMD Situational Awareness JAMD Engagement Monitor … Other JAMD Services Common IAMD XML Schema (CIXS) CIXS Provides the Foundation for Common JAMD Information Services! . . .

  9. Joint Air and Missile Defense Community of InterestGuiding Principles • Accept DoD Net-Centric Data Strategy as directive • Data Development is “Capabilities Based” IAW JCIDS and determined by each community’s warfighter functional requirements • Use the most effective & efficient means of transferring technical data (machine-to-machine) • Present the user anything he/she wants via the warfighter display (GUI) • Capture objective data definitions and metadata using XML to support: • Near-term implementation • Future implementations of advanced capabilities • Data exchange in support of Service Oriented Architectures and Militarized Web Technology • Implement objective data in XML as technology allows (e.g. OTA bandwidth limitation) • A common data set that supports all activities of the JAMD Warfighter. • Enables planning/weapon systems initialization integration • Seamless near real time replanning with engagement operations • Use legacy TDL/MTF elements if they support operational data requirements to achieve NCOW objectives • Eliminate costly redundant and inconsistent legacy data elements • Intent of Joint Capabilities Integration and Development (JCIDS) can only be met by collaborative Joint Material Development (e.g. Joint Track Manager-JTM) Guiding Principles Evolved From Joint Data Development Experience

  10. Mapping Joint IAMD Requirements Army (USAADASCH) Missile Defense Agency Navy (PEO IWS) Army IAMD Operational Architecture Army IAMD Operational Architecture Army IAMD Operational Architecture Activities/IERs Activities/IERs Activities/IERs … … … A A A C C C E E E Joint IAMD Architecture Activities/IERs … A C T I V I T I E S A B C D E … Joint to Service/Agency Architecture Mappings Joint Critical Operational Activities and Information Exchanges (JCOA-IE) are allocated to Service/Agency IAMD architectures Joint Activities to Common IAMD XML Data Joint Critical Operational Activities and Information Exchanges (JCOA-IE) are mapped to supporting CIXS data elements Joint IAMD Architecture Activities/IERs … A B C D E D A T A Joint IAMD Data/XML Standard Enables PORs to identify data requirements based on operational activities allocated from the Joint IAMD Architecture CIXS DE1 DE2 DE3 DE4 DE5 DE6 DE7 DE8 … Activities Allocated from the Joint IAMD Architecture D A B C D B E C E A P O R s JLENS THAAD CRAM SLAMRAAM MEADS AEGIS AOC WS

  11. DoD Data Sharing DoD Warfighting Domain Structure DoD Metadata Registry Joint AMD Community of Interest (COI) *** Other COIs Others… Collaboration Collaboration Missile Defense NAMESPACE (MDA) C o l l a b o r a t i o n Intel JAMD Data Management CBRN JAMD Community XML CCB* Collaboration Aerospace Opns PATRIOT # MEADS JLENS JTAGS SMDC Joint/ MDA THAAD SLAMRAAM AMDWS# USAADASCH IBCS ** Joint Joint AD/JAMD NAMESPACE JAMD Community XML Schema Management Supports Common IAMD SoS XML Schema (CIXS) Problem Report (PR) Community Approval Implementation And Test AMD-Specific Metadata COCOM/ Service/ Agencies Inputs • EO/FO Integration • Advanced Capabilities • Joint Integration • Coalition Integration • SoS Element Integration PROGRAM I N P U T S Change Request (CR) ** * US Army PEO MS appointed Namespace Manager CCB Process US Army PEO MS Chairman # Fielded CIXS *** Co-Directors: STRATCOM J8 & USA PEO MS JAMD Data Management Process

  12. Data/XML Harmonization Activities OBJECTIVE Joint Air and Missile Defense Namespace Namespace Convergence CURRENT DoD Metadata Registry and Clearinghouse Aerospace Operations • CIXS • WSDL • Business Rules • Etc… • BXS • C2BMC Planner XML • Etc… Air Defense Namespace Missile Defense Namespace • JAMD COI • CIXS CCB • BMDS-Specific • MDA PCB • ICWG • CIXS • WSDL • Business Rules • Etc… • Data Harmonization is key to efficient consolidation Objective: Single Namespace Under JAMD COI Oversight with Single Common IAMD XML Schema to Support Full Spectrum of IAMD Mission

  13. MDA XML – CIXS Convergence Strategy JAMD Namespace Air Defense Namespace CIXS v1.3 (FIELDING) CIXS v2.x (DEVELOPMENTAL) Baselined 07 Nov 08 CIXS v3.x Common IAMD XML Schema (CIXS) v3.0 Estimated Completion FY09 Track Data (partial) Harmonization Planner XML Data Xwalks SA XML Standard Harmonization (Start after planning) Data Xwalks Missile Defense Namespace Current Status…

  14. Global Sensor Integrated Network (GSIN) Data Exposure Senior Leader Decision-Making Services • Exposes MW and MD data on the GIG to support:: • Strategic-level decision-making regarding ballistic missile threats • Operational and Tactical-level operations • Source data from existing communities will be translated to the GSIN standard using XSLT translations • No changes to existing community standards or sensor data exchanges GSIN XML Schema JAMD ONIR C2 SSA Missile Warning GSIN XML Schema scheduled for completion by July 2009… Communities

  15. Multinational Integration Activities • NATO ALTBMD Programme Office • ALTBMD PO designated CIXS as baseline XML standard for NATO missile defense • Collaboratively developing XML messages to support NATO contracting requirements and evolution of CIXS 3.0 • NATO C3 Agency (NC3A) • Released Common IAMD XML Schema (CIXS) to NC3A Nov 2005 • Collaboratively planned Multinational IAMD Planning Pilot executed at JPOW-X • Implemented CIXS in NATO Planning Tool (PlaTo) • Demonstrated new defense planning Information Service for Implementation in CIXS • US/GE/NL Trinational Operational Interoperability Working Group (TOIWG) • Sponsors net-enabled multinational interoperability experiments during JPOW exercise • Oversight provided by GO-level High Level Air Defense Talks (HLADT) • German SAMOC Integration • Released Common IAMD XML Schema (CIXS) to Germany Nov 2005 • Updated version (1.3) released 09 June 2006 • Initial Implementation of CIXS in the SAMOC to support Patriot initialization • Dutch PATRIOT • Acquires CIXS through the Dutch Patriot FMS program • Supported the CIXS Multinational IAMD Planning Pilot during JPOW-X

  16. JAMD COI UNCLASSIFIED Net-Centric Assessment Tool Net-Centric Compliance Checklist • Leveraging the USAF Space Command (AFSPC) Net-Centric Assessment Tool to support Net-Centric assessment of JAMD programs • Based on PM self-assessment using the DoD NC Checklist as the baseline • Provides recommended actions to PM to increase mission effectiveness through Net-Centric improvements • Mission Effectiveness Model (MEM) enables PMs to prioritize enhancements to net-centricity • What is the projected impact on mission effectiveness of a proposed net-centric enhancement? • What options provides the greatest ROI? • AFSPC POC is Mr. Ed Strecker, (719) 554-5549, Edward.strecker@peterson.af.mil UNCLASSIFIED

  17. JAMD COI DKO Workspace (URL: https://www.us.army.mil/suite/page/498325)

  18. Points of Contact/Questions Government Mr. William “Chip” CoyIAMD Chief Advocate USSTRATCOM-J8 Email: COYW@stratcom.mil Phone: (402)-522-2872 David Skidmore, “SKID” Tech Director for Net-Centric Integration U.S. Army PEO Missiles and Space Email: gerald.skidmore@us.army.mil Phone: 256-313-8397 Technical Support Ms. Kalle Smales USSTRATCOM-J85 BAH Email: SMALESKR@stratcom.mil Phone: (402)-522-2872 Mr. Rod Malloy JFCC-IMD/J66 Support Sparta Email: rodney.malloy.ctr@jfcc-imd.stratcom.mil Phone: (719) 721-7991 Mr. Larry Smith PEO MS Support/JAMD COI Coordinator BAE Systems Email: larry.d.smith@baesystems.com Phone: (256) 864-7060 Mr. Jose “Joe” Velasquez AD Namespace/IAMD XML CCB Coordinator BAE Systems Email: jose.velasquez@baesystems.com Phone: (256) 864-7038

  19. Back Up Slides

  20. JAMD COI Product Set Overview

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