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Early Years Foundation Stage. What is the Early Years Foundation Stage?. Covers the period birth to five. The final year of the Foundation stage is when children are in a Reception class of a primary school. It is a play based statutory framework.
What is the Early Years Foundation Stage? • Covers the period birth to five. • The final year of the Foundation stage is when children are in a Reception class of a primary school. • It is a play based statutory framework. • It prepares children for learning in their future school career.
Prime Areas • Personal, social and emotional development • Communication and language. • Physical Development
Specific areas • Literacy • Mathematics • Understanding of the world • Expressive Arts and Design
Personal, Social and Emotional Development • Encourages children to be independent and to interact with other children and adults. • Helps children to become confident, safe, secure and ready to learn from new experiences. • Helps children manage their feelings and behaviour
Communication and Language • Will help children to develop listening and concentration skills. • Enables children to understand instructions, humour and to answer “how” and “why” questions. • Encourages children to develop conversational skills. • Encourages children to express themselves effectively .
Physical Development • Supports children’s healthy development. • Provides opportunities for using a range of large and small equipment. • Helps them to develop a sense of space around themselves and others. • Encourages balance. • Develops practical skills such as dressing, undressing etc
Literacy • Enables children to hear sounds in words and to link these sounds to letters. • Encourages children to write simple sentences, labels and captions. • Helps children to learn to read individual words and eventually, simple stories independently.
What can you do to help your child’s literacy development??? • Words to learn • Reading Book • Sounds to learn • Encourage mark making, writing name and other words. • Practising the phonemes they are learning
Mathematics • Helps children to count up to 20 reliably. • Add and subtract. • Encourages them to use mathematical words such as greater, smaller, heavier, lighter, more, less etc • Recognise, create and compare patterns • Supports children’s understanding of shape and size including 2D and 3D shapes.
What can you do to help your child’s mathematical development??? • Numbers to learn • Practise counting at any time-climbing the stairs, shopping etc • Play simple board games • Sing number rhymes and songs together • Try problem solving- I only have 2 apples but there are 4 of us. What shall I do?
Understanding of the World • Helps children to gain an understanding of their world • Encourages them to look at changes over time • To learn about communities and traditions • Encourages them to explore and investigate • Will give your children the opportunity to understand and use information and communication technology
Expressive arts & design • Inspires children to explore colour and colour changes. • Helps them to explore shape and texture using all of their senses. • Develops an interest in music, singing and music-making. • Develops confidence and imagination. • Helps to develop designing and making skills
Our next workshop is on November 5th at 9.00am Ways to help your child learn phonics. We hope you can join us!
Thank-you for coming and please have a look at the tables showing some of the things you can share with your child, and the benefits in doing so.