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Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum Information Meeting. 23 rd September 2013. Our Team. Miss Wells- Reception Class Teacher Mr Johnson- Reception Class Teacher Mrs Billington- Higher Level Leaching Assistant Mrs Bianchi- Teaching Assistant Mrs Wright- Teaching Assistant
Early YearsFoundation Stage Curriculum Information Meeting 23rd September 2013
Our Team Miss Wells- Reception Class Teacher Mr Johnson- Reception Class Teacher Mrs Billington- Higher Level Leaching Assistant Mrs Bianchi- Teaching Assistant Mrs Wright- Teaching Assistant Miss Anderson - Nursery Class Teacher Mrs Ribchester- Nursery Nurse
What is the EYFS? There are seven areas of learning, 3 Prime areas and 4 Specific: • Personal Social Emotional Development • Communication and Language • Physical Development • Literacy • Mathematics • Understanding the World • Expressive Arts and Design All seven areas of learning have equal importance and therefore reflect the unique child. This begins at birth and is assessed at the end of reception class against the 17 early learning goals.
Early Learning Goals • Example of ELG’s • Writing • Children use their phonic knowledge to write words in ways which match their spoken sounds. They also write some irregular common words. They write simple sentences which can be read by themselves and others. Some words are spelt correctly and others are phonetically plausible. • Maths • Children count reliably with numbers from one to 20, place them in order and say which number is one more or one less than a given number. Using quantities and objects, they add and subtract two single-digit numbers and count on or back to find the answer. They solve problems, including doubling, halving and sharing.
What does this look like at Walton-le-Dale? Children experience the following experiences each week: • Whole class sessions • Differentiated learning- phonics, number and circle time • One to one support, where identified • Continuous provision child led/adult supported • Child initiated activities • Indoor and outdoor classrooms
Supporting good behaviour How do we achieve good standards of behaviour? • Positive behaviour prompts • Rainbow, sunshine and cloud • Encouragement of resolution between peers • Time out • The support of the team These are used consistently as and when required on a regular basis. The emphasis is always on the positive behaviour. Children’s reflections will always be brought back to the action not the child.
Behaviour We have a sunshine, cloud and rainbow at school. Your child will always be on the sunshine, if they are seen doing something kind, good work, sharing using good manners they will go on the rainbow! If they need to have a little reflection time they will go on the cloud to have some thinking time. Children also have the opportunity to take home the class bear, they can take photos and write about their weekend! They will also receive a certificate which will explain why they have received the bear and their photograph will be placed on the WOW wall!
Celebrating and valuing children • WOW wall celebration board • Class bears • Stickers • Well done notes home • Celebrating achievements from extra-curricular experiences, hobbies and clubs on the Friday circle time
PE and swimming Nursery: • Tuesday- PE • Wednesday- PM/full time swimming • Thursday- AM swimming Reception: • Friday –Swimming • Thursday- PE Both classes If a swimming kit is borrowed please return it as there will be charge if not returned. Please ensure all long hair is tied back, earrings should not be worn on PE or swimming days. They will not be allowed in school from the 4th November.
Magic Moment Cards Magic Moments Every half term we will send magic moments post cards home for you to fill in, this can include: · Fastening a zip · Playing football · Riding a bike · Writing a birthday card · Helping with baking/cooking · Counting and recognising numbers in the home or out and about
Phoneme/Grapheme Phoneme is the sound a Grapheme is the shape of the letter which we see and write
Letters and Sounds Phase1 • Children explore and experiment with sounds, differentiate between sounds and become familiar with rhyme, rhythm and alliteration (Nursery/Reception) Phase 2 • To introduce grapheme/phoneme correspondence (Start of Reception) Phase 3 • To teach children one grapheme for each of the 44 phonemes in order to read and spell simple regular words. (Reception) Phase 4 • To teach children to read and spell words containing adjacent consonants (End of Reception)
Phoneme sounds • How to say the phonemes • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqhXUW_v-1s&safe=active • How to write the graphemes • http://www.doorwayonline.org.uk/letterformation.html • How to say the phonemes • http://www.pearsonschoolsandfecolleges.co.uk/demos/aaPrimary/Literacy/phonemes/Alphabet.html
Child initiated learning Talking tubs We will provide a loose theme for the children to pin their learning on using their ideas and experiences. Objects and photos will be placed inside the box for the children to discuss and explore. Their ideas will then be recorded in the floor books by us and the children to support our planning.
Early Years Foundation Stage Meeting: Online Communication 2 Build a Profile
How it works • Pictures are taken on the staff iPads • Observation notes are recorded • Links are made to Early Years Foundation Stage profile • We can then tag it for parental observation • A weekly email will be sent to selected parents • ‘2 Build a Profile’ will be the email title • You can then comment and discuss with children • Comments will be viewed by staff and saved on the web suite
What we will do • Take large quantity of pictures and observations of the children's learning throughout the year. • These will be available for parents to view on parents evenings • We will only tag special observations for parental observations: learning milestones, special achievements or pieces of work the children have persevered with • This will be sent weekly, however all children may not have observations • Act on any parental comments, creating strong home-school links
What you need to do • Sign the letter, providing an email address for observations to be securely sent to • You will then receive a confirmation email, which you simply click to confirm the email address • Then when you receive emails you can look at them, read the comments and talk to your child about their learning • Ideally then you could comment on the email, by simply replying to the email
Blog Where to find it: www.wldps.com
Macaw (Nursery)Miss Anderson Chinchilla (Reception) Mr Johnson Lemur (Reception) Miss Wells
What we will do • A weekly post, that may contain • Pictures • Videos • Text • This is ideal for sharing what your child has been learning about in the week Your child will not appear on the website unless you gave permission on the internet disclaimer
Other methods of communication If you have any questions or wish to communicate in person, we are: • Available afterschool for short discussions/queries • Available afterschool for scheduled meetings • Lots of questions can be asked at the door to a member of staff once the children have left • Email your Childs teacher, the email addresses are on the school website • Call office and ask questions
All applications must be submitted by Wednesday 15th January 2014. Offers of Primary School places will be issued by second class post on Wednesday 16th April 2014. This information has been taken from the Lancashire County Council website. You may now go to nursery with Miss Anderson to find out more about the nursery curriculum. NURSERY PARENTS
Homework How does this apply to your child? • Reading books • Phonics/maths resources • The blog for all classes will be updated regularly with information about your learning • Online based learning (bugclub, teach your monster to read, busy things)
Reading books Your child will receive a white reading record book which the teachers and yourselves can write in to record progress. Initially your child will receive the first 5 phonemes or decodable words to learn. Your child will also learn some tricky words which will not be able to be read phonetically. Please bring books every day your child will be heard by the teacher or another adult at least once a week.
Workshops There are two time slots: • Monday morning 9.30-10.30 • Monday evening 6.15- 7.15 The sessions will take place on: • Monday 30th September: Literacy and Language (reading/phonics/writing/handwriting) • Monday 7th October: Maths (number/shape space/measure) • Monday 14th October: Physical health, social skills, expressive arts and understanding the world • Questionnaire
Thank you for coming Dates for your diaries • Parents evening is: Monday 19th Nov 3.30 -7.30 pm • Christmas performance:, Tuesday 17th December : • 10.00 Miss Wells and AM nursery. • 2.00 Mr Johnson and PM/fulltime nursery. Any questions? Please feel free to visit the classroom