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Early Years Foundation Stage. Lydgate. Junior & Infant School. In the EYFS Children will be offered a balance of child-initiated and adult-led play-based activities.
Early Years Foundation Stage Lydgate Junior & Infant School
In the EYFS Children will be offered a balance of child-initiated and adult-led play-based activities. Play underpins all development and learning for young children. At Lydgate J & I School all children will be provided with well-planned experiences both indoors and outdoors. Offering both enjoyment and challenge in a safe and stimulating environment. Through play children can: ■ explore, develop and represent learning experiences that help them to make sense of the world; ■ practise and build up ideas, concepts and skills; ■ learn how to understand the need for rules; ■ take risks and make mistakes; ■ think creatively and imaginatively; ■ communicate with others as they investigate or solve problems.
The Practitioners leading the EYFS at Lydgate are: Miss Pandor Classroom Support Mrs Kadir Classroom Support Mrs Mira EMA Language Support Mrs Tanvir Classroom Support Mrs Corcoran Foundation Stage Teacher Mr Qualters Foundation Stage Teacher Mrs Kayat Classroom Support The EYFS at Lydgate J & I School aims to provide high quality early years provision that: ■ improves outcomes for every child through high aspiration and effective practice; ■ provide personalised learning, development and support tailored to the needs of individual children ■ build the foundations for future success; ■ involves parents in their children’s learning and development
The Early Years Foundation Stage Within the theme of Learning and Development there are six areas. All areas are connected to one another and are equally important. These are:
Admissions Due to changes made by the government there are no part time sessions available. All children will start in September full time. New Parents Meeting The intention of this meeting is to have school routines and procedures explained. School Uniform/P.E Blue sweatshirt or cardigan, White polo shirt, Grey skirt pinafore dress or trousers. These can be purchased at Natasha’s or Rawcliffes in Dewsbury or The Uniform Shop on Bradford Road. For P.E your child will need a white T-shirt and black shorts or leggings. They will also need to change into indoor shoes, pumps or plimsoles, which can be left at school. All items of clothing must be named. Baking/Making/Snack Money In order to provide materials for baking, snack and first hand experience of making things, we ask for £1.50 payable at the beginning of each half term. How to apply for a place Parents who wish to enquire about a place at School should do so by calling in at the school office, by Phone (01924) 326714 or by writing to: Lydgate J & I School, Lydgate Road, Soothill, Batley, WF17 6EY
Further Information Food and Drink Your child will be provided with a daily snack which will be for example:- toast, sandwiches, crackers or food baked by the children. They will also be entitled to free fruit provided by the governments “Free fruit for schools scheme”. They can have a carton of milk daily with their snack. This is free to children aged 4, but it must be paid for termly starting in the term your child turns 5, unless your child is entitled to free school meals. Children will have their lunch at 12.00pm in the dining room and will be supervised by the Lunch Time Supervisors. If you have any concerns with your child’s eating habits then these concerns can be raised with the class teacher. Likewise if we notice your child is having problems at lunchtimes we will raise the matter with yourselves and look at ways of supporting your child at this time of the day. We strongly recommend that children have a school dinner which is nutritional and good value for money. Children who bring a packed lunch are asked to bring healthy foods- no sweets or biscuits and a drink of water or fruit juice. Crisps should be limited to once a week. Please do not pack too much for your child as many are often over faced! If your child has any dietary requirements or medical concerns then these must be brought to the attention of the Foundation Stage staff so that they can make appropriate arrangements. They must also be noted on your child’s Medical Information form which must be completed and returned to school before they start. Absences The school office should be notified of any absence from school preferably before 9.00 am so that your child’s absence can be registered. If there is no contact then we will contact you for an explanation. If we are unable to make contact then the absence will be noted as un-authorised and you may be visited by the school attendance officer. Children are rewarded for good attendance and collect tokens which they can exchange for prizes. Illness/Appointments Appointments should be made out of school hours wherever possible. If you have an appointment for your child in school time then you must make school aware of this and collect and return your child via the main entrance so that they can be signed in or out by the office staff.If your child is ill at school or involved in an accident needing your attention then we will contact you via one of the emergency contact numbers you provide. Therefore it is vitally important that we have up-to-date information from yourselves. From time to time your child will be involved in minor incidents at school. These will be dealt with by a qualified first aider and recorded in the school accident book. If the incident has involved a bump to the head a letter will be sent to yourselves informing you of symptoms to look out for. Also you will be informed of the incident by the class teacher.
Home-time Arrangements Children must be collected from school by a designated adult, who is over the age of 16. They must collect the child from the classroom door. The teacher must be made aware of who is allowed to collect your child and any changes to your arrangements. If for whatever reason your child is unable to be collected at 3.15pm then you must let school know. The teacher will wait with your child at the classroom for a reasonable length of time before taking them to the main entrance for collection. You will be phoned from the office if they have not been collected by 3.30pm. The youngest children in school are not allowed to leave school without an adult and if this adult is not known to the teacher or child then they will not be allowed to leave. This is for issues of safety. Please do try to come on time for your child as lateness can be upsetting for them. Lateness The classroom doors are locked at 9.00am. If you arrive at school after this time you must take your child into school through the main entrance and sign them in with the office staff. Missing Children In the event of a child running away from school or noticed as missing then you will be informed immediately by the school office and staff in school will endeavour to look for your child. Also the authorities will be notified. This happens very rarely as children are supervised at all times during the day. Complaints We take the welfare and wellbeing of all children very seriously, however if you do have a problem relating to your child then your first point of contact should be your child’s class teacher. In reception, parents are invited into the classroom in the mornings to help their child and should use this opportunity to talk to members of staff. However if the issue requires a more lengthy discussion then it would be best to arrange to see the teacher after school. All discussions will be treated with respect and discretion. After the class teacher complaints can be dealt with by making an appointment with Mrs Hopwood, the Head Teacher. After that then a letter may be written to the Chair of Governors who will try and resolve the complaint effectively. Complainants must be informed of the outcome of a written complaint within 28 days of its receipt. The school will follow the complaints procedure as outlined by the Education Authority and this can be made available upon request. Child Protection and Safeguarding Children If an adult in school is made aware of an issue relating to a child that makes them concerned for the safety or wellbeing of that child then it is their responsibility to report it to the school child protection officer, which in this case is the Head teacher Mrs Hopwood. All matters are treated as confidential and will be dealt with following the schools Child Protection Policy.
Educational Visits When your child’s class are going on an out of school educational visit you will be informed well in advance by letter and will be asked to make a contribution towards the cost of the trip. You will be informed if a packed lunch is required and about any specific clothing requirements. At the beginning of the year parents/guardians are asked to complete a consent form allowing children to be taken out of school. However for specific trips we require further written confirmation or else we are unable to take your child with us and they will remain at school in the charge of another class teacher. When children go on visits they are supervised with as high an adult to child ratio as possible to ensure safety. This is usually 1 adult to 5 children in the case of the reception class. We only use Local Authority recommended coaches with seat belts and full risk assessments are carried out by the class teacher prior to and during the visit. To further ensure safety children are provided with a wrist band with the school details and must wear school jumpers for ease of identification. Transition into Key Stage 1 At the end of the Reception Year in school children will move into Year 1. To help children adjust to this change there will be a period of visits to their next class and teacher. The Year 1 teacher will use outcomes of your child’s Foundation Stage profile as a basis for planning their Year 1 learning experiences so that there is continuity for your child. Reception class sizes are limited to 30 therefore some children will start their Reception year in a mixed Year 1/Reception class. These children will still have opportunity to access the Foundation Stage provision and work and play with their peers in the pure Reception class. Governors Our school has a Governing body that is made up of parents, staff and members from the LEA and community, all who have an interest in the successful management, teaching, learning and organisation of school. If you have any concerns with any of these then you can write a letter to our Chair of Governors Mrs Jo Brook, care of school. Parents Teacher Association (P.T.A) This is a group of parents and teachers who meet each term to discuss fundraising ideas for school and who are involved in organising events to raise money such as Winter and Summer Fairs. They also support school by offering to help with Secret shops for Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Eid and Christmas. Parental support is always welcomed and if you are interested in becoming a member of our PTA then feel free to ask at the School Office for more information. All money raised is used for the benefit of the children , for example buying playground equipment or paying for special treats.
Equal Opportunities and Special Needs • At Lydgate school we aim to create a happy, caring, stimulating environment where pupils feel happy and secure. We aim to be a school where every child is valued and all achievements are celebrated. We understand that all children need equal opportunities to reach their full potential regardless of their race, gender, cultural background, ability or any physical or sensory disability. In regard to this it is important that we are made aware of any special needs that a child may have so that we can make plans and arrangements that ensure they get the best support, parent help and communication is vital in enabling this to happen. • A special educational need is:- • A disability which either prevents or hinders them from making use of educational facilities that other children of the same age can use. • Behaviour problems that hinder the child’s learning and that of other children. • A significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of children the same age. • Where possible the needs of a child will be met within the classroom. However a small number of children will have special needs that require the intervention of the LEA and other agencies. In school we have a named Inclusion Co-ordinator who will be responsible for arranging parent and agency meetings and will monitor the progress of children with special needs throughout school. • Further information about school can be found in our school prospectus or you may ask at the School Office for information on Policies. Regular news letters are sent home to keep you informed about up-coming events. You can also find information on our website www.lydgate.demon.co.ukor just ask at the office or your child’s teacher.