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Module 5 Unit 3 Science versus nature. Welcome to the unit. Step 1 Leading-in. Science is developing so fast that it is beyond our imagination . 超乎我们的想象 . [i’mædʒi’neiʃən]. solar energy (太阳能). rocket( 火箭 ). clone ( 克隆 ). cell [sel] 细胞. What do you know about cloning?.
Module 5 Unit 3Science versus nature Welcome to the unit
Science is developing so fast that it is beyond our imagination. 超乎我们的想象. [i’mædʒi’neiʃən]
clone (克隆) cell [sel]细胞
producing an exact copy(复制品) of a plant or an animal using its cells(细胞). Cloning is
Let’s play a game!Can you imitate(模仿) the voice of these animals?
Hello, I’m Dolly. I am the world’s first cloned mammal. [‘mæməl] 哺乳动物
I look just like my brother, that’s because I am a clone. 克隆体复制品
[kri’eit] 创造 I was created using a cell from an adult cat. [‘ædʌlt] 成年的
We are five cloned female pigs and we were born on Christmas Day 2001. [‘fi:meil]雌性的
We are a pair of new-born cloned calves from Japan. / ka:vz / 小牛犊
I am the first cloned monkey and I was born at a research centre in the USA.
Step 3 Discussing Oral Task One Oral Task Two Oral Task Three
Oral Task One: If you were a scientist, what do you want to clone? Why? Discuss with your classmate.
endangered animals (濒危动物)
If clone goes wrong, … A bird or a dog?
Oral Task Two: Do you think it is a good idea to clone humans? Why or why not?
Are you for or against cloning humans? Why? Student 1: Host Student 2: For it Student 3: Against it
Oral Task Three: If you are cloned, what do you want to do with him/her?
Homework Are you for or against cloning humans? Write an article to state your idea.