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Chapter 33 Decolonization, 1945-1975. The United Nations. Two main bodies: General Assembly (reps from all member states), Security Council (five permanent members: US, China, France, UK, USSR; seven rotating members) Day to Day business led by Secretary General, oversees UNICEF, FAO, UNESCO
Chapter 33 Decolonization, 1945-1975
The United Nations • Two main bodies: General Assembly (reps from all member states), Security Council (five permanent members: US, China, France, UK, USSR; seven rotating members) • Day to Day business led by Secretary General, oversees UNICEF, FAO, UNESCO • Majority vote, veto power with 5 members • Renounces war, territorial conquest; peacekeeping role • General Assembly swelled with decolonization, used to have more weight
Capitalism and Communism • 1944: Bretton Woods Conference: 40 countries met, devised new international monetary system; fix exchange rates, create International Monetary Fund, World Bank • Monetary system stabilized by US gold, dollar; Soviets and Eastern Europe had closed monetary system: govt. set prices, no market • Thus, capitalist and communist economies competed; US unparalleled growth 1950-70 • Marshall Plan helped Europe; by 1963 doubled 1940 output; 1957 Europe created Common Market; 1993: EU
Capitalism, Communism • Capitalism: led to growth, higher living standards, demand for consumer goods; a mass consumer society • Communism: led to dramatic expansion in industrial production; Soviets took advantage of natural resources, population, abundant energy, govt. investments in science/education. • By 1970’s communist economies fell behind, unable to adapt quickly to demand for consumer goods; industry unable to meet demand
West v. East in Europe, Korea • 1940’s: emergence of communist regimes in Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Yugoslavia, Albania • 1947: US gave $$ to Greece, Turkey • 1947-1948: USSR blockaded Berlin • 1961: USSR built Berlin Wall to stop population drain from East to West • West tested the East by encouraging divisions in Warsaw Pact (i.e. Hungary, 1956) • 1950: N. Korea invaded South, launching Korean War until 1953; remained at 38th parallel
United States Defeat in Vietnam • 1954: Ho Chi Minh defeated French forces in Dienbienphu, carved out communist N. Vietnam; noncommunist govt. ruled South • Eisenhower decided not to aid France; Ho Chi Minh sent Viet Cong (guerrillas) to south • 1961-3: Pres. John F. Kennedy sent military advisers, encouraged coup of Pres. Diem • 1964: Lyndon Baines Johnson used Gulf of Tonkin incident for war; 500,000 troops • 1973: Nixon led treaty in Paris; 1975: N. Vietnamese take over whole country; 1 million Vietnamese dead, 58,000 Americans
The Race for Nuclear Supremacy • 1949: USSR explodes first nuclear bomb • 1952: USA first hydrogen bomb; 1953 USSR • 1962: USSR joins with Castro, nuclear missiles in Cuba; Cuban Missile Crisis—JFK blockaded, Khrushchev backed down etc. • 1963: moratorium on nuclear testing • 1968: Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty • Helsinki Accords: human rights agreement • Space Race: 1957: Sputnik! US 3 mo later • 1969: Armstrong, Aldrin USA on the moon!
Decolonization and Nation Building • New Nations in South and Southeast Asia • The Struggle for Independence in Africa • The Quest for Economic Freedom in Latin America • Challenges of Nation Building
New Nations: South, SE Asia • Pakistan: under control of Muslim military leaders; India: secular republic led by Nehru • 1947: War over Kashmir; again in 1965, 1999 and 2000; 1971: Bengali speaking east split from Pakistan, formed Bangladesh • 1946: USA recognizes Philippine freedom • 1949: Achmad Sukarno took over Indonesia from Dutch control, ruled until 1965 coup • 1948: Burma (Myanmar) free from Britain; Malay Federation began • 1965: Singapore became free city-state
Struggle for Africa Independence • 1952: Tunisia free from France; 1956: Morocco free; France still wanted Algeria • 1954: Vietnamese victory over France triggered Algerian revolution; free in 1962 • Sub-Saharan freedom gained through negotiation, not revolution; African leaders trained in western schools, ideas • 1957: Kwame Nkrumah freed Ghana, fell to coup in 1966; 1960: Nigeria free from UK; 1961: Kenya free • 1958: Guinea free from France; other colonies by 1960 (West Africa, Equatorial)
African Independence II • 1965: Mobuto Sese Seko seized control of Congo from Belgium; violent, corrupt, driven from power in 1997 • 1961: Angola and Mozambique freed from Portuguese control by guerrilla nationalists • 1980: Zimbabwe (Rhodesia) free from UK • 1961: South Africa independence, yet apartheid (separation of races); 1964 Nelson Mandela led ANC (African National Congress) resistance; imprisoned; 1990 Mandela freed, S. Africa majority rule
Econ. Freedom, Latin America • Latin America independent in 1800’s • Europe and US dominated economy of Latin America; Chile’s copper, Columbian coffee, Cuban sugar, Guatemala’s bananas • Mexican Revolution led to nationalizing oil (1938), industrialization, yet still huge gulf between rich and poor (corrupt govt., huge population growth); 2000 elite families control • Guatemala: United Fruit Company (US) controlled land, economy; Jacobo Arbenz Guzman (pres 1951) modeled after Vargas (Brazil) and Peron (Argentina)
Economic Freedom L. America II • Guzman wanted 1) land reform 2) less US political influence. CIA sponsored takeover, removed Guzman, led to decades of instability • Cuba: dominated by US—sugar, banking, transportation, tourism, public utilities: US most important market, too; 1956 Sugar = 80% of exports! Profits to US, wealthy Cubans • 1953: Batista seized power in Cuba; 1959: Fidel Castro led revolution w/Che Guevara; knew conflict with US inevitable; nationalized property of US corporations; US embargoed, tried Bay of Pigs, CIA assassinations
Cuban Poster of Ernesto Che Guevara
Beyond a Bipolar World • The Third World • Japan and China • The Middle East • The Emergence of Environmental Concerns
The Third World • Nonaligned nations were Third World (not associated with two worlds of US, USSR) • Nonaligned leaders wanted to extract money, support from one or both superpowers, play Cold War rivals against each other (Egypt)
Japan and China • Japan and China benefited most by USA, USSR preoccupation • Japan focused resources on rebuilding industry, expanding trade; kept military budget low; growth in electricity, steel, ships • 1949: Mao took over China; 1956: Mao and USSR split because of rival communism; 1958: “Great Leap Forward” designed to propel China into world power; failed, led to 20-30 million deaths; 1966: Cultural Revolution; 1971 Nixon “normalized” relations w/China, recognized One China
The Middle East • UK set Syria, Lebanon free after WWII; 1952: Egypt free, 1958: Iraq, 1956: Jordan • Struggle with Israel defined Arab politics; 1947: UN recognized Israel, Palestine = two states, Jewish and Arab • 1948: Israel declared independence, Arab countries sent armies to help Palestinians; Israel won; 1967: Israel won war against Egypt, Syria and Jordan: took Gaza Strip, Golan Hts, Sinai Peninsula; caused PLO etc • 1960: OPEC formed (Org of Petroleum Exporting Countries)
Middle East II • 1973: Yom Kippur War—surprise attacks by Syria, Egypt v. Israel; w/support from US, Israel won • OPEC embargoed oil shipments to US and lowered production; worldwide recession • 1974: OPEC stopped embargo, quadrupled price; massive transfer of wealth to Arab nations
Environmental Emergence • Massive investments in economy: hydroelectric dams, nuclear power stations, environmental impact of pesticide, herbicide, automobile exhaust, industrial waste, radiation • 1970: Clean Air Act; US began EPA; first Earth Day • Recognition of finite natural nonrenewable resources: more efficient heating systems, lowered highway speeds (55 mph), cut back on consumption!