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Europe 1914

Europe 1914. Archduke Franz Ferdinand and family. The Black Hand acts. five of the other Serbian Black Hand terrorists that had taken up positions among the crowd failed to act the seventh, Gavrilo Princip , armed with a pistol, would not shirk his duty

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Europe 1914

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  1. Europe 1914

  2. Archduke Franz Ferdinand and family

  3. The Black Hand acts • five of the other Serbian Black Hand terrorists that had taken up positions among the crowd failed to act • the seventh, GavriloPrincip, armed with a pistol, would not shirk his duty • en route to the hospital, the couple’s driver took a wrong turn which led the motorcade past Princip (then sitting in a café) • on seeing the couple, he shot Sophie killing her instantly • Franz Ferdinand was also shot, dying minutes later • the shooter would be captured

  4. Who Was Responsible? • the apprehended shooter was GavriloPrincip, a 19 year old Bosnian Serb • Princip was a member of Young Bosnia (Serbs, Croats, and Bosnian Muslims dedicated to the independence of South Slavic peoples from Austria Hungary) and one of several assassins organized by the Black Hand • his parents had nine children, five sons and four daughters, six of whom died in infancy • impoverished parents, unable to feed him, sent him to live with an older brother in Sarajevo

  5. The Chain of Friendship • June 28 • Archduke Ferdinand is assassinated by a Serbian terrorist • July 23 • Austria sends ultimatum to Serbia • July 25 • Serbia replies, rejecting one term • July 28 • Austria invades Serbia

  6. July 29 • Russia mobilizes army along borders with Austria and Germany • Germanydeclares war on Russia • August 3 • France mobilizes forces to assist Russia • Germany declares war on France • August 4 • Germany invades Belgium, whose neutrality is guaranteed by Britain; Britain declares war on Germany • August 5 • Canada and the rest of the British Empire are at war

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