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Tracking Simulation in North America

Tracking Simulation in North America. Norman A. Graf ALCPG Meeting, SLAC January 8, 2004. Overview. Improving Detector Response Simulation Intrinsic (Geant4, dedicated simulations) Digitization (pixel size, strip pitch, orientation) “Raw data”  hits Including Detector Backgrounds

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Tracking Simulation in North America

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  1. Tracking Simulationin North America Norman A. Graf ALCPG Meeting, SLAC January 8, 2004

  2. Overview • Improving Detector Response Simulation • Intrinsic (Geant4, dedicated simulations) • Digitization (pixel size, strip pitch, orientation) • “Raw data” hits • Including Detector Backgrounds • Noise, machine and physics • Pattern Recognition • Track Fitting

  3. Tracker Hits • Defer digitization to post-Geant4 to speed up simulations and investigate effects of readout. • e.g. Si strip pitch, TPC pad size, CCD pixel size. • Have defined “generic” tracker hit information for full simulation output. • SimTrackerHit in common LCIO format. • In studies to-date, hits have simply been smeared by expected resolutions. • No hit-merging or ghosting.

  4. VXD CCD Digitization • Near-term focus on improving digitization. • Defined interface for pixelizing hits. • First implementation incorporates pixel distributions from SLD into simulations as functions of track parameters (Nick Sinev UO.) • Implementing pixel clustering and hit position and uncertainty determination. • Being incorporated into mainstream code.

  5. Si -strip Digitization • Defined interface for hitsstrips w/ADC. • First implementation uses software based on BaBar code (C. Flacco, UCSC). Includes diffusion, charge expansion, noise. • Implementing strip clustering and hit position and uncertainty determination. • Being incorporated into mainstream code.

  6. TPC Digitization • Dan Peterson presented a nice talk on work he has been doing to digitize the TPC hits. • Will collaborate with him (and others, e.g. M. Ronan, D. Karlen) to get this feature into the mainstream code. • Personally not sure how to correctly include time offsets for overlaid events…

  7. Backgrounds • Much recent work has been done to systematically generate backgrounds from e+e-& +- pairs and hadrons (T. Barklow, T. Maruyama). • Mask & BDS elements have been included in GEANT4 using LCD XML detector description plus dedicated drivers for the masks, luminosity monitors and beam delivery system (T. Behnke). • G4 event source reads in GuineaPig output (TB). • Started generating data samples. • Machinery to overlay events exists.

  8. SiD Barrel • Extend VXD-found tracks into SiD Barrel, picking up additional axial hits (S. Wagner). • Axial-only track finding in Barrel (SW). • Find MIP-clusters in EM Calorimeter (M. Charles). • Study alternate geometries? • Number & placement of barrels. • Strip pitch, z segmentation, stereo layers.

  9. SiD Forward • Study effects of disk tiling and strip orientations. • Understand impact of ghosts when creating 3D hits vs. adding strip hits to VXD tracks. • Characterize robustness in presence of backgrounds (physics and machine). • Investigate alternate geometries. • Inner pixels, outer strips?

  10. Alternate Detector Designs • Revisit the VXD design with an eye towards improving its pattern-recognition capabilities. • longer inner layer at larger radius? • better forward performance • larger outer radius? • better b and V performance • additional layer(s), forward disk elements? • redundancy • protection against possible layer 0 degradation • better b and V performance

  11. Summary • Near term emphasis on improved detector digitization. • Active work on CCD, TPC, Si -strips • ~Full background sets available, being pushed through the full simulation. • Aiming for results at LCWS incorporating realistic hit reconstruction from “raw” data and in the presence of full backgrounds.

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