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The Italian course to intercultural school

The Italian course to intercultural school. The present situation. The presence of foreign students in the school is a dynamic phenomenal in a situation of strong transformation in social, cultural context of scholastic organization: Globalization

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The Italian course to intercultural school

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  1. The Italian course to intercultural school

  2. The present situation The presence of foreign students in the school is a dynamic phenomenal in a situation of strong transformation in social, cultural context of scholastic organization: • Globalization • Transformation of languages and media communication • Mutation of knowledge and connections between the same • Processes of school reformation

  3. Foreign students: cultural and human resource of the school

  4. Intercultural education is the right answer of problems of the contemporary, multiethnic and multicultural society.

  5. With the expression “intercultural education” indicate educational actions aimed to facilitating the integration of cultures, enhancing the “métissage” understood as “opportunity” and “a resource”.

  6. The Italian school welcomes foreign students favouring their integration in the classroom. But also enhance their specific cultural, linguistic and the individual history of each.

  7. The Italian school in front of interculture: • welcome and integration of foreign students • Italian language learning • linguistic and cultural mediation and relation with foreign family • development of plurilingualism

  8. LAMI ALBJON E kam emrin Albjon, kam 14 vjec e kam lindë ne smqiperi. E kam shpin ne Itali ne shume se 9 vjet e jam ne shkoll ne ‘ITCGT Palizzi’ ne Vasto. Vesmtirësja më e madme kur kam fillu shkoll, clasen e parë e nuk e nuk disma gjuen. Me kam nimu shoket e mi ne klass. Fjalet e para kan qen: mirmjes, mjermroma… E me kam mmu per jeten time. Gjuja ime osm smqimp. My name’s Lami Albjon and I’m 14. My native nation is Albania. I’ve lived in Italy for 4 years and I attend the fifth year of ITCGT F. Palizzi in Vasto. The biggest difficult that I met when I started to attend Italian school was that I didn’t know anybody and the same thing for the language. I was helped by Albanian students. My first Italian words that I learned and they were indispensables to understand myself in ordinary life are: ‘Good morning’, ‘Good night’… My native language is Albanian and I use it first of all with my family.

  9. SIMONA CIUBOUTARU My name’s Simona. I’m 17. I come from Romania. I’ ve lived in Italy for six years. I attend my third year at ITCGT F. Palizzi in Vasto. The biggest difficult that I met when I started to attend Italian school was writing Italian, but first of all speaking it, because it’s very important to communicate with Italian people. I was helped by my middle school teacher. My first Italian words I learned and they were: ‘Good morning’, ‘Good night’. So, the essential to communicate. My native language is the Romanian and I speak it with my grand-parents. Mă numesc Simona. An şaptesprezeca oni şi sunt româncâ. Trăiesc în Italia de şase oni, sunt înscnisă la cel de-al treilea an la liceul I.T.C.G.T. Palizzi in Vasto. Cea moi mare dificultate când an început întâlnită să frecuent şcoala italiană a fost să scn'u limba italiană dar mai presus de on'ce să o vorbesc pestru că este esenţială pestru a comunica cu italienii. Am fost ajutată de profesoara mea inainte să intru la liceu. Primele curinte învăţate au fost 'bunăziva' şi 'bunăseara' pe scurt mea ce îmi trebuia pentru a comunica. Limba mea maternă este româna şi o vorbesc cu bunicii mei.

  10. SANTIAGO HERNANDEZ Mi nombre es Santiago Hernández. Nací en Medellín Colombia. Yo vivo en Italia desde hace 8 años y estoy inscrito en el tercer año en la escuela lingüística en Vasto. El problema, más que conocí cuando empecé a asistir a la escuela italiana, hablaba italiano. Era muy difficil. Pero he resuelto el problema dentro de los cuatro meses a través de un amigo. Su nombre es Alessandro. Me ayudó a aprender las primeras palabras como Hello, Hello. Por lo tanto, la clave para la comunicación. Le recordé - cada noche aprendí una nueva palabra. Fue una buena experiencia. Sin embargo, no hay que olvidar que los maestros italianos eran muy buenos para ayudarme a adquirir italiano, pero también es bueno en dejar que me olvide de mi origen. De hecho, me aconseja para obtener un libro escolar sección Asiento presentó el estudio del español. Mi idioma original. Yo uso este último sobre todo en mi familia. My name's Santiago. I'm from Colombia. I've lived in Italy for 8 years. I attend my third year at language school in Vasto. The biggest difficult that I met when I started to attend Italian school was speaking Italian. It was very difficult. But I've solved the problem in four months. I have to thank my friend for that. His name's Alessandro. He helped me to learn the first words like Goodmorning, Goodnight. So, the essential to communicate. I remember all evenings I've learned new word. That has been a good experience. But we haven't to forget Italian teachers were very good at helping me to learn Italian, but they are good at not forgetting me my origins too. In fact they advised me to attend a class where you can study Spanish. My native language. Especially I speak it with my family.

  11. BASMA AYARI My name's Basma. I'm 17. I'm from Tunisia. I've lived in Italy for nearly two years. My dad came here, because he loved Italy. Italian is a quite difficult language. My first expressions were: 'Goodmorning', 'How are you?'. I had some problems when I decided to attend a evening course. After it, I've decided to attend ITCGT F. Palizzi. It answers to all my needs. In fact, I can study here some foreign language. I love them. I've found some difference with Tunisian school. There, the evaluation system goes from 1 to 20, here from 1 to 10. I like living in Italy. I have to thank Italian school. Thanks to it, I met lots of wonderful people. • إسمي بسمة عياري ،أبلغ من العمر17، تونسية ,حوالي سنة و نصف ونحن نتواجد في إيطاليا،هذه البلاد التي كان أبي يحلم دائما ويتمنى المجئ إليها ليس من أجل لقمة العيش،ولكن من أجل ما تعرفه ديمقراطية وحقوق الإنسان .يحبها ولأنه, • أول كلمة نطقت بها هنا كانت السلام عليك …؟اسمك هو ما و, لأن نطقها سهلجدا،اللغة هنا تكتسب مع مرور الزمن نظرا لصعوبتها،لكن أنا كانت لدي رغبة التعلم بسرعة والنطق بها،اللغة أحب لأنني وأيضا …الإيطالية لذلك لجأت إلى إحدى المدارس المختصة في تعليم النطق بالغة الإيطالية بطريقة سريعة وسهلة الفهم..هذا الإجتياح إلى تعلم "اللغة الإيطالية" أعطاني حبا و شغفا لتعلم باقي اللغات الأخرى "كالإسبانية" و "الإنجليزية" و غيرهم... هذا بالإضافة إلى الإلمام باللغة الأم ،لغة بلد ي الحبيب والدين الحنيف ألا وهي االغة العربية ... • هذا الشغف و الولع بالمزج بين مختلف اللغات و لدي حلما, و ربما تحديا مهنيا جديدا و هو أن أصبح مترجمة في اللغات كل ،أما بخصوص زملائي و زميلاتي في المدرسة الذين هم واعون بما يفعلون ويركزون في دراستهم،و أن كل الإنسجام معهم في غاية السهولة. • في ما يتعلق بالبرنامج الأسبوعي للدراسة ،فوجدت هناك فرقا بين برامج بلادي تونس" و البرامج الدراسية هنا في إيطاليا،مثلا: "الرياضة" تعتبر من أولويات المدرسة الإيطالية عكس المدرسة التونسية، بآلإضافة إلى الموسيقى والمسرح الذين يغيبون في البرامج التعليمية لبلادي الأم... • رغم كل هذا فأنا متعلق جدا ومفتخر بمدرستي الأصلية في موطني العزيز تونس": التي بواسطتها و بواسطة مكونيها و مؤطريها إكتسبت الكثير من العلم و المعرفة و الأخلاق... دون إغفال دور الوالدين اللذين إهتموا بي و وفروا لي ما كان بإمكانهم لأصبح ما أصبحت عليه ، و أتمنى في يوما ما أن أرد جميلهم هذا الذي سيظل م رشوما في ذاكرتي الأبد إلى.

  12. FINE

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