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2002 년 CRM 시장 및 기술전망. 류 승 범 Senior Manager CRM Consulting Business Development Oracle Korea 016-256-9126 SeungBum.Yoo@oracle.com. Agenda. 1. 2002년 CRM 시장전망. 2. 2002년 CRM 기술전망. 3. 성공적인 CRM 구축을 위한 제언. 1. 2002년 CRM 시장전망. (단위: 백만불). 7000. 6000. 5000. 4000. 3000. 2000.
2002년 CRM시장 및 기술전망 류 승 범 Senior Manager CRM Consulting Business Development Oracle Korea 016-256-9126 SeungBum.Yoo@oracle.com
Agenda 1. 2002년 CRM 시장전망 2. 2002년 CRM 기술전망 3. 성공적인 CRM 구축을 위한 제언
(단위: 백만불) 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 2001 2002 2003 2001 2002 2003 Worst 3,457(-13%) 3,318(-4%) 3,385(2%) Best 4,579(15%) 5,587(22%) 6,872(23%) Most Likely 3,663(-8%) 3,663(0%) 4,030(10%) 출처: Gartner Dataquest (November 2001) 2002년 해외 CRM 시장전망 1. 2002년 CRM 시장전망 • 해외 CRM 시장은 2001년 36억불로 마이너스 8% 성장 (2000년 89% 성장) - 세계경기 침체에 따른 IT투자 침체 - CRM 시장은 예상보다 적은 성장 • 2002년 CRM 시장은 약 40억불로 약 10% 정도 성장 전망 - 미국 테러사건 이후 긴축 경영 - 매출증대 및 핵심IT분야에 투자 • 미국의 CRM시장은 Analytical CRM 분야, 유럽은 Operational CRM의 성장 예상 • 주요 CRM 벤더를 중심으로 포인트 솔루션 업체의 M&A 활성화 예상
선진 Best Practices 기업 동향 2. 2002년 CRM 시장전망 • Shift from product-centric to customer-centric • Enterprise-wide customer consolidation • Coordinated Marketing, Sales and Service • Coordination across communication channels • Shift from Local to Global • Shift from Mass to One-to-one Marketing • Learning relationships • Retention plans • Faster time to market • Up-sell/Cross-sell • Self Service • One and done
대기업들의 경험 • Years buying inconsistent Point Solutions • Today a puzzle of software and silos of information • Impossible to provide Channel Collaboration and 360o Customer Visibility • Customers complain about the company segmentation
해외 CRM Major player Marketing - Oracle - Valex - Epiphany - Rubric - Paragen - Prime Response Service - Oracle - Vantive - Clarify - Astea - Siebel - RTS Software - Square Billers - Oracle - Keenan - Saville - LHS - CBIS - ADOCs Sales - Oracle - Siebel - Onyx - Vantive - Trilogy CTI - Oracle - Genesys - Dialogics - Melita / Davox - ACD vendors - IBM - Lucent - Graham Tech. Configuration - Oracle - Trilogy - Calico - Aurum/Baan ERP Vendors - Oracle - Baan/Aurum -SAP in develop- ment eCommerce - Oracle - Broadvision - OpenMarket - IBM - Netscape - Intershop - Microsoft - Annuncio - Silknet Self-service - Oracle - eGain - Kana - Brightware
2001년 국내 CRM 시장분석 1. 2002년 CRM 시장전망 • 경기침체로 인한 IT 투자축소 및 CRM의 ROI에 대한 각 기업들의 불신으로 시장상황이 위축 됨. (2001년 약 2,000억원 예상하였으나 미흡) • 작년은 통신 및 금융권을 중심으로 CRM시장이 발전하였으며, 아직 국내는 CRM 도입단계 임. • 아직도 상당부분이 DW를 기반으로 한 Analytical CRM 구축 임. • CRM 관련한 많은 벤더들의 시장 진입으로 CRM 시장은 상당히 혼란스러운 상황 임. • 올해는 CRM 도입기로서 CRM관련 교육은 많이 진전되었으나 아직도 CRM에 대한 정확한 인식이 부족한 실정 임 . - CRM은 단순 IT기술이 아닌 마케팅 전략/비즈니스 프로세스로 접근 필요 - IT의 유행이 아닌 경쟁사 차별화를 통한 경쟁우위 전략으로 접근 필요 • CRM 리스크 감소 및 단계별 추진을 위한 전략 컨설팅 수립 활성화. • 국내외 및 대형/중소형 CRM업체들의 전략적 제휴와 연합 활성화
2002년 국내 CRM 시장전망 1. 2002년 CRM 시장전망 • 국내외 CRM 벤더들의 지속적인 제품 라인업의 다양화 및 기능 보강/버전 업그레이드로 시장이 활력소를 찾을 것으로 전망 (약 3,500 ~4,000억 예상) • 국내 CRM시장은 본격적인 도입 확산기로 진입할 것으로 예상됨 - “What is CRM”에서 “How to CRM”으로 관심 전환 - 시스템 기능 보다 CRM전략 및 Business Process 개선에 초점 • 위축되었던 올해의 CRM시장은 내년에 경기가 점차 회복되어 가면서 비약적인 성장이 예상 ( 양대 선거, 월드컵 등에 따른 경기 활성화 기대) • Analytical CRM 보다 매출증대 및 빠른 ROI가 기대되는 Operational CRM 과 Collaborative CRM 도입이 활성화 될 전망 • 2002년 CRM 주요 관심 솔루션 - 캠페인 솔루션/ Customer Interaction Center(콜센터) 솔루션 - 고객가치 분석(수익관리) 및 BSC/Business Intelligence 솔루션 - DW/OLAP
국내 CRM 주요벤더 동향 1. 2002년 CRM 시장전망 S/W Vender Oracle,Siebel,Peoplesoft, Vantive,Clarify,SAP,NCR BroadVision 등 국내 CRM 벤더 상호 전략적 파트너로서 협력 관계 지속 상호 전략적 파트너로서 협력 관계 지속 패키지와 SI개발 사이에서 아직은 경쟁관계이나 점차 협력관계 전환 예상 H/W Vender 컨설팅업체 IBM, HP, SUN, Compaq Unisys, NCR 등 PWC, Anderson,Accenture, 딜로이트, BCG,매켄지, KPMG 등 H/W Vender들이 SI 사업 및 컨설팅 서비스로의 업무 확대로 점차 경쟁구도 SI업체 LG CNS, SDS, HIT, SK C&C,동양시스템즈, LG히다찌,쌍용정보통신 등 컨설팅업체의 SI사업 확대로 점차 경쟁구도 H/W Vender들이 SI 사업 및 컨설팅 서비스로의 업무 확대로 점차 경쟁구도
Understand customer experience with your products and services Increase revenue Acquire new customers Manage risks of defection Maximize customer value Increase customer wallet share Provide consistent customer experience across channels Understand customer preferences Build customer satisfaction, loyalty and retention Become customer-centric Optimize workforce performance Reduce Costs CRM Menu Learn from each customer interaction Improve each step of customer life cycle Improve Interaction eficiencies Customer Segmentation Provide interaction service level by customer segment 1-to-1 Marketing Channel Collaboration Enable multi-channel execution 360o customer view Automate processes Business Intelligence Single customer view across all relatioships Contract Management CRM Enablers - Enterprise 2. 2002년 CRM 기술전망
CRM Enablers - Marketing 2. 2002년 CRM 기술전망 Increase marketing efficiencies 1-to-1 marketing Coordinate Marketing campaigns across lines of business Reduce marketing costs Increase response rates Offer WEB Marketing Closed loop marketing CRM Menu Content Management Marketing Intelligence Automated campaigns Call Center - Telemarketing email Offer by customer segment Profile customers Marketing Encyclopedia List management WEB Seminars Offer by customer value Clickstream Intelligence Automated Collateral fulfillment Customer segmentation Campaigns and events: Analyze, Plan, Execute and Monitor, Response Management, Analyze Push opportunities to Sales organization
CRM Enablers - Sales 2. 2002년 CRM 기술전망 Consolidate view of customers across all relationships Boost sales effectiveness Territory & Pipeline Planning Complex sales Offer customized products and services Manage team selling CRM Menu Partner Collaboration Provide WEB Selling Manage Leads, Opportunities, Quotes, Orders Contract compliance 360o customer view Consolidated customer view Inventory, ATP, Finance Service, Campaigns Sales Intelligence Customer Intelligence Configurator Collaborate with Marketing and Services Field, Web, TeleSales, Email collaboration Sales forecasts Integrated Sales Compensation Mobile access Laptop/Palm Up sell - Cross sell Sales teams
CRM Enablers - Service 2. 2002년 CRM 기술전망 Accurate billing Improve customer satisfaction Manage obligations and deliverables Support internal staff Increase service efficiencies Reduce no. of interactions per service request Ensure contract compliance Reduce contract leakage CRM Menu Reduce service costs 360o customer view Consolidated customer view Inventory, ATP, Finance Service, Campaigns Service Contracts Schedule service delivery Escalations Self-service support Notifications Warranties Interaction history Service request Rules - Skills routing Mobile field service Validate entitlement Knowledge database Workflow Timely contract renewal Corporate Contracts Manage and plan regional inventories Alerts Installed base Usage Billing
CRM Enablers - Interaction 2. 2002년 CRM 기술전망 Replace complex IVR with Call Center queing and routing Shift from Call Center to Interaction Center Improve interaction efficiencies Provide interaction service level by customer segment Learn from each customer interaction Efficient Call Back Reduce call defection Provide consistent level service across channels CRM Menu Provide WEB Collaboration Screen pop Interaction History Business data Unified Interaction History Intelligent Routing Business rules Skills Universal Work Queue Segmentation Hot Tranferts Call & Data Workflow Automate email responses Scripts Push interactions from costly to cheap channels Self-service through the WEB CTI enable Call Centers Blending Predictive dialing
Marketing Manufacturing eCommerce Projects Sales Financials Call Center Human Resources Service Supply Chain Industries 2. 2002년 CRM 기술전망 CRM 주요 기술 추세 • Integration of disparate systems • Front Office to Back Office(ERP/CRM) • Marketing + Sales + Service • Multi-Channel Campaign (Channel Collaboration) • Integrated Customer data models • Analytical CRM + Operational CRM • Call Center 에서 Interaction Center로 진전 • Mobile CRM 등장 • 제조산업 중심으로 PRM 솔루션
Order Order Mgmt Fulfillment Order Entry Email eMC Server Automated response Call Center Screen pop Channel Collaboration 2. 2002년 CRM 기술전망 WEB Call Back request Universal Queue With our system I have full visibility
WEB WEB Email Email 1 Database 1 Universal Queue Telephone Telephone Channel Collaboration 2. 2002년 CRM 기술전망 The communication channel is unpredictable. The customer choose it for each interaction Visibility by Channel Visibility across Channels Consistent customer experience across channels
E-Business Framework 2. 2002년 CRM 기술전망 Strategic Enterprise Management BSC / Business Intelligence Corporate Management (Finance, HR) Customer Relationship Management Middle Office (OFSA) iBS Sales Risk Management Marketing Service Profit Managemant Interaction Center e-Commerce (i-platform) Information Access Knowledge Management
Customer Interaction Center 2. 2002년 CRM 기술전망 Call Center Market Trend • Trend from Cost Center to Profit Center. • Trend from Call Center to Multimedia Interaction Center which processes interactions via Phone,Web and Email. • The Internet is accelerating the integration of Sales,Service,Marketing and Collections into an overall corporate CRM strategy. • The Call Center is no longer a solo organization that responds to incoming or outgoing telephone calls only. • The Call Center is fully integrated Front Office(CRM) and Back Office(ERP)
100% 90% 79.3 80% 70% 62.3 60% Proportion of Contacts 50% 40% 30% 17.3 17.1 20% 9.8 8.1 10% 0% Web* eMail Voice Customer Interaction Center 2. 2002년 CRM 기술전망 Call Centers are becoming Interaction Centers • Customers use phone, email, and web • Companies must be able to handle all interactions consistently
Campaigns Service requests Support requests Fulfilment requests Escalation Notifications Leads Opportunities Quotes Collections Defects WEB Call Back Web collaboration Browsing Mobile Call Center eMailCenter Agent Screen pop Scripts Softphone To-do’s Call Back UWQ Queuing Routing Workflow Hot Transfer Predictive Email Unified view of Tasks Inbound Outbound Business data Inbound ACD - IVR Phone Interaction History Blending Outbound Campaign Call back Collections Task Assignment Business Intelligence Customer Interaction Center 2. 2002년 CRM 기술전망
Partner Relationship Management 2. 2002년 CRM 기술전망 Enterprise Relationship Management (e-Business) 제조기업 고객 -법인 -개인 공급업체 직판 영업 마 케 팅 온라인영업 구매 생산 물류 출하 CRM 공급업체 SRM 직영 서비스 온라인서비스 유통/협력업체 공급업체 파트너 -영업 채널 -서비스 채널 파트너영업 PRM CRM 파트너서비스 Buy-Side In-Side Sell-Side CRM영역 SCM영역 ERP영역
성공적인 CRM 구축전략 3. 성공적인 CRM 구축을 위한 제언 • ROI based Approach - 단기간에 ROI 효과를 거둘 수 있는 분야부터 투자 - 신속한 구현, 적절한 가격, 복잡하지 않고 Simple 해야 함 • Business Flows Approach - System Function 위주가 아닌 Business Flow 접근방식 으로 전환 - 선진 Best Practice가 반영한 미리 검증된 프로세스 모델 벤치마크 • Big Picture and Start small - CRM의 장기적인 Master Plan 수립 하에서 작은 것부터 시행(확장성 고려) - CRM 뿐 아니라 ERP/SCM/SEM 등 eBusiness 전체 고려(통합성 고려)
3. 성공적인 CRM 구축을 위한 제언 빠른 ROI가 기대되는 투자분야 • ‘joined up’ CRM in green field call centres and eBusiness • Email management and eService • Customer service automation : order tracking • Rationalization of direct mail / marketing • Customer and marketing analytics • ‘key account’ management • Product configurators (when linked to ERP) • Sales forecasting with distributors - Hewson Group -
What is a Business Flow? 3. 성공적인 CRM 구축을 위한 제언 It’s a business process: • Set of end-to-end activities. • Measurable. • Crosses organizational boundaries. Plus… • Is aligned with corporate business goals. • Built-in intelligence for continuous improvement. • Incorporates best-practices.
3. 성공적인 CRM 구축을 위한 제언 Business Flows Approach Business Flows = Return on Investment Focus on Process Improved Measurement Improved Decisions Best Practices = = = = Improved Measurement Improved Decisions Best Practices Immediate ROI In fact, Andersen Consulting (now Accenture) published a CRM study that concluded: “the most important factor in moving to a high-performance CRM organization is business process execution. which accounts for about two-thirds of the total benefits from CRM.”
Why Business Flows? 3. 성공적인 CRM 구축을 위한 제언 • Focus on business objectives, not software functions • Get out of those organization silos • Measure processes and manage more effectively • Incorporate best practices • Decrease cost; Decrease risk; Decrease time