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“Istituto Comprensivo S.G.Bosco-Melo da Bari”. Scuola Primaria G.Marconi Classi 5^A – 4^A. P.O.N. FSE C1 – 2013/483. a.s. 2013-14. “ Good morning children ”. Esperto: Annamaria Miali. Tutor: Maurizio Boccone. Once upon a time. There were three bears. Daddy Bear. Mummy Bear.
“Istituto Comprensivo S.G.Bosco-Melo da Bari” Scuola Primaria G.Marconi Classi 5^A – 4^A P.O.N. FSE C1 – 2013/483 a.s. 2013-14
“Goodmorningchildren” Esperto: Annamaria Miali Tutor: Maurizio Boccone
There were three bears Daddy Bear Mummy Bear Baby Bear
One day Daddy Bear made lots and lots of porridge. The was TOO HOT. So the went for a walk.
Meanwhile, In town there was...
A little girl named Goldilocks
Goldilocks went on A walk through the forest...
and came upon a house.
She went into the kitchen. and saw... three bowls of porridge. So she sat down to eat.
Then she saw... three chairs.
She decided she was tired from walking. So she sat down...
Oh no, Shebrokeit!
She was so tired. So she decided to find a place to rest.
She went upstairs and saw... three beds. So she tried them out.
When the bears got home they saw...
Someone had been in their house. Baby bear's chair was BROKEN. Baby bear's porridge was ALL GONE! Someone had been sleeping in Baby bear's bed.
And she was STILL THERE!
Goldilocks woke up with a SCREAM!! Then she ran home never to be seen again!
Credits Allici Ilaria Antonopoulos Gloria Antonopoulos Eros Belviso Francesco Camilleri Luciano Catalano Luca Cortone Isabella De Giglio Letizia Delle Foglie Denise Di Tullio Gianluca Gernone Aurora Madeccia Flavia Molfettone Alessio Monacelli Nicola Monacelli Alessio Oreste Martina Ranieri Roberta Ranieri Tommaso Stellone Pietro Thartori Elisa