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Transition to ERT: Role of Peer Review Board and Mentors

Transition to ERT: Role of Peer Review Board and Mentors. Dr John S L Fowler (UK)* (EUROTOX Individual Member) Prof Rolf Schulte-Hermann (Austria: EUROTOX Education Subcommittee) Prof Mumtaz Iscan (Turkey EUROTOX Registration Subcommittee ).

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Transition to ERT: Role of Peer Review Board and Mentors

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  1. registeredtoxicologist.com

  2. Transition to ERT: Role ofPeer Review Board and Mentors Dr John S L Fowler (UK)* (EUROTOX Individual Member) Prof Rolf Schulte-Hermann (Austria: EUROTOX Education Subcommittee) Prof Mumtaz Iscan (Turkey EUROTOX Registration Subcommittee) registeredtoxicologist.com

  3. Transition from knowledge base to experience base terminology: 1 • TRANSITION = i.e., evolution from qualified scientist (Knowledge Based) to practising toxicologist (Experience Based) • Peer Review Board: panel of volunteer scientists who review and comment upon applications at the National Registry level • Mentor: advisor - guide – teacher – role model; chosen by or allocated to, a candidate for registration registeredtoxicologist.com

  4. Transition from knowledge base to experience base terminology: 2 • TRANSITION = i.e., evolution from qualified scientist (Knowledge Based) to practising toxicologist (Experience Based) • CPD: continuing professional development, reading learning, experience gathering advanced training. Leading to annual update of the knowledge base – accrued data assessed every 5-years by panel – allowing renewed registration (Re-registration) registeredtoxicologist.com

  5. Transition from knowledge base to experience base: panel members Panel members are volunteers and are unpaid • From Academia: educationalists, although some are reluctant to become involved • Some Employers: who see global benefits from registration of toxicologists, even though this may increase the wage bill • No one wants to be responsible for contributing to a stampede of new legislation registeredtoxicologist.com

  6. Transition from knowledge base to experience base: ERT is it part of a global movement? • EUROTOX active in the field since 1994 • In 1999 EUROTOX joined with ABT and groups in Asia to do the groundwork for a ‘global’ (IART) scheme: this is not complete Incidentally, colleagues in the USA were amazed at the rich diversity we have here in Europe, and that we had already reconciled many important (National) differences registeredtoxicologist.com

  7. Transition from knowledge base to experience base: need to • An applicant must demonstrate firstly, a substantial knowledge-base and secondly, must be able to prove their experience of use of toxicology in the work-place • Most successful candidates have an active role in research, in education or consultancy at a high level or undertake Risk-Assessment on a regular basis registeredtoxicologist.com

  8. Transition from knowledge base to experience base: help for National panels from EUROTOX • EUROTOX assists National Registers by nominating experienced assessors to attend Register meetings; this leads to sharing of case histories and to increased harmonisation and understanding of European needs • EUROTOX provides a forum whereby the National Registers and their panel members can discuss operational matters registeredtoxicologist.com

  9. Work of a National Panel: Modus Assessment of the first component, the knowledge base • This is perhaps the easier task: if the panel is in doubt, it’s always possible to ask the candidate to come back when they have obtained a diploma by examination. This should be from an independent body, for example DABT or International Diploma of the Society of Biology, or Fellowship of the Royal College of Pathologists. • Assessment of the second component, the extent to which the candidate is experienced and active in toxicology, is more difficult to achieve registeredtoxicologist.com

  10. Work of a National Panel: The application • The panel receive the application. Evaluation is akin to selection of a prospective employee. Note: the candidate for Registration does not have to be an Einstein, but must demonstrate that they are capable of fully independent work • The application must adequately demonstrate this, and provide examples, supportive references and letters from sponsors/mentors registeredtoxicologist.com

  11. ERT: Who does what? • Educationalists are needed to provide relevant, rigorous courses of study, to set appropriate examinations and provide certification • Mentors are needed to help select training and encourage development of the right practical experience, including in the field of Risk Assessment • The experience base is more difficult to develop and quantify since it results from several years of focussed postgraduate working under the expert supervision and tutelage of a senior (ERT) toxicologist, as part of a team registeredtoxicologist.com

  12. ERT: National Panel working Applications are reviewed at the National level, EUROTOX does not assess ERT applications • If the national review board is in doubt, it’s always possible to ask the candidate to provide further information, to come back when they have more experience or to gain a suitable diploma • Examples are DABT (USA), International Diploma of the Society of Biology, or Fellowship of the Royal College of Pathologists (UK) registeredtoxicologist.com

  13. Getting ERT status: Helping the Panel in its task • An active, auditable Continuing Professional Development Record (CPD record) is worth its weight in gold in many circumstances. • Compilation of the CPD should commence before applying for Registration and ERT • CPD is the basis Re-registration and continuing ERT certification • ERT is essentially for working toxicologists and CPD is ongoing as experience is acquired registeredtoxicologist.com

  14. Examples: Biopharmaceutical Programmes and Case-by-Case • Can you tackle a novel problem? • Conversing with a director of the Dolly-the-Sheep Company (he shall remain nameless, as does the company now) he said to me: ‘What do YOU know about THAT? – • Q How many developments of ovine proteins to pharmaceuticals have YOU advised on?’ (he already knew the answer since this was the first) • A My answer was ‘none to that time’, or about the same number as the programmes as he had completed An ERT can offer something tangible: a properly trained, qualified and experienced toxicologist has plenty to offer I am still working; he is not registeredtoxicologist.com

  15. Choosing a register. National Needs: • Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey and United Kingdom • Apply in your chosen language • Apply to your ‘natural register’ • Each Register has its own ‘case histories’ and ‘in-house experience’ • All registers review at a similar high standard and will advise applicants on their detailed expectations registeredtoxicologist.com

  16. Please look for (or be) a Mentor • Independent advisors and EUROTOX can suggest venues where the first component of Registration, the knowledge base, can be developed. • The second component, the extent to which the candidate is properly experienced and active in toxicology, is a product of relevant employment and working (for at least 5 years) as member of a team including experienced scientists, some of whom preferably are ERT registeredtoxicologist.com

  17. Next Step: whether as ERT applicant, mentor or panel member • Please join in: play your part • Be active in your National Bodies • Join EUROTOX as an individual member, corporate or affiliated member • If you are an employer, allow time for ERT, training and provision of assistance to your National Register • Consider outreach activities: many scientists presently located outside Europe are ERT registeredtoxicologist.com

  18. Many Thanks to: • The organisers for providing this 2011 workshop – esp President Nancy Claude • Rolf Schulte-Hermann for his efforts in updating the EUROTOX Model • Mumtaz Iscan for his energy and diligent Leadership of Registration effort • Registration and Education Sub-Committees, Executive Committee of EUROTOX registeredtoxicologist.com

  19. TOXICOLOGISTS from sub-Saharan AFRICA have become ERT Since the EUROTOX sponsored workshop in SUN CITY, 2010 EUROPE is leading the WAY registeredtoxicologist.com

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