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High-Speed Rail Around the World and the Shinkansen

Princeton University December 1, 2010 . High-Speed Rail Around the World and the Shinkansen Kunihiro Kondo Senior Chief Engineer Central Japan Railway Company (JRC). U.S. DoT National High-Speed Rail Plan. Today’s Discussion .

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High-Speed Rail Around the World and the Shinkansen

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  1. Princeton University December 1, 2010 High-Speed Rail Around the World and the Shinkansen Kunihiro Kondo Senior Chief Engineer Central Japan Railway Company (JRC)

  2. U.S. DoT National High-Speed Rail Plan

  3. Today’s Discussion • Overview of HSR around the world; including in the U.S. • Overview of the Tokaido Shinkansen • CJR and the Tokaido Shinkansen • About Shinkansen System • Impact of HSR on society • Future Prospect • Deploy N 700-I into international market • SCMAGLEV • Conclusion

  4. Today’s Discussion • Overview of HSR around the world; including in the U.S. • Overview of the Tokaido Shinkansen • CJR and the Tokaido Shinkansen • About Shinkansen System • Impact of HSR on society • Future Prospect • Deploy N 700-I into international market • SCMAGLEV • Conclusion

  5. World High-Speed Rail Network • The definition of High-Speed Rail (HSR) • UIC and EC Directive • 250 km/h(156m/h) : new tacks • 200 km/h (125m/h) : existing tracks • The United States FRA • 180 km/h (110m/h) • World network (V > 250 km/h) • 13.714 km of lines in operation • 10.481 km of lines under construction • 17.579 km of lines planned August 2010

  6. HSR Systems Around the World V > 250 km/h in operation V < 200 km/h in operation High-Sspeedin project

  7. High-Speed Rail In Europe 6161km(2010) Situation as at 04.2010 17000km (2025) v > 250 km/h v > 250 km/h Planned 180 < v < 250 km/h Other lines Information given by the Railways UIC - High-Speed

  8. High-Speed Rail In Europe Spain 1991: 1604km 300km/h France 1981: 1872km 320km/h Italy 1981: 923km 300km/h Germany 1991: 1285km 300km/h YouTubeFrHighSpeedRecord

  9. High Speed Rail in Japan 1964- 2452km 300km/h Series N700 Series E2

  10. High-Speed Rail in Asia South Korea 2009- 235km 250km/h China 2008- 3529km 350km/h Taiwan 2007- 345km 300km/h

  11. High-Speed Rail in the U.S. Acela Express (AMTRAK) Inauguration : 2000.12Line : Northeast Corridor (existing line), Washington DC – Boston 735kmTop Speed: 150 mph (240 km/h) Average speed: 70 mph (110 km/h)Configuration: 1 power car + 6 cars + 1 power car, 304 seats Annual Passengers : 300,000 (2008)

  12. Expected Evolution of the Global HSR Network Kilometers of Track

  13. Today’s Discussion • Overview of HSR around the world; including in the U.S. • Overview of the Tokaido Shinkansen • CJR and the Tokaido Shinkansen • About Shinkansen System • Impact of HSR on society • Future Prospect • Deploy N 700-I into international market • SCMAGLEV • Conclusion

  14. Central Japan Railway Company (JRC) Tokaido Shinkansen Kyoto Nagoya Tokyo Osaka Tokyo-Osaka: 320 miles Operates the Tokaido Shinkansen, high-speed rail linking Japan’s most populous cities—Tokyo, Nagoya, Kyoto and Osaka Operates conventional rail in the Central Japan area

  15. Tokaido Shinkansen: Tokyo—Osaka HSR • The world’s FIRST high-speed rail • Operational since 1964 (*French TGV since 1981, German ICE since 1991) • Remains the leading high-speed rail in the world today Series 0 (1964) 1st Generation 130 mph Series N700 (2007) 5th Generation 168mph, Sanyo 188mph

  16. Travel Time: Tokyo—Osaka Tokyo - Osaka 320miles Travel Time (hours) Commencement of Operation (130mph) 7 6:30 6 Series 100 Series 300 (168mph) Series 700 Series 0 5 4:00 4 3:10 2:56 2:52 3 2:30 2:25 2 Deployment of SCMAGLEV (310mph) 1:00 1 Debut of Series N700 (168mph, Sanyo 188mph) 59% △ 1992 1964 1965 1986 2007 1990

  17. Tokaido Shinkansen Operational Data (FY2010.3) *1 Including extra services *2 Including delays due to uncontrollable causes, such as natural disasters 17

  18. Keys to Success • Totally new design concept to ensure the safety in HSR operation • Total system approach through the integrated management of hardware & software • Continuous innovation through introduction of new technologies

  19. Totally New Design Concept • The Shinkansen System design is based on a totally new design concept to ensure safety in HSR by eliminating operational risk. • The fundamental element is, • A dedicated, closed passenger rail system with full grade separations as well as segregation of passenger and freight traffic • This allows us to not compromise on: • other traffic • traditional standard on conventional railways • introducing new ideas into system

  20. Why are dedicated tracks needed? Mixed tracks : !! ♪ ♪ Dedicated tracks : ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

  21. The Shinkansen: A Total System Approach The Shinkansen is a Total HSR System. Not just combination of hardware (e.g.,rollingstock, ground facilities and tracks, signal system ”ATC” etc) The safety and the high quality of the Tokaido Shinkansen is enabled by the integrated management of the system’s hardware and software. Total System Approach of the “High-Speed Railway System” Hardware Software - Rolling stock - Ground facilities and tracks - Signal system “ATC” (onboard and ground facilities) - Disaster prevention facilities - Protective facilities - Safety promotion structure - Employee Education and Aptitude - Maintenance - Operation management 21

  22. 22 Transition of Tokaido Shinkansen Rolling Stock 1964 1985 1992 1999 2007 Early series rolling stock New generation rolling stock Substantial reduction in the weight of rolling stock and introduction of the latest power electronics technologies - Steel car body - Conventional bogie - DC motor drive - Aluminum alloy carbody - Bolsterless bogie - Asynchronous motor drive (VVVF control) - Regenerative brake Series 0 Series 100 Series 700 Series 300 Series N700 711t (1,580kips) 972t (2,142kips) 925t (2,039kips) 708t (1,567kips) 715t (1,576kips)

  23. Reduction in weight (traction motor) Series 100 Series N700

  24. 24 The Facilities Building A Track & Structural Dynamics Simulator  Opened July 2002 Site area: Approx. 73ha Use area: Approx. 20ha Ground area Research & Development Division: Approx. 120 Planning & Project Division: Approx. 30 Employees Komaki Research Center Real Scale Test Structure Test Facilities Building C Test Track

  25. Today’s Discussion • Overview of HSR around the world; including in the U.S. • Overview of the Tokaido Shinkansen • CJR and the Tokaido Shinkansen • About Shinkansen System • Impact of HSR on society • Future Prospect • Deploy N 700-I into international market • SCMAGLEV • Conclusion

  26. Impact of Shinkansen on Society • Economic Growth • Connects Communities • Regional Development • “Green” (Environmentally Friendly)

  27. Economic Growth GDP Ridership (FY) 1964 1970 1980 1990 2000 2009

  28. Connecting Communities Tokyo Tokyo Osaka Hakata Hakata After Tokaido & Sanyo Shinkansen opened Ref: A GENERALIZED SOLUTION OF TIME-DISTANCE MAPPING, E. Shimizu et al. Univ. of Tokyo, 2004

  29. Regional Development Shin-Yokohama Station 2010 Today 1964 Immediately after inauguration Introducing HSR promotes development of the areas around the stations.

  30. 30 Regional Development Shinagawa Station 1995 Before opening Shinagawa Station Shinagawa Station openedat 2003 2010 Shinagawa Station today

  31. 31 “Green” – Environmentally Friendly Comparison of Energy Consumption per Passenger Seat Series N700 “Nozomi” Basis (90MJ/seat) Airplane (B777-200) 8times (770MJ/seat) Comparison of CO2 emissions per Passenger Seat Basis Series N700 “Nozomi” (4.4kg-CO2/seat) 12times Airplane (B777-200) (52kg-CO2/seat) Source: Calculation based on running performance (JR Central figures)Series N700 "Nozomi" (Tokyo~Shin-Osaka) :JR Central calculations with reference to ANA CSR Report 2009

  32. Today’s Discussion • Overview of HSR around the world; including in the U.S. • Overview of the Tokaido Shinkansen • CJR and the Tokaido Shinkansen • About Shinkansen System • Impact of HSR on society • Future Prospect • Deploy N 700-I into international market • SCMAGLEV • Conclusion

  33. “N700-I Bullet” for International Markets • JRC offers the “N700-I Bullet”for sale to international markets “N700-I Bullet” at 205 mphcruising speed • “N700-I Bullet”: based on proven “N700 Bullet” technology • Configuration is flexible—can adjust from 6 to 16 cars

  34. Superconducting MAGLEV (SCMAGLEV) • Revolutionary levitated transport system • World’s fastest train • Recorded manned speed: 361 mph • Planned commercial operation: 310 mph • Running test on Yamanashi test line(1997〜) • Cumulative distance travelled: >800,000km • Practical commercial application established YouTube Fastest

  35. The Tokaido Shinkansen Bypass Project Increased speed will reduce travel time between Tokyo and Nagoya from 95 to 40 minutes. Tokyo Yamanashi Maglev Test Line(42.8km) TokaidoShinkansen Nagoya Tokaido Shinkansen515 km Tokaido Shinkansen Bypass ( Aiming for operation launch by 2027 ) Osaka Yamanashi Maglev Test Line (priority section) Yamanashi Maglev Test Line

  36. Conclusions • HSR is booming globally and soon the U.S. will realize true high-speed rail !? • The Tokaido Shinkansen is the leading HSR in the world and the critical keys to its success are: • Totally New Design Concept • Total System Approach • Continuous innovation • HSR has enormous impacts on the society • Next HSR system: JRC is developing its SCMGLEV -- the most innovative and transformational mode of transportation in the world.

  37. JRC in the United States • U.S.-Japan High-Speed Rail (USJHSR) • U.S. company teamed with JRC to market and deploy the N700-I Bullet Train internationally, including in the U.S. • Founded in association with JRC in 2009 and is headquartered in Washington, DC. • U.S.-Japan MAGLEV (USJMAGLEV) • U.S. company teamed with JRC to market and deploy its Superconducting MAGLEV technology internationally, including in the U.S. • Founded in association with JRC in 2009 • Headquartered in Washington, DC

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