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National Cooperative Geologic Mapping 20 Years and Counting Part 3a – where do we go from here, or what hath lidar wrought?. M.H. Young & V.S. McConnell. Bureau of Economic Geology Jackson School of Geosciences & Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries. AASG Annual Meeting
National Cooperative Geologic Mapping 20 Years and CountingPart 3a – where do we go from here, orwhat hath lidar wrought? M.H. Young & V.S. McConnell Bureau of Economic Geology Jackson School of Geosciences & Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries AASG Annual Meeting June 2012
Peer-reviewed literature referencing LiDAR Source: Web of Knowledge, accessed May 31, 2012
Enabling laws for NCGMP specifically mention digital output to increase availability of mapping products LiDAR provides output by default in digital format Slope gradients from LiDAR-based DEMs were found more accurate than traditional “service-oriented” mapping methods (Shi et al., 2012) RFP’s provide for use of LiDAR datasets in StateMap, but LiDAR cannot be funded from Fed sources, or used as a match if collected using Fed sources It’s use is increasing – and can benefit StateMap by more easily placing geological attributes and facilitating interpretations LiDAR – some thoughts Source: Shi et al., 2012. Geoderma, v.170, pp. 217-226.
LiDAR allows for much greater accuracy and resolution in the mapping of contacts that have topographic expression. Before Lidar After Lidar
LiDAR can improve visualization of structure:Tilted and faulted Cretaceous sedimentary rocks
1 ft contours show fans Recognizing surficial deposits, debris flow deposits
Maslow’s Hammer – looking for a nail? LiDAR Geologic mapping Need to leverage LiDAR data to improve geologic mapping, but not drive geologic mapping
LiDAR allows accurate measurements of bedding attitudesarrows show apparent dips
1:8,000 geologic map using LiDARslopeshade and hillshade images for basemap, along with LiDAR-derived hydrography.
Cost of LiDARdata collection is high, and this could easily swallow StateMap budgets. It is likely not correct to assume that the engineering and environmental industries will have all necessary funds to cover LiDAR data collection Typically these are mission-driven funds and often will not cover the same areas as those approved by StateMap. LiDAR CANNOT be used to replace core mission of NCGMP, which is set by statute. But, LiDAR technology DOES have substantial value to the program when used to augment other mapping activities. How, where, and when are questions to be answered LiDAR – more thoughts
Questions, Comments, Insights? Source: UTIG Website