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Young Israel of West Hempstead. 55 th Anniversary Dinner. Honoring. Jonathan Altmark Young Leadership Award. Ronnie Weinstein Sisterhood Aishet Chayil Award. Harold and Sharon Lipsky Family of the Year. Ira Goldschmiedt ז''ל Memorial Tribute. In Memory of. In Memory of.
Young Israel of West Hempstead 55th Anniversary Dinner
Honoring Jonathan Altmark Young Leadership Award Ronnie Weinstein Sisterhood Aishet Chayil Award Harold and Sharon Lipsky Family of the Year Ira Goldschmiedt ז''ל Memorial Tribute
In Memory of The Young Israel of West Hempstead Mourns the recent passing of our member Morris Dershowitz ע“ה May his family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem
In Memory of The Young Israel of West Hempstead Mourns the recent passing of our member Judy Kaplowitz ע“ה May her family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem
In Memory of The Young Israel of West Hempstead Mourns the recent passing of our member Saul Miodownik ע“ה May his family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem
In Memory of The Young Israel of West Hempstead Mourns the recent passing of our member Joe Osofsky ע“ה May his family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem
B”H A Big Thank You To the Young Israel of West Hempstead Community For This Beautiful Tribute To Our Beloved, Husband and Father And Grandfather IRA GOLDSCHMIEDT z”l Ruthie, Adam, Ariella, Judah, Jodi, Ezra, Elyssa, Estee, Yitzi, Isaac, Talia, Annie, Bailey and Yitzchak Noam
CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL THE HONOREES! All Island Gastroenterology & Liver Associates, P.C. Harold Lipsky, M.D. PradeepBansal, M.D. Charnjit Singh, M.D. 1 Arlington Avenue Malverne, NY 11565 Tel: 516-593-4451 Fax: 516-593-6202
To the best Husband/Abba... JONATHAN ALTMARK You make us so proud for all of your hard work and dedication that you give to the shul and community. Your patience and love that you put into everything is inspiring. We love you very much!! Love, Sari, Batya, Mimi, Yali Tova and Moshe Diamond Benefactor
Gold Patron Mazal Tov Sari and Jonathan on your well-deserved Young Leadership Award. Your sterling example of dedication and chesed are an inspiration to all. We are very proud of you! May Hashem grant you continued good health, nachas from your wonderful children, and the strength to continue your work on behalf of your shul and Klal Yisrael. We love you! Mom and Dad
Gold Patron Mazeltov to Sharon and Harold Lipsky deserved Guests of Honor of the Fifty-Fifth Anniversary Dinner of the Young Israel of West Hempstead. We are proud to have you as our sister/brother, aunt/uncle. You have provided outstanding service to your Shul and community through your active participation on various committees, leadership roles and proactive involvements in activities too lengthy to list. Your tireless dedication to YIWH, your community and the Jewish Community at large has been an inspiration to us all. May you be זוכה to go לחילמחיל כוככםיישר Love, Roz and Marvin Lipsky Miriam Lipsky and Josh Schainker Jodi Uderman and Michael Lipsky Rocky Lipsky
Table MazelTov to our well-deserved honorees. Harold and Sharon Lipsky and Jonathan Altmark May Hashem give you health, happiness and Koach to continue the important work you do for our community. YasherKoach, Chuck and Ronnie Weinstein
Gold Patron After 120 years, we would like to sit right next to the כסא הכבודwith Hashem (exactly where our dear friend, Ira Goldschmiedt ז״לis no doubt, seated). Meanwhile, it would be a great honor to sit with our dear friend, Ruthie. Thanks very much, Debbie and Louis Greenspan
Bronze Patron Mazel Tov on this well deserved honor!!! Your integrity, patience and devotion is an inspiration to us all. May Hashem grant you and Sari the strength and good health to continue all the acts of chesed you do for our immediate West Hempstead community and beyond!!! We love you so much! Mommy and Abba
Bronze Patron Dear Sari and Jonathan, Mazeltov on your well-deserved honor. Your continued involvement with your Shul is a tremendous example to your children, family and community. We are proud to be here and share this special occasion with you both. Love, Uncle Jerry, Aunt Myrna, Uncle Mendy and Uncle Chaim Stewart, Wendy, Cecelia, Mory and Mia
Bronze Patron In honor of our cousins Sharon and Harold Lipsky Ari, Eliana, Eitan and Rebecca MazelTov to OUR family of the year. May you continue to do much Chesed for your community. Sharona and Shlomo Katz Rachelle and ChaimMandelbaum Yonina and Danny Kaplan Avi and Aviva Vogel Chanan and Amy Vogel Chava and Yoni Gross
Bronze Patron Congratulations and Best Wishes to Sharon and Harold Lipsky. From Meera and PradeepBansal.
Gold Patron Dear Harold & Sharon, We want to send you our heartiest congratulations on your achievement of Family of the Year . We know this honor is well earned and we are thrilled to have this opportunity to share it with you. It is surely a moment of great happiness and both of you must be really overjoyed. We wish you both many enjoyable and memorable days ahead. Congratulations again! Pradeep, Michael, Dean, Gautam, Brad, & CJ.
Mazel Tov to my dear children Sharon and Harold Lipsky and my dear grandchildren Ari, Eliana, Eitan and Rebecca on being honored as “Family of the Year”. Sharon and Harold, you have truly built a “Bayit Neh-he-mon B’yisroel”! You have succeeded in creating an environment of Torah living, Torah learning, the love of Israel and the Jewish people in your home. You serve as fantastic role models for your children to emulate. May Hashem continue to bless you with good health, abundant Jewish “nachas” and “simachot” from your family, as you both dedicate yourselves to doing Mitzvot for the community and K’lal Yisroel. I’m so proud of you! All my love, Mommy Braver A-K-A Bubbie Chai Best wishes to all of the honorees.
MazelTov! MazelTov! Congratulations to our favorite cousins - Sharon, Harold, Ari, Eliana, Eitan, & Rebecca. We are so proud of you and love you very much. Alyssa, Ira, Xander,& Cooper.
טובמזל To Sharon and Harold It is with great joy that we join in celebrating this well-deserved honor with you. May your continue to follow in the footsteps of your parents and simultaneously show the way – the הישרדרך to your wonderful children. Uncle Sammy and Aunt Lorraine
MazelTov to Sharon and Harold Lipsky From Your Aunt, Rose Katz and Family
MazelTov to Sharon and Harold Lipsky From your cousins, Roberta and Abe Katz
Harold and Sharon, עמו״ש To our dear and longstanding friends: You have always been exemplary in your interactions with individuals in both your private lives and professionally. May you continue to lead your community for years to come and be a source of pride for Klal Yisrael. Fondly, Dana and Barry Schechter
A heartfelt MazalTov to our good friends Sharon and Harold We are proud to be able to join in honoring you this evening. Your love and commitment to your community permeate all aspects of your lives. You are an inspiration to us all. May Hashem grant you good health, strength and wisdom to continue your acts of Chesed on behalf of the Young Israel of West Hempstead and KlalYisrael. May you continue to derive nachat from Ari, Eliana, Eitan and Rebecca. Love, Helena, Jay, Rebecca, Lauren and David Rubin
Dear Harold & Sharon, We can think of no more worthy recipient of this prestigious award, and feel certain that the selecting committee has made an excellent choice. Please accept our warmest congratulations, and those of everyone at Meadowbrook Endoscopy Center. Michael & Gail Barth
To Our Dear Friends Sharon and Harold MazalTov on this well-deserved Honor. Your acts of Chesed are an inspiration for all who know you. We are so happy to be able to share this special occasion with you and your family. Love, Sharon and Barry
Jonathan • the brother-in-law and uncle who is always so much fun. • We wanted to tell you that we love you a ton. • For all the acts of chesed you do, • we are always so veryF proud of you. • Your laining is always great! • And you take care of our teeth first rate! • Wishing you, Sari, Batya, Mimi, Yali and Moshe strength to continue your AvodasHashem- Ad MeahVesrim Shana! • And health and happiness to our "GansaMishpacha"! • Love, • Bonnie, Dovid, Tova, Alex, Roni, Abie, Reuvi and Bracha
MazelTov and Best Wishes To Sari and Jonathan on your well-deserved honor. YasherKoach on your dedication, devotion, and tireless efforts on behalf of your Shul and Community. May Hashem continue to bless you with much nachas from your children. We are very proud of you. Love, Yifat and Stephen and Family Aliza and Daniel and Family
MazelTov to our dear friends Jonathan and Sari Altmark on this well-deserved honor. We are so very proud of your accomplishments and truly cherish our friendship. May you continue to serve as role models to your community and be a source of nachas to your friends and family. Laurie and Brian Gopin and Family
MazelTov to all the honorees. A special MazelTov to our wonderful nephew and cousin Jonathan Altmark. We are so proud of you and Sari and of all of your accomplishments. May you continue your community endeavors for many years to come. Love, Uncle David and Aunt Sheila Michael and Tamara, Daniel, Jessica, and Gavriel, Evan and Jeremy Steven and Laura Eliana, Tzvi and Avi
Mazel tov "Cousin Jonathan" on this wonderful honor, and a special mazal tov to your amazing family: Sari, Batya, Mimi, Yali Tova and Moshe! Esther, Josh, Yonit and Joey Slomnicki
רבי שמעון אומר שלשה כתרים הם כתר תורה וכתר כהונה וכתר מלכות וכתר שם טוב עולה על גביהןRabbi Shimon used to say: “There are three crowns--the crown of the Torah, the crown of the priesthood, and the crown of kingship, but the crown of a good name surpasses them all” MazelTov to our dear friend Jonathan Altmark on receiving the well-deserved Young Leadership Award. Your שם טוב comes from your kindness, generosity and humble demeanor, and you are a true inspiration to us. A special MazelTov to your eisheschayil, Sari, who shares this honor with you. Naomi & BiniMaryles
Mazel Tov to all the honorees. With special Mazel and Bracha for Ronnie Weinstein She has always been our Eshet Chayil. Anne & Dave Klar
Mazel Tov to our “Favorite” niece Ronnie Weinstein on a well-deserved honor. Uncle Achim and Tante Gerrie
Congratulations to all the honorees for their great work and support of Young Israel, especially our beloved, Ronnie Weinstein. Karen and Cliff Blasberg
Congratulations to Ronnie Weinstein! We are so proud of her and her dedication to the Shul & the Sisterhood. Much love, Larry & Gerrie Hopkins
Mazal Tov To Our Favorite Cousin Ronnie Weinstein (Don't Tell the other 16!!) Love, Judy, Simone & Stuart
Mazeltov to all the honorees. Ronnie, You welcomed us into your home 19 years ago. We have enjoyed being a part of your family ever since. Mazeltov on this well-deserved award. Thanks for the grape juice. Mike, Judy, Malka, Shoshana & Esther Sigal
Ira, full of life and joy, beloved by all in his orbit. Gentle, generous, and kind; dedicated to family, friends, community, and beyond. His humor and laughter still brighten our days. His chessed, warmth, and love of Yiddishkeit continue to inspire. Sue and John Hakimi Michelle and Ike Hershman Sarah and Arnie Waldman
Ira z”l, will forever be in our hearts. We miss him !! Ronnie & Jeff Eisman Michael, Kenny and Shelley Compliments of FINANCIAL PLANNING ANALYSTS 631-423-8800
Platinum Benefactor MazalTov to our dear friends Sharon and Harold Your tireless efforts for our community and all of Israel are an inspiration to us all. To Ronnie and Jonathan MazalTov on well-deserved honors for all you do for our shul and community. We fondly remember Ira, whose dedication to family and community and wonderful sense of humor are never forgotten. Cali and Moshe Orenbuch Uri and Samantha, Isaac and Leora, Josh, David and Gabby