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Numbers Speak Loud and Clear: Using the Cal-SAFE Program GradStar Database to Advocate for Your Program ’ s Survival

Numbers Speak Loud and Clear: Using the Cal-SAFE Program GradStar Database to Advocate for Your Program ’ s Survival. Brenda LeTendre, Ed.D. Branagh Information Group External Evaluator to The Cal-SAFE Program.

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Numbers Speak Loud and Clear: Using the Cal-SAFE Program GradStar Database to Advocate for Your Program ’ s Survival

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  1. Numbers Speak Loud and Clear: Using the Cal-SAFE Program GradStar Database to Advocate for Your Program’s Survival Brenda LeTendre, Ed.D. Branagh Information Group External Evaluator to The Cal-SAFE Program The PowerPoint, script, and handout for this session will be posted at www.gradstar.com under the Additional Helpful Resources section Oct 1.

  2. Overview • Getting decision-makers to sit up and take notice • 2009-10 GradStar Data Collection processes • Questions and Discussion

  3. Why do we need data NOW? • To gauge program effectiveness on goals • To guide services to students and their children • To fight for continued SURVIVAL of Cal-SAFE

  4. Survival at Stake • 20% cut over the past year • Tier 3 designation • Flexibility may sound the “death knell” • “Given local education shortfalls, it is likely that programs will end in most schools statewide (certainly by FY 2013).” -- CCDAA April 2009

  5. Numbers can: • Demonstrate effectiveness • Show impact on individuals and society • Reveal the consequences if a program disappears

  6. During the session: Jot down ideas about • WHO should hear • WHAT and • HOW should they hear it

  7. WHO are the key decision-makers in your district/agency that decide whether or not your Cal-SAFE Program survives?

  8. WHAT information & data should they hear?

  9. 2000-2009:Substantive progress on the program goals established by the Legislature

  10. 2000-2009 97,920 students served (duplicated count)

  11. Programs in 44 counties • 66% in operation continuously • 2008-09: 143 offered services • 2009-10: 136 will offer services

  12. Graduation Rate:

  13. n = 5531

  14. No data available.

  15. 79% of Cal-SAFE students receive parenting and life skills training • Over 90% of the students’ children are up-to-date on immunizations • 65% of the students’ children attend Cal-SAFE child care

  16. 2001-2008: 65% attended Cal-SAFE Program sponsored child care

  17. 2001-07: Over 65% of Cal-SAFE children attended Cal-SAFE sponsored child care that used practices that enhance school readiness

  18. All STAND! • You represent the population of expectant and parenting teens in California. • If born from Jan 1 to Oct 15, please sit down. • You represent the 20% who graduated BEFORE Cal-SAFE. • If born from Jan 1 to June 15, please stand back up. • You represent the 71% in 2008-09 who NOW graduate because of Cal-SAFE. • If born from Jan 1 to June 15, please sit back down. • You represent the 51% who most likely will drop out if Cal-SAFE disappears!

  19. Impact of NOT Graduating … • Earn $500,000 less over lifetime • Experience declining wages 1971 Dropout earned $37, 087 (estimated) 2002 Dropout earned $23,902 (estimated) A 35% decrease

  20. Impact of NOT Graduating … •Face higher unemployment 2001: 45% of dropouts unemployed vs 26% H. S. Grads •Rely more on public welfare and health services • 3.5 times more likely to be incarcerated

  21. Impact of NOT Graduating … Cost U.S.A. $260 BILLION in • lost wages, • lost tax revenues, & • productivity

  22. Sources for Impact of Dropping Out The above consequences summarized in the document: State and Local Fiscal Consequences of High School Dropout Problems in Massachusetts, http://www.doe.mass.edu/dropout/overview.html?section=consequences Sources cited in the document for the above consequences: • Barton, P.E. (2005). One-third of a nation: Risking dropout rates and declining opportunities. Princeton, NJ: Policy Information Center, Educational Testing Service, p. 5. • Sum, Andrew et al. (2002). Left behind in the labor market: labor market problems of the Nation's out-of-school, young adult populations. Chicago, IL: Alternative Schools Network. Available at URL: htt://www.nupr.neu.edu/2-03/left_behind.pdf • Adair, V.C. (2001). Poverty and the (broken) promise of education. Harvard Educational Review, 71(2), pp. 217-239.]

  23. Impact of NOT Graduating … NOT meet AYP 2008: California with 80% graduation rate Did NOT meet Adequate Yearly Progress As required by No Child Left Behind

  24. Which numbers MOST IMPORTANT? Which numbers NOT mentioned?

  25. “Data puts wings on your message.” Michael Miller Brown Miller Communications, Inc.

  26. Who should hear What message about Cal-SAFE and HOW should they hear it?

  27. It may be time to REBRAND Cal-SAFE as a DROP-OUT PREVENTION Program!!!

  28. Rebranding tips: •Determine whose opinion matters most? •Review all your existing brochures, forms, letterheads, etc. and ask: What does this say about Cal-SAFE? Does it emphasize dropout prevention? •Put together a transition plan •Consider keying off 2009-10 school year as Cal-SAFE’s 10th year!!

  29. Tap into the power ofsocial marketing to get your message heard by influential people.

  30. Overview of GradStar 2009-10 NO CHANGES in: • Paper Forms • Secure Access Codes • Agency Codes • Online Data Entry

  31. Overview of GradStar 2009-10 NO CHANGES in: • Paper Forms • Secure Access Codes • Agency Codes • Online Data Entry • Receiving Downloaded Data Files

  32. 2009-10 Data Download Dates • October 31, 2009 • January 16, 2010 • July 1, 2010

  33. Will send “RAW” Excel data file • May need to do some “polishing” • Can create reports, tables, and graphs of YOUR data

  34. Changes for 2009-10 For RETURNING students and children only need to complete * fields on: Student Enrollment Form Child Information Form Child Care Enrollment Form All other fields are optional.

  35. Changes for 2009-10 • Slightly revised manuals • Template to log information on students whose guardians did not sign a "Permission to Collect Data" form. • Wait List option • Evaluation Reports

  36. www.gradstar Tour

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