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Equal Opportunities at a regional level

Equal Opportunities at a regional level. Monica Carlsson County council commissioner, Norrbotten, Sweden President of the AER Standing Committee on Equal Opportunities. County of Norrbotten.

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Equal Opportunities at a regional level

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  1. Equal Opportunities at a regional level Monica Carlsson County council commissioner, Norrbotten, Sweden President of the AER Standing Committee on Equal Opportunities

  2. County of Norrbotten Norrbotten makes up one quarter of the area of Sweden. The region has a population of around 250,000 in an area as large as Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands combined.

  3. Equal opportunities in the European regions?

  4. AER Standing Committee on Equal Opportunities • The latest of AER standing committes (november 2009) • Core issue – equality between women and men • Tasks: • Ensure that gender and other equality issues are mainstreamed in AER • Develop collaborations with all the other AER bodies • Meet and exchange experience and best practices • Help members to set up European partnerships and projects • Issue political declarations • SCEO will continue to organize its own events on gender equality, as it is the only AER body active in this area. This approach is in line with the AER members’ wishes, as expressed in a survey conducted among AER members in January 2010.

  5. Equal Opportunities? ”All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.” […] (UN Declaration of Human Rights, article 1)

  6. Equal Opportunities? ”Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.” (UN declaration of Human Rights, article 2)

  7. Examples from the regional level

  8. Health Care For women’s neck problems, fewer examinations are suggested, but more psychotropic drugs For men’s neck problems, more tests are suggested Stomach trouble: Fewer tests but more advice about lifetsyle and more psychotropic drugs suggested for women Stomach trouble: more tests and examinations, e.g. colon X-ray suggested for men. Men received fewer psychosocial diagnoses, and were suggested fewer psychotropic drugs but more tests and examinations than women. Women were suggested fewer tests but more psychotropic drugs.

  9. What is gender bias? A man and his son were on an outing. The son was injured and taken to the emergency department. On seeing the patient, the surgeon on duty said: ”Good God, it’s my son!” Explain that!

  10. REPAIR • a skin cream Your skin needs help! Even this mild time of year can make your skin dry and cracked. You can feel it and others can see it. But help is at hand.

  11. REPAIR - A skin cream ”When your skin is working overtime!” Physically demanding work, dry climate and handling chemicals, oil, wood, earth and concrete etc. dry your skin……

  12. Domestic Violence • Men’s violence against women • Trafficking and Prostitution • Swedish legislation on prohibiting the purchase of sexual services

  13. Education, Work and Income

  14. Has society changed?

  15. Thank you for your attention!

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