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Pure-state, single-photon wave-packet generation by parametric down conversion in a distributed microcavity. M. G. Raymer, Jaewoo Noh* Oregon Center for Optics, University of Oregon -------------------------------------- I.A. Walmsley, K. Banaszek, Oxford Univ.
Pure-state, single-photon wave-packet generation by parametric down conversion in a distributed microcavity M. G. Raymer, Jaewoo Noh* Oregon Center for Optics, University of Oregon -------------------------------------- I.A. Walmsley, K. Banaszek, Oxford Univ. ----------------------------------------------------------------- * Inha University, Inchon, Korea ----------------------------------------------------------------- ITR - NSF raymer@uoregon.edu
Single-Photon Wave-Packet 1 Wave-Packet is a Superposition-state: (like a one-exciton state)
Interference behavior of Single-Photon Wave-Packets At a 50/50 beamsplitter a photon transmits or reflects with 50% probabilities. 0 1 beam splitter Wave-Packet is a Superposition-state: 1
Interference behavior of Single-Photon Wave-Packets At a 50/50 beamsplitter a photon transmits or reflects with 50% probabilities. 1 1 beam splitter Wave-Packet is a Superposition-state: 0
Single-Photon, Pure Wave-Packet States Interfere as Boson particles 2 1 beam splitter 1 0
Single-Photon, Pure Wave-Packet States Interfere as Boson particles 0 1 beam splitter 1 2
Energy conservation: red red blue Spontaneous Parametric Down Conversion in a second-order nonlinear, birefringent crystal Signal V-Pol pump H-Pol Idler H-Pol kz V H Phase-matching (momentum conservation): P frequency phase-matching bandwidth
optional Correlated Photon-Pair Generation by Spontaneous Down Conversion (Hong and Mandel, 1986) 0 or 1 IDLER Monochromatic Blue Light Perfect correlation of photon frequencies: Red photon pairs 2nd-order Nonlinear optical crystal SIGNAL 0 or 1 • Creation time is uncontrolled • Correlation time ~ (bandwidth)-1
Correlated Photon-Pair Measurement (Hong, Ou, Mandel, 1987) Red photons 2 or 0 1 MC Blue light Time difference 1 0 or 2 Nonlinear optical crystal boson behavior Coincidence Rate Correlation time ~ (bandwidth)-1 Creation time uncontrolled Time difference
1 1 For Quantum Information Processing we need pulsed, pure-state single-photon sources. Create using Spontaneous Down Conversion and conditional detection: (Knill, LaFlamme, Milburn, Nature, 2001) Pulsed blue light trigger if n = 1 filter shutter nonlinear optical crystal
For Quantum Information Processing we need pulsed, pure-state single-photon sources. Create using Spontaneous Down Conversion and conditional detection: (Knill, LaFlamme, Milburn, Nature, 2001) Pulsed blue light trigger if n = 1 filter shutter SIGNAL 1 nonlinear optical crystal
Pulsed Pump Spectrum has nonzero bandwidth trigger Zero-Bandwidth Filter , w0 detect signal Pure-statecreation at cost of vanishing data rate
Do single photons from independent SpDC sources interfere well? Need good time and frequency correlation. Pulsed blue light trigger 1 filter 1 random delay Coincidence Counts large data rate 1 filter 1 Time difference trigger vanishing data rate
Goal : Generation of Pure-State Photon Pairs without using Filtering Want : (no entanglement) Single-photon Wave-Packet States: signal idler
Decomposition of field into Discrete Wave-Packet Modes.(Law, Walmsley, Eberly, PRL, 2000) (Schmidt Decomposition) Single-photon Wave-Packet States:
The Schmidt Wave-Packet Modes are perfectly correlated. But typically it is difficult to measure, or separate, the Schmidt Modes. filter Mode Amplitude Functions: Mode spectra overlap. No perfect filters exist, in time and/or frequency. frequency
Why does the state generally NOT factor? Energy conservation and phase matching typically lead to frequency correlation need to engineer the state to make it factor
the problem: cavity FSR ~ 1/L phase-matching BW ~ 10/L DOES NOT WORK Spontaneous Parametric Down Conversion inside a Single-Transverse-Mode Optical Cavity 1 mm pump Nonlinear optical crystal with wave-guide
Spontaneous Parametric Down Conversion inside a Distributed-Feedback Cavity • large FSR = c /(2x0.2 mm) • small phase-matching BW: ~ 10 c /(4 mm) 0.2 mm cavity 4 mm 4 mm H-Pol idler H-Pol pump V-Pol signal Linear-index wave-guide Linear-index Distributed-Bragg Reflectors (DBR) second-order nonlinear-optical crystal
SIMPLIFIED MODEL: Half-DBR Cavity 4 mm 0.2 mm cavity l0 =800 nm KG = 25206/mm Dn/n ~ 6x10-4 (k = 2/mm) DBR 99% mirror Reflectivity DBR band gap cavity mode frequency/1015
Frequency Domain: space and frequency dependent electric permeability: (modes) Quantum Generation in a Dielectric-Structured Cavity: Phenomenological Treatment Signal Source Pump
0 L two-photon amplitude interaction internal Signal, Idler modes pump field
Heisenberg Picture Schrodinger Picture Amplitude for Photon Pair Production: Cavity Phase-Matching pump spectrum pump mode internal Signal, Idler modes
Type-IICollinear Spontaneous Parametric Down Conversion in a second-order nonlinear, birefringent crystal pump V-Pol Signal H-Pol Idler H-Pol Phase-matching (momentum conservation): k V H Energy conservation: P red red blue frequency phase-matching bandwidth
Birefringent Nonlinear Crystal, Collinear, Type-II, Bulk Phase Matched, with Double-Period Grating: wS = wI = wP/2 kS + kI = kP wP wI, wS 0 kS kI kP KTP --> KGS/2 KGI/2
0 L KTP Crystal with Double Gratings 95% mirror • grating index contrast • crystal length L = 4 mm, giving G L = 8 • cavity length ~ 0.2mm • signal and idler fields are phase matched at degeneracy wavelength SI = 800 nm • pump wavelength = 400 nm • pump pulse duration 10 ps
Two-Photon Amplitude C(w, w’) No Grating, No Cavity Two Gratings w’ w’ zoom in Two Gratings with Cavity w’ w’ w w
Two-Photon Amplitude C(w, w’) zoom in Two Gratings with Cavity w’ w’ x Pump Spectrum w’ (hi res) w w’ w
First Four Schmidt Modes for 95% Cavity Mirror amplitude j=2 j=1 DBR j=4 j=3 frequency frequency
Unfiltered Measurement-Induced Wave-function Collapse • For cavity-mirror reflectivity = 0.99, the central peak contains 99% of the probability for photon pair creation, without any external filtering before detection. • If any idler photon is detected, then the signal photon will be in the first Schmidt mode with 99% probability. • Promising for high-rate production of pure-state, controlled single-photon wave packets.
CONCLUSIONS & DIRECTIONS: • Spontaneous Down Conversion can be controlled by modifying the density of states of vacuum modes using distributed cavity structures. • One can engineer the vacuum to create single-photon pairs in well defined, pure-state wave packets, with no spectral entanglement. • In the absence of detector filtering, detection of one of the pair leaves the other in a pure single-photon state. • Waveguide development at Optoelectronics Research Center (Uni-Southampton, Peter Smith)
Alternative Scheme: Single-mode squeezers combined at a beam splitter cavity 1 photon pair weak single-mode squeezed beam splitter cavity 2