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Identical trade confirmation notifications

Identical trade confirmation notifications. Issue:

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Identical trade confirmation notifications

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  1. Identical trade confirmation notifications • Issue: • If the QSE structures the xml in such a way as to submit each interval separately, an unconfirmed trade notification will be sent for each interval of the trade to the counterparty.  Then, when the trade is confirmed, a trade confirmation notification will also be sent for each interval of the trade to the counterparty. • Example – Submission of a 24-hour energy trade.  If the QSE submits each interval separately, the counterparty receives 96 identical notifications.  • Notification for Hour 1 Int 1, 2, 3…: • CM-ENGTRD-NOTF Energy Trade Submission update by QSE QABC: Confirmed: NO, for Trade Date: 12/10/2010, Buyer: QABC, Seller: QXYZ, Settlement Point: HB_SOUTH. • CM-ENGTRD-NOTF Energy Trade Submission update by QSE QABC: Confirmed: NO, for Trade Date: 12/10/2010, Buyer: QABC, Seller: QXYZ, Settlement Point: HB_SOUTH. • And so on (96 times total) … • This is causing an unnecessarily high number of trade notifications for both ERCOT and QSEs • Significant backlogs have been experienced in a couple of instances since go-live http://www.ercot.com 1

  2. Identical trade confirmation notifications • Solution: • Identified a mechanism to filter out identical notifications (sent at the same time) before the notifications leave the market system and are passed to external web services for delivery • Propose to implement this solution ASAP • QSEs will start to receive just one notification, rather than multiple identical notifications, upon trade submission/confirmation once this solution is implemented http://www.ercot.com 2

  3. DAM submission window queues/latency • Yesterday’s DAM took 23 minutes to complete processing of all queued transactions to ensure that all transactions submitted before 10 am were captured for the DAM • The root cause of this was a large chunk of transactions (mainly trades) for Operating Days up to 14 days out (transactions outside of the target Operating Day). • Propose to limit submission window to 8 days, from 14 • 7 days - originally 7 days to support protocol requirement for COPs • 14 days - in July, expanded to 14 days to assist QSEs in getting in those COPs • 8 days - in production, and aligns with 7 day requirement + 1 day of slack • Will implement after a 10-day advance market notice http://www.ercot.com 3

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