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Animal Farm by George Orwell

Animal Farm by George Orwell . A satire of totalitarianism Based on the Russian Revolution of 1917. The last Russian ruler. Manor Farm = Old Russia Mr. Jones = Czar Nicholas II (1868-1918). Animalism. All the animals = the Russian people Old Major = V. I. Lenin

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Animal Farm by George Orwell

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  1. Animal Farm by George Orwell A satireoftotalitarianism Based on the Russian Revolution of 1917

  2. The last Russianruler • Manor Farm = Old Russia • Mr. Jones = CzarNicholas II (1868-1918)

  3. Animalism • All the animals = the Russianpeople • Old Major = V. I. Lenin Leaderof the Bolshevik party thatseizedcontrol in 1917. Inspired by Marx’stheoryofcommunism. Old Major dreamsof a worldwhere all animals share in prosperityof the farm.

  4. Karl Marx’stheoryofCommunism Called for the workersof the worldtounite and overthrow the capitalist industrialists. Property, wealth and workshould be dividedequallyamong all membersofsociety. Goal is a classlesssociety.

  5. Lenin is responsible for changingRussiainto the Soviet Union. Old Major turnsManor Farm into Animal Farm. USSR’s flag has a hammer and a sicklesymbolizing the toolsof the workers. The flag of Animal Farm has a horn and hoof.

  6. Snowball = Leon Trotsky 1879 – 1940 Another leaderof the Bolshevik Party and Lenin’s right-hand man. An intellectual; hadideas on how to transform Marx’stheoriesinto practice. Trotskywas the leader of the Red Army and wassuccessful in defeating the ”Whites” in the Russian Civil War.

  7. Napoleon = Joseph Stalin (1879 – 1953) • Assumedcontrolof the Communist party • Throughactsof terror and brutality. • Napoleon’sdogsare like Stalin’s KGB, his secretpolicewhichheusedtoelimiate all opposition. • Propaganda

  8. Squealer = Roleof Propaganda • To squeal = 1) prolongedshrill; sound like a baby or a pig crying 2) turninformer 3) protest loudly Helps Napoleon to present himself as an idealist working for change. The WindmillreflectsStalin’s 5 Year Plans for revitalizingagriculture and industry. Animals like Boxer, believe in the propaganda (lies). Stalin is oneof the world’smostfeared and brutal dictators.

  9. Other events and characters • The Battleof the Cowshed = the Civil War • Frederick = Adolph Hitler whoforged an alliancewith Stalin in 1939, butwhothenattackedRussia in 1941. • Confessions and executionsof animals = Purges and show trials under Stalin • The Battleof the Windmill = World WarTwo The Battleof Stalingrad 1943 whereGermanywasdefeated (Napoleon defeats Frederick) The Card Game = Teheran Conference 1943

  10. For furtherreflection: • What is the roleof propaganda in the story? Giveexamplesof it and show how it is used. • What kind ofpolitical system would Orwell haveapproved of? • In whatwaydoes Orwell satirizepoliticians, the masses (the populace), religion and tyranny? (tosatirize = toassail or ridicule assail = make a strong verbal attack

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